Status: Super Slowly Active. Sorry. ):

The Babysitter

You May Punish Her As You See Fit

“Kaydence! Come down here please!” Kaydence’s Mother shouted from the living room. Kaydence comes skipping down the stairs and stands by her mother, Kaydence standing at only 4’10”. “Yes Mother?” Kaydence asks with a smile. “We are going out and we are hiring a babysitter for you.” “What?! A babysitter?! Mother I am fourteen years old! I don’t need a babysitter!” Kaydence yelled, “Well you may not think so, but I do. So you are going to behave and do what you are told. He is a friend of a friend so you are to treat him with respect. Understand?” Kaydence nodded and watched her parents continue getting ready. Behave? Oh, I’m going to make his life hell!

“Alright, well we are off, got everything Mr. Sanders?” Kaydence’s Father asked the twenty-six year old man. “Yupp and please, call me Matt.” Matt replied. “Sure, and thanks again for babysitting. She will be on her best behavior, but if she becomes too much to handle, you may punish her as you see fit.” Kaydence’s Father said then left with his wife.

“Kaydence? You here?” Matt yelled up the stairs, “Up here!” Kaydence yelled at the end of the hall. Matt walked up the stairs and saw her at the end of the hall with an evil smirk on her face. “What are yo- Ahhhh!!!” Matt yelled after stepping onto a towel on the floor and a bucket of ice water fell from a shelf and onto him. “W-What was t-that for?!” Matt asked stuttering and shivering from the cold. “’Cause I don’t need a babysitter!” Kaydence yelled. “J-just because y-you think y-you don’t, doesn’t m-mean you need to pour w-water on m-me!” Matt said wrapping his arms around his chest to keep warm. “Now g-go to your r-room!” Matt pointed to her room and she stomped in and slammed her door.

“I’m going to t-take a shower n-now. Y-you stay in here t-till I finish.” Matt said to Kaydence through her door, and then headed to the bathroom for a warm shower. He had an extra pair of clothes in his car for emergencies, so he was using those while his other ones dried. He was too busy in the shower to hear the door open, and too preoccupied to notice Kaydence take his clothes and towel and replace them with a pair of her neon pink boy short underwear. Which by the way were far too big for her, but would probably fit him… maybe.

Kaydence stood outside the bathroom door and listened while Matt turned off the shower and stepped out. “What the fuck?!” Matt said confused, and Kaydence ran to her room. “Kaydence Elizabeth Morris! Where are my clothes?!” Matt asked naked outside her door, he kept one hand on her doorknob incase she tried to open the door. “I dunno, I was in my room the whole time. Like you told me to be.” Kaydence said, trying to keep her giggles unheard. “Yeah, I’m sure. Now, give me my clothes now, or else!” Matt threatened, “Yeah? Or what?” Kaydence asked and Matt could hear the smirk on her face. “Or I’ll… I’ll…” Matt scratched his head trying to think of something to do to her when suddenly he smiled, “I’ll punish you”.

“Oh, is that so? Well I’d just like to know how you’d do that.” Kaydence crossed her arms, “What? Are you gonna spank me?” Kaydence asked in a mock baby voice.

“Yupp” Matt said smiling. Kaydence’s eyes widened and she took a step back, “Y-you wouldn’t dare.” Kaydence said holding her hands on her bottom protectively. “Try me.” Matt said smirking, “Now give me my clothes!” “No!” Kaydence glared at the door, “And you aren’t gonna spank me either!”

“Is that so? Well, we’ll just see about that wont we?” Matt said, and Kaydence could hear his footsteps walk away from the door. She slowly walked towards her door, but backed away when she saw the doorknob turn and Matt step in with a towel around his waist. “Hey! You can’t come in here! This is my room! Get out!” Kaydence said stomping her foot. She saw Matt look at his clothes on her bed and she went to dive for them but she was too late. He had already picked them up. “Sit. I’ll be right back,” Matt said and he came back a few minutes later, dressed, to find Kaydence still in the same spot. “I thought I told you to sit. Your parents said you are usually very cooperative… I guess they were wrong. Now sit.” Matt said pointing to her bed.

She slowly sat down on her bed, and looked down as he sat down next to her. “Now lean over my lap.” Matt said, and her eyes widened and she looked at him like he was crazy. “Y-your not serious right?! You can’t spank me! My parents will never allow it!” Kaydence said getting a little scared. “Actually, they said and I quote ‘If she is to become too much to handle, you may punish her as you see fit.’ So yeah, I can.” Matt said smiling at her. “But… but… I… I’ve never been spanked before… please… please don’t… I’ll be good. I promise!” Kaydence said with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry, but it’s for your own good. Now lay down.” Matt said reassuringly and Kaydence reluctantly lowered herself onto his lap, her stomach on his legs and her toes touching her carpeted floor.

Matt noticed her shaking and gently stroked her back, “Relax, it’s not that bad. It just stings for a bit, like I said it’s for your own good. It will be over before you know it.” Matt said feeling a bit excited by the whole thing. Matt placed his hands on her butt and gently squeezed, making her gasp and hit her fists against his legs. “Let me go! Let me go!” Kaydence screamed, “Now, now, Kaydence you are to stop that right now.” Matt said and gave her a little slap on her butt. She relaxed and just lay limp in his lap. “Good.” Matt said and gently rubbed her bottom before giving each a hard slap. Kaydence whimpered and kicked her legs.

Matt gave each a few harder slaps, to tell her to stop squirming and she just laid there in his lap. He smacked her bum a few more times before smacking her thighs also. “Damnit, would you stop!!!” Kaydence yelled, and he just smacked her thighs again and she stopped. “Okay, Can I stop? Or are you going to be obedient?” Matt asked while gently rubbing his thumb over her bottom. “Illbeobedient” Kaydence mumbled, “What was that? I couldn’t quite understand.” Matt said smirking, and Kaydence sighed loudly, “I said! I’ll be obedient. Happy now?” And matt said yes and helped her up.

“Good. Now don’t you have some homework to do?” Matt said and eyed her backpack. “Yes.” Kaydence mumbled while glaring at him. “Okay, do it. I have to go take care of something then I’ll make something to eat.” Matt said then walked out of the room. He closed the door behind him and sighed when he looked down at the bulge in his pants, then he walked into the bathroom again and locked the door.
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So... This is a new co-written story me and Nikki [DancingIn_TheRain] will be doing!

It was orginally a one shot...