Souvenir of Young Love

Screaming Photo Op

I began to get ready for work. Grabbing my cell, laptop, bag, and one of my many cameras.

Today the boss man told me they are doing a small two page spread of a new and upcoming band for next month's issue of SkylinesFashion. They needed me to do a shoot. Of course, I never turned one down. SkylinesFashion is one of the many magazines I have worked for, so working with the crew beforehand is always a plus.

So hailed a cab, told the driver the studio / office address, and sat down in the annoying yellow car for the next 15 minutes. Sadly this studio wasn't the one by my home. Otherwise I wouldn't be wasting this money on the gas (which was included in the cab fare), plus I would be getting exercise.

When I walked in the office I asked J'elle if I had any messages, then grabbed some of my notices and headed up towards the floor to the studio. But before I headed to the elevator J'elle caught me,

"Adeline! Adeline wait un petit si vous plait!" Ya know, I've always wanted to learn French.... Good thing I've worked long enough with J'elle to understand what she meant, let alone what she said with that thick French accent of hers.


"Oh Adeline! There is a man who would like to talk to you before the shoot he-"

"Sorry J'elle I have to get this shoot running, I'm already a little behind schedule. Tell this man I am sorry but he has to wait."

I had no time to talk to this guy, even if he was a potential customer. I ran to the elevator and pressed the number 3. I ran to the small door to the right to grab the right lens for the camera I was going to use, quickly shut the door (hoping it wouldn't slam), and shuffled out to the loft where the crew was setting up and the band was silently talking amongst themselves.

Jack, (he's like my assistant) noticed me shuffle in and started ordering people around while multitasking to tell me about the band. It would consist of 5 members, mostly tall, and that I'd need each member to have an individual as well as 3 group photos. I needed all this info to figure out what exactly I was going to do.

I started to do each individual shots first. I was just getting into the photo mode when i noticed one of the members. Each shot I took this kid looked awfully familiar. He looked almost like a kid that went to my highschool, except that couldn't be because the kid has this afro of hair, but the face. The face, it looked so familiar. Then it began to go all downhill when Jack called a 'Bill' for his individual.

The tall and slim figure. The lanky arms and legs. The profound chin. The chestnut hair that wasn't too long and just framed his face. The Everything.

I was so puzzled as to how to act . Will he notice me? Ugh of course he would notice me, I'm right infront of him. The question is will he recognize me? I don't think I've changed much... Oh my that makes it even easier to recognize me omg -

"Is something wrong? Do you need a break? I know, being allergy season and all, your asthma must be acting up. If you need a water break that is totally fine. We have all the time we need. We'll go according to your schedule." Jack cut me off.

"No, it's fine Jack. Just.... the lens is all I thought I might've saw a scratch...."

"Well I'd be willing to get another lens for you if you needed one...."

"No, I just simply thought I saw a scratch. But there is none. Don't worry, I've got everything under control."

I muttered a small 'sorry' to him. Good thing I'm wearing sunglasses. I must seem like a complete idiot wearing sunglasses indoors. I know I'm an artist and some are crazy so using the excuse about experimenting with lighting would cover and make a good excuse right?

I too the rest of the shots and realized it was 2 o'clock, almost an hour after I told Liv I'd be home for Jayden so she could have some time to herself. Thank god she takes night classes... I headed over to Jack and told him I had to leave.

Jack knew about Jayden, kept insisting for me to bring him back into the office, told me everyone just loved him. I simply told Jack that I would see him tomorrow while I uploaded the shoot to my laptop so I could review at home. I also told him to tell everyone and the crew that it was a good shoot today and hope that the band enjoys their stay in the city.
I ran to the elevator. Doors opened. Ran to the exit.

"Adeline the man who wanted to talk to you before has been waiting. He'll be down in 5 minutes."

"He better make it down quick, I've got to get home to Jayden."
Almost 10 minutes past and I needed to go. I couldn't keep Liv waiting. I was about to try and leave a second time when I heard that angelic voice. The voice I haven't heard in almost 3 years.

"Addy! It's so good to see you. I'm sorry I'm late but-"
Hearing him say my name made my heart flutter Stop fluttering, Heart! Ignoring that, I needed to go.

"I'm sorry sir but I have to head home. I'm sure anything you wish to say you can tell J'elle and she will personally tell me your message."

So I left him right there, standing in the lobby. And that's when I realized what has been missing.
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Hope you liked it! I think it's one of my longest, or at least longer updates. Id really appreciate if you whom have subscribed before to AIWCY, to please subscribe to this. I'd really appreciate more comments. I'm not saying that if you don't comment, I won't update BUT the more comments that come sooner, the sooner I will update. I DO have the next chapter just waiting.....