Give 'Em Hell

Impromptu Wedding

I was worried that Gerard would have a bad reaction to me being pregnant. I couldn’t tell him. I was so scared. I found Alicia and dragged her into the bathroom with me. I was close to tears and showed her.

I couldn’t bring myself to say the words. She looked up at me seemingly happy for me but then she saw my face.

“Honey it’s alright. You’ll get through it.” She said hugging me

“No I won’t. This is the worst possible time. We are in a huge mess and we’re being hunted like animals. This is not good.” I sobbed

“It will be okay. You do have other options you know.”

“I could never get rid of it Alicia. It’s Gerard’s and mine. I could never.”

“Then you have to convince yourself that it will be alright and that nothing will happen.”

“It’s not going to be alright though.”

“Let’s go tell Gerard first before we do anything.”

“I can’t.”

“You have to. He’s going to wonder if your belly starts to grow and you don’t tell him.”

“Can I do it alone then?”

“Of course. I’ll take Mikey into the other room and we’ll tell him when your ready. But first we have to tell Gee okay?”


She took my hand and led me out of the bathroom to Gerard. He stood up and hugged me as soon as he saw I had been crying. Alicia took Mikey into the backyard and I pulled Gerard close to me.

“What’s wrong, Amy?”

“Everything.” I said into his chest

“What’s everything?”

“Gerard.” I said looking up into his eyes, “I… I’m pregnant and it’s the worst possible timing and we can’t do this, but I can’t get rid of it…”

“Shhh…” Gerard said putting his finger over his lips

He didn’t freak out like I thought he would. He pulled me tight and held me until I stopped crying. I knew he was trying to figure out what to do.

There was nothing we could do though. We were in the middle of a war with two organizations out to get us. Not to mention the government is in on it now because the killings of the two heads of the organizations.

“We are so fucked.” I said lightly punching Gerard’s chest

“I know.” He agreed and plopped onto the couch

He out his head in his hands and closed his eyes. I sat in a chair at the table and watched him.

Finding out that you’re having a baby with someone you love should be happy news for the both of you. For us it was the worst possible news. There was nothing we could do about it now. Of course we could have been smarter and prevented it but we didn’t. It was jut one of those things where you think it will never happen to you and then it does.

Alicia came back in and I nodded my head so that she knew to tell Mikey. She went back out and told him. He looked through the door at us and then looked back at Alicia.



“Can we go hide somewhere?”


“Anywhere safe. Just until the baby is born and then I can give it up. I just can’t kill it.”

“There is no where we can go. I’ve thought that one through already.”

“Antarctica?” I said trying to add some humor

It worked and Gerard laughed. He motioned for me to come sit on his lap. I guess my humor had put him in a good mood. He snuggled his head into my neck and kissed it.

“So we will have our baby amongst the penguins then?” he asked

“Yes.” I smiled at him continuing the joke

He let it drop and laid down on the couch with me facing him. He seemed to be thinking up the right words to say. He looked as if he had a question in his eyes. I kissed his nose and he closed his eyes before taking a deep breath.



“Will you marry me?” he asked

“Are you just doing this because of the baby or because you love me?”

“Sorta both.”

“Yes I will.”

“Good lets go then.” He said starting to get up

“Where are we going to go?”

“Anywhere but here. They will be looking for us here and if we get married here then they will be able to find us.”
“Slow down Gerard.”

“Why we need to do this. I don’t know how much time we will have before they find us or if we’ll even survive this war and I need to marry you now.” He said desperately

I thought for a moment. The only place that popped into my mind was Vegas. It was the fastest place to get married and we needed to do it now.

“Vegas?” I suggested

“Let’s go.” He smiled and took my hand

We rushed into he backyard to find Mikey and Alicia in a heated make out session.

“Ahem! We’re going to Vegas.” Gerard announced

“What why?” Mikey asked surprised

“We’re getting married and we need to do it now.” I added as enthusiastically as Gerard

“I’ll get Bob to come down here and he’ll fly you guy out there then.”

“We need you two to come and be witnesses.”

“Okay then we’re all going to Vegas.”

Within an hour we were on the plane with Bob flying us to Vegas. Gerard had called Ray and Frank and told them that we were going to Vegas to get married and that they should come. So we were going to meet them there and then get married.

In five hours we were all there. We drove around in a little rental car until we saw the first wedding chaple and went in. The priest agreed to marry us as soon as we told him I was pregnant and we needed to do it now.

We got married in our clothes that we had been wearing all day. Mikey and Alicia signed as witnesses and we left. Mikey joked and asked if we wanted his to get us a hotel room for the night.

We did end up going to a nice hotel and staying for the night. Gerard and I did enjoy our wedding night and slept until noon the next day.

When we did wake up we had a message that had been slid under the door. It was from Mikey and Alicia. They had gone out for breakfast and taken the rest of the guys with them.

“Hey come here.” Gerard said pulling me closer to him in bed

“What?” I asked rolling to face him

“When we get out of all this, when we’re free and no one is hunting us anymore, I promise you we will get married the right way. We still have to get rings.”

“I don’t need a ring to tell me I’m married to you.”

“Well Mrs. Way I want to get you one and you will let me if you love Me.” he said kissing my cheek and neck

“Okay so we go today and get rings then?”

“Yea. That would be good. We can forget about all the madness we’re in and have some fun together.”

We opened our door after dressing in our clothes from the day before to find both our suitcases there. We took them inside and found another note. This time it was from Bob. He had went back last night and got everyone’s stuff.

We got into the shower and then got dressed in clean clothes before checking out of the hotel and going to look at rings. The hotel got a rental car company to bring us a car and we loaded our stuff in and left.

The first store we went to I didn’t find anything I like and neither did he. The second I found a ring I liked a lot but it was very expensive. Gerard told me that if I looked around at other stores and didn’t find one that I like better we would come back and get that one.

So I agreed knowing that his reason was we only had so much cash on us and he didn’t want to use a credit card for fear of being found. So I went to other stores but none were as pretty as the one I found. Gerard knew that we were going to have to go back and get it.

We met up with everyone for lunch and then Gerard took Mikey aside to talk to him about something. All I knew was that Mikey was nodding in agreement and then handed something to Gerard. They came back and I pretended that I didn’t see anything.

I began telling Alicia about the ring I found and she thought that it sounded very pretty. Bob and Frank were in some conversation with Ray about the business even though Bob wasn’t in it.

After lunch Bob, Ray and Frank went off somewhere and Mikey and Alicia came with us back to the ring store and Gerard got the owner to take out the ring. He pulled this huge wad of hundreds out and counted off all that he needed to buy the ring.

I looked at him dumbfounded because I didn’t know where he had gotten all that money. He nodded his head over at Mikey and I looked. He smiled at me and gave him a big hug. He had given Gerard the extra money to buy it for me. Gerard picked out his ring and we left the store wearing them.

We all got into the car and drove back to the hotel. Mikey pointed out that everyone in the car was now a Way. We decided that once we got back to the hotel Gerard should call his mom and tell her that he got married.

We couldn’t come see her like we wanted to because we would put her in danger. We left out the fact that I was pregnant and she was happy for him. She wished we had gotten married at home instead of Vegas but he told her that when we came home we would get married there.

We had a full week without any meetings with the organizations guards and were able to enjoy ourselves. Everyone returned home but we stayed. We traveled around on our own after renting a car.