Give 'Em Hell


I sat up with a jolt. I had the worst dream of my life. I began to cry when I felt arms around me. It was Gerard. He kissed my cheek and held me close. He knew what was happening.

I’ve had so many nightmares ever since we started running. I felt him pull me back into a lying position and dry up ever tear that fell. My breathing fell to normal and I listened to his heartbeat.

“Are you okay now?” he asked quietly

“Better. I’m sorry I woke you up.”

“I’ve been up for a while. I’ve been watching you.”


“Yea. You looked really terrified and I couldn’t wake you.”

“I just saw you…” I couldn’t finish because the thought alone would hurt me

“I know. I’m here though and nothing is going to happen.” He said comforting me

Neither of us really knew what was going to happen. Though it did make me feel better to hear it. I snuggled into his chest and tried to go to sleep. The sun was coming up and I couldn’t now.

Once I see it coming there is no hope of me going back to sleep. Of course Gerard fell back asleep quickly. So I laid there watching him. He was still and the only movement he made was his chest rising and falling.

When he woke again we got straight to planning. First we called Bob to ask if we could come to his house for an hour or so. We needed a shower and maybe he could help us again like last time with the guns.

He let us come over and we got into the shower and cleaned off. I felt so good to be clean. I was sweaty from the murder last night and slightly dirty from the dust in California when the car had broken down. Plus my muscles were no longer sore from being cramped up in a ball when I was having the bad dream.

I took a while it the bathroom after Gerard had left to go over supplies with Bob. I took time doing my hair and make up. I was trying not to think of my dream but I kept having flashes in my mind of it.

All I could see was Gerard lying on the ground covered in blood and then someone grabbing me. I started to feel sick and sat in front of the toilet. I did end up being sick for a while.

When I came out Gerard and Bob looked like they were in an important conversation. I sat next to Gerard and tried to keep my mind on him alive rather than dead so I didn’t get sick again.

“Hey you don’t look so good.” Bob said interrupting Gerard

“Honey, are you okay?”

“Yea fine. I just got sick a few minutes ago. I’m fine now.” I lied

Gerard gave me a puzzled look and then put his arm around me. He and Bob continued their conversation. From what I gather they were going to attack Gerard’s boss tonight.

I felt the sickness welling up on me again and got up slowly to walk to the bathroom. I felt worse once I stood up and ran down the hall. I knew that Gerard and Bob followed me.

They took care of me after I was got sick and decided that they should wait on planning until I was feeling better. I told them that we didn’t have much time and that they should go back to planning but I couldn’t convince them.

Gerard thought he wasn’t paying enough attention to me. I didn’t really mind it right now because I feel the same way. We were in the middle of a huge mess though and there isn’t much we can do about it.

After twelve I felt much better and made Gerard let me help plan. I was going to have to go with him anyway. Bob didn’t want to go. He just wanted to help plan.

I flipped on the news once we had decided what to do. There was a report about my boss. They were trying to figure out why he was murdered and if it had a connection back to Gerard and me. Well as they put it the man and the woman being chased by all the evil men.

I kissed Gerard’s cheek as a sort of congratulations for getting the media confused. He seemed to know and just smiled back at me. Bob was lost in our no words conversation and gave up trying to understand.

I picked up a paper on the table that had notes scribbled on it. Apparently we were going to attack tonight and we were going to bring extra firepower, that extra firepower being Mikey and Alicia.

We knew that Gerard’s boss would have guards on him and that we would need help. It was already confirmed that they were going to help us. Alicia was all fired up over Gerard and I not being allowed to be in love.

Mikey didn’t understand it but it’s a girl thing. Mikey was just mad at his boss because he wasn’t letting his brother be happy. So he was in it for Gerard’s happiness and Alicia was in it for Gerard and I being together.

Seven approached quickly and Mikey arrived with Alicia on his arm. Alicia took me outside to show me all the guns they had brought and told me all her favorite ones. We took them put and brought them inside.

We all made sure everything was loaded and ready before going to stake out the second boss’ house. We all piled into one car and parked a little ways away. I started hiding various guns and ammo in my coat and Gerard did too.

Mikey and Alicia were already prepared when they came and sat on the hood of the car holding hands and telling each other that no matter what happened to them they loved each other. I thought it was sweet.

Just before I started to walk over to them Gerard grabbed my arm. He pulled me away from the car a bit and held me close. I could feel the tension beginning. We didn’t know if this would be our last fight.

“Amy, I want you to know that I love you and no matter what happens we will be together in the end somehow.”

“I know Gerard. I trust you.” I said looking into his eyes

He smiled and played with my hair a bit before saying anything else.

“If I fall don’t look back, just keep going and get out of there.” He whispered

“You’re scaring me. You don’t plan to go down do you?” I asked worried

I could feel tears brimming. One spilled over. He kissed it away.

“I don’t plan to go down. I plan to make every one of those men in there go down. We will be that last standing.”

“I trust you.”

“I trust you too Amy.” He said kissing me, “Come on it’s time for the carnage.” He said with a crooked smile

I took his hand and we walked up to Mikey and Alicia. They jumped off the hood of the car and we all walked in a line.

We were all in mindsets now. All were different mindsets but it was what we needed to do to take over the house.

We stopped a few hundred feet away to survey the area. Mikey and Gerard pulled out binoculars to get a better look. Alicia and I pulled out our riffles with scopes on them.

