Status: Completed

Let Me Count the Ways I Fell in Love With You

His anger.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god. No… This- she-…” Shane thought, horrified.

“NO!” He boomed and stood up. His eyes lingered at her scalp awhile longer before it shifted to her eyes and there. Those eyes, filled with hurt, reddening with new tears. Shane mentally cursed himself for doing the one thing he promised her he won’t do. Yet, as he continued staring into her hurt-filled eyes, he saw her lips move into a weak smile.
Oh god, his heart felt like it was shredded and shattered.
Without another minute longer, he ran out the ward, down the stairs, out the hospital and – yes, ran – all the way home where he tried to find the solidity he so much needed.

Sheryl Molly Owen came home that evening and the first thing she heard was a crashing sound that came from her son’s room. She walked up the stairs slowly and stopped outside his room. Calming herself down, she opened the door slightly, then a bit more and poked her head in.
She saw him standing in the middle of the room, his palms on his eyes and the room was in a bloody mess. She heard him sniffle.
Entering quietly, she came up to him and placed her hand on his broad shoulder. He gave a little jump and glared at the suspect and softened his eyes when he saw that it was his mum.
His eyes red and puffy from too much crying searched her face for the reason she had budged in. But, Of course, it has taken Sheryl 18 years to master the art of making her face expressionless.

“Why? Why, her?” Shane choked.

Sheryl could only shake her head.

“Father had cancer too! He-he-he had…” He sniffled.
“You father… Had lung cancer. He smoked too much and before we knew it, he was already into the last stage of his cancer…”
“Then why did you force me to go for those check ups?!”
“I did not want to risk it… I didn’t want to lose you too! I-I…”
“No… But! She’s … Why?! Why her?!”
“I don’t know honey… Maybe, it’s just one of the obstacles god has bestowed against you guys…”
“Damn it!” He yelled at nothing in particular.

Yes, Damn it…

“I’m your mother and I would do anything for you right now but, stupid suggestions could come up once in awhile…”

Shane gave his mother a funny look.

“All I’m saying is… Pen down your thoughts dear…” She smiled ruefully at him. “Pen down your love for her… ”

And with that, she patted his shoulder and went out of his room to give him some of the solace he needed.

Then, an idea clicked in his mind.

“Yes… Pen down.”

Eagerly, with renewed motivation, Shane sat on his desk, took out a pen and a paper and got started.
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Urghh... >.>;. Short much .? =/