Souvenir of Young Love

The Truth Hurts Worse Than Anything

I quickly hailed a cab and ran up the front steps of our home. When I opened the door, I was huffing and puffing. Running like that = no no for asthma problem season.

"Addy, you shouldn't run like that, especially at this time of year.Why in such a rush? You're practically acting like the wolf from the three little pigs!"

"Liv, don't worry I'm fine. I was rushing because I promised you I'd be home at 1, not 2 and I -"

"Don't worry bout it Addy, you know I like spending time with Jayden, and besides, I have nothing else to do."

"So, where is he?" , I quickly glazed at the clock and realized he was probably napping. "Oh that's right, nap"

"Mhm, so tell me deary about your day. You definitely didn't run here because you were worried about the time. Something else is up."

"No no no no no no. Nothing happened today. I just missed my baby; I wanted to get home as soon as possible for him."

"Mhm, yah ok then... "

"No! Seriously!"

"Whatever you say Adeline..."

"No really-"
*RING RING* Livy went to go get the phone and I went up to check on Jayden.

"It says its a Chicago number. Want me to answer it?"

"Eh, no thanks. It's probably mother.... ugh. Just let it go to the answering machine", I shouted from the top of the stairs.

" Hey Addy it's me, Will. OK going to be honest, didn't expect for the answering machine to pick up -

Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit, I ran down to the phone, debating weather I should pick it up or not.

Well... this is awkward. Anyways, you rushed out so quickly today, we didn't have the chance to talk, but your secretary gave me your number. I was wondering if you'd like to go to a show. We're playing tomorrow night, no need to pay, I've got it covered. So, uh, give me a call back. The cell's 773-269-0931. Um, well hope to see you seen, we need to catch up. Alright bye."

"Who was that Addy? Will? Wait a minute.... Chicago, Will, show tomorrow night.....OH MY GOD IS THAT WILLIAM? JAYDEN'S FA-"

"Shhhhh! And yes, it is Jayden's father. His band was the band I was shooting today. He recognized me, and I chose to run. But now I have to kill J'elle for giving him my number. I told her that she can take a message. Ugh, this is not good."

"So THAT'S why you came home in a rush today. Why isn't it good? He obviously wants to catch up, and I'm sure he misses you and wants to see Jayden. I mean, he hasn't seen him since he was born. Touring and all must get busy. He must be really anxious to see him. So go to the show! Have a good time. I'll watch Jayden, its a Saturday, no worries."

"Well, I don't think he wants to see Jayden."

"How could you say that? Of course he wants to see his own son!"

"See, that's the thing Liv. William doesn't know he even has a son."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I did look up Chicago area codes. The rest I just made up xD
This will be 1 of hopefully 2 updates today. I know its rediculous, and I was going to update 2 days ago, but my powercord broke, then a long talk with dell, then after like 4 hours they said they'd send me a new one. It comes in today at my mom's work so i'll be updating more often. I know I said I'd update more because of teh summer, but surprisingly I've been more busy than ever. So please forgive me.

also say thankyou to Chloe (StubbornChloeSmiles) for the beautiful new banner she made me!
Also thanks to all my readers/subscribers/and commenters. I'm not thankful enough to you