I spotted a few guards out in the backyard. I picked them off quickly. A few more ran into the back and I could see some in the windows now. They couldn’t see us because we were dressed in all black and blended in with the hill in the back.

Gerard and Mikey aimed their riffles and we all began taking out the guards. I knew there were going to be more inside that were waiting for us. This was getting to be quite the task.

Once we couldn’t spot anyone else we began moving slowly down the hill and into the backyard. Either they didn’t see us or they were waiting for a better shot.

We filed into the house checking the rooms all one by one. There was not a single sound. Just how I liked it. I heard a shot and knew that Mikey had taken down a guard. Alicia’s gun went off and I knew another had been found.

I saw one sitting facing the other way. I pulled out my knife and came up behind him. I let him know I was there and then slit his throat. Gerard had come in behind me and when I turned around he gave me a look. His look said I was too cruel. I smiled and went on to the next room with him.

We found three more guards and they opened fire on us. Alicia and Mikey heard the commotion from the next room and ran in to help us. There was only one more room left and their boss had to be in there cowering with fear.

We came around the corner to see him sitting in a chair. We shot down all his guards and shot his gun out of his hands. He ended up getting bullet lodged in his arm so he couldn’t get another gun.

Gerard came up behind him and shot him in the spine so he was paralyzed. We toyed with him for a while letting him scream out in pain and be tortured before Gerard decided it was enough. He pulled out his own knife and slit his bosses throat.

We were easier on him by far. We didn’t leave him to be shot to death. We killed him rather than letting his own bullets kill him. I felt good about what we had done though.

It’s not right to kill people and I know this but I felt good about it for some sick reason. I knew that Gerard felt the same way too. He was completely excited that we were on our way to freedom.

We all got back to the car and put our guns away. We didn’t say to clean them because we had set off an alarm on exiting the house. We knew that the cops would be there soon.

I looked over at Gerard. His breathing was slowing to a normal place and he looked more relaxed.

“You were pretty brutal to that guard.” He smiled as if he was proud of me

“You did the same to your boss.” I countered


I noticed that Alicia was driving now and Mikey was focusing on slowing his breathing. I put my hand on his shoulder and he seemed to calm down a lot. He put his hand on mine and smiled at me.

We got to Bob’s quickly just to let him know we were alright before going to the abandoned airport. There we cleaned off out guns and knives. I noticed that everyone was getting tired. We cleaned off in the bathroom but we didn’t have running water so we had to use a water bottle to clean off our faces. Mikey had crashed in one of the airport’s seats in the waiting lobby for flight 547.

Alicia decided that it was better to stay here for the night and go back home in the morning. She sat in the seat next to her Mikey and fell asleep with her head on his shoulder.

I stood there looking at them and admiring how cut they were when I felt hands on my hips. I leaned back into Gerard as he began to kiss my neck.

“Time to go to bed?” I asked hopefully

“Yes. I think we are over time.” he smiled

We walked hand-in-hand to the lobby for flight 245 and went through the boarding tunnel into our plane. We got into or makeshift bed and started to make out hard.

I was tired but I wanted him more. I knew I could stand it for a round or two.

We went to Mikey and Alicia’s in the morning to get cleaned up. I had no nightmares last night, but that could be because last night was absolutely amazing with Gerard. He knew that I was happy with him and stayed very close to me in the shower the whole time.

After we had breakfast with Alicia and Mikey and talking about things I started to feel sick again. I didn’t know what it was because I didn’t have those dreams running through my head.

I got up and went into the bathroom. Gerard knew what was up and followed me down there. Mikey looked at Alicia confused and she seemed to have a knowing look in her eyes.

Gerard pulled me close when I knew I was done getting sick. I had brushed my teeth and he made me cuddle up into his chest.

“There goes that amazing breakfast Alicia had made for us.” I said

“It’s fine. You’re just sick and you can’t help it.” Gerard said kissing my head

We came out to the table where Mikey and Alicia were talking quietly. Alicia saw me and then stopped talking with Mikey.

“Amy could you help me in the kitchen please?” She asked

“Sure.” Said kissing Gerard before picking up his and my plate

I followed her into the kitchen and we just cleaned things up first. She seemed as if she was trying to frame her words correctly.


“Yes, Alicia?”

“How long have you been getting sick like this?”

“Since yesterday.”

“Was it all day?”

“No just in the morning.”

“Mmhm.” She thought, “Have you and Gerard…?”


“And were you two safe?”

“Shit… we never have been.”

“I think you might be pregnant.” She said looking at me

“No I can’t be. That’s not good! It will make things even more complicated!” I said starting to freak out

I felt like crying. This can’t happen. Why did we have to be so stupid? If I am pregnant then we’re going to have a huge problem on our hands.

Alicia led me down the hall back into the bathroom. She went under the sink and handed me a test.

“I thought I was once and I bought a few of them just in case I thought I was later on.” She explained

She left me in the bathroom alone and I sat on the counter for a moment. I told myself there was no reason to cry yet because I didn’t know for sure.

I finally worked up the courage and used the test. I had to wait a minute before the results came up.

I started to get a bad feeling because I knew what was coming. This would be great if it was a better time but right now was the worst possible time for this to happen if it does.

It had been long enough. I had the test face down on the counter. I was scared to turn it over. One color could change my life forever.

I took a deep breath and turned it over. One single solid color was there. Blue. I was. Shit.