The Tragic Fall of Mr Smith


For the tale I am about to tell, I neither expect to nor intend to receive your sympathies. However, I doubt that even the most deranged of you would sympathise with me. For my actions, as I perceive them, are most horrendous and unforgivable. I ask only that you feel the pain of the soul I am about to describe to, as I did, and hope only that you, unlike I, can save her from her most darkest and terrible fear.
I was shocked, at the beginning, to learn that she was not all that she appeared on the surface. And as I began to delve deeper into her “darker side” I suppose one could call it for ease of simplicity, I realised that she had become seriously mislead and misguided somewhere along the line. Although she had not had the easiest or the most securest of childhoods. It occurred to me, not until the whole affair was over, that this might have had a somewhat substantial influence on her current state. So I spent the next few days, contemplating how I could go about helping her and return her to the state of glory where I knew she belonged. As I formulated my plan I began to put it into action.
And so I began reading to her, not the usual fiction tales of might and magic nor did I speak of facts and current affairs, no I spoke to her of how she could cure her “illness” I have now termed it. The articles I read to her were scientifically correct and had been proven over and over and time and time again. She seemed to not react to them. As my plan developed I became alarmed as I noticed her condition worsen. I began reading heavily upon the subject and put everything in practice I read. But it seemed all in vain.
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