Final Goodbye


Dear _____,

You're probably wondering why I'm writing this letter after we haven't spoken for the last 5 or 6 years. I'll gladly tell you, but that's honestly not important.

Remember when we used to be the best of friends? I know I do.

We told each other everything, even who our crushes were. I remember you had a crush on the new guy, ______, and denied it whenever anyone asked you. It was hilarious.

I miss those days.

I just want to know where they went.

When we entered the fifth grade, things started out good. Then, you got transferred to another class and everything went downhill.

1. You became friends with someone who was constantly rude to me when I didn't do anything to her.
2. You became a total whore.
3. You changed everything about you just to be popular.

Do you know how much it hurts to have your best friend pick some whore over you?
Do you know how much it hurts to have your best friend choose popularity over you?

No, you don't.

Do you know why you don't know how much it hurts?

If you don't, then you should because you were the so-called best friend that chose popularity. You chose to become a complete whore.

I know you're fucking boy crazy, but to be completely honest every single guy that likes people like you and ______ are looking for one thing and one thing only.

You should be smart enough to figure it out.

Oh, wait! I almost forgot, when you chose to hang out with ______ you must have lost your brain too. So, I'll give you a hint.

It starts with an "S" and rhymes with "hex."

Now, if you still don't get it, then you have definitely been hanging out with that bitch too long because anybody that can read knows that I'm talking about SEX.

I'd honestly be surprised if you were a virgin, but then again you're probably getting drunk every weekend now that we're in high school so you most likely wouldn't remember the night you gave it up.

Does it hurt knowing that the only thing guys want you for is sex?

It hurts me and I don't even associate myself with you anymore.

To be honest, I'm glad we're no longer friends. I don't regret our friendship ending. I don't regret choosing ______, _____, ______, and ______ over you because they're better friends than you could ever be. They're not total whores. We may not see eye-to-eye but we get each other.

My friendship with you, on the other hand, is a thing of the past and I intend for it to stay that way.

So, with all that said, was popularity worth losing the only true friend you ever had?

If your answer is yes, you're a bigger idiot than I thought you were. Popularity will fade once you get into the real world.

I hope your answer isn’t no because if it is, then you’ve only got yourself to blame. I tried to be there for you, but I just couldn't take it anymore.

The only regret I have is letting it get so far that you couldn't turn back.

This is who you are now, and it's a person that I never want to see, hear from, or speak to again.

This letter is my final goodbye. I have given it to a friend so they could give it to you in person, and I gave them strict orders not to let you know where I am now. So don't bother trying to patch things up. It's too late for that now.
