Status: Completed

Let Me Count the Ways I Fell in Love With You


Gym has never been her favourite class; she never got to play with her classmates. Her dad had told the teachers to excuse her from Gym lessons because of the incident that had happened 2 years ago. Tania sat at the farthest corner – from the entrance – of the gym room. Her face crunched as she watched her classmates passing and throwing balls around. How she wished she could join them. Ever since she was a kid, she had been interested in sports. Seniors and juniors shuffled around the huge gym room. The gym was probably the largest among the other rooms. She watched as a familiar figure dribbled a basketball, away from his opponent. That figure was Shane Owen. The first time she saw him, she realised how alone he seemed. Then, she saw him with his friends, yet, he still looked as lonely as ever. Tania has always been observant whenever it comes to people. It probably came from her dad, seeming that he is an archaeologists.

Somehow, Shane Owen gets to her like no one else does. Suddenly, her view was blocked by a pair of slim legs. She glanced up slowly and saw a grinning Esther.

“Hey! Why aren’t you playing?” She asked nonchalantly.
“I’ve been excused,”
“Oh… Aren’t you bored?” Her face crunched.
Tania nodded. Esther’s face fell into one of sympathy and she sat down beside her. They sat in companiable silence until the bell for break rang.

The next 3 weeks passed by uneventfully. However, there were still the problems with her neighbour’s son. Once in awhile, she would spot him staring intensely at her. And, every time he stares at her, shivers would run down her spine. Other than the mixed feelings she felt, nothing else happened.
Tania was starting to get restless. Recently, her dad had hired a babysitter for Tyler, but, somehow, she just could not shake off the feeling of fear for the safety of her brother. Perhaps she getting too overprotective.

The next Monday, she got ready for school. Again, in a simple T-shirt of a different colour and a dark blue baggy jeans. The babysitter came in an hour earlier, so, Tania was able to leave earlier that day. As she stepped out of her house, she saw a Forde car parked in front of her porch. She eyed it suspiciously, then, a frightening thought came to her: MAFIAS!

She fumbled with the doorknob and got ready to get inside and protect her younger brother when a familiar voice – edged with annoyance – called out to her. She turned around and saw Shane standing beside his car, his eyebrows were pulled down into a frown. Then, she noticed that Shane had called her by her name. Tania looked over at him in confusion.

“Come on, get in! We’re going to be late,” He ordered.
Shock washed over her and she answered the first word that came to her mind, “Huh?”
“Get in the car. I’m sending you to school. Don’t think otherwise cause my mother told me to ‘send Tania to school or else…’ ” He mocked.

Tania approached him and his car warily. Then, thought better of it and said, “It’s fine, I’ll walk.”

As she was about to turn, he grabbed her hand in a gentle but firm hold. He tugged once, twice, a frown still clouding his forehead. Tania stared into his brown eyes. He looked… troubled. Finally, she gave in, nodded once and allowed him to lead her towards his car.

The car smelled fresh and it was comfortable, surprisingly. Somehow, Tania could not figure out why he had to have a car when the walk to school was only for 15 minutes. Shane switched on the radio and ‘Crazier’ By Taylor Swift came on. It was halfway through the song. Tania sat up on full alert. She loved this song. As Shane was about to change the channel, Tania slapped his hand away. He glared at her, than stopped. He looked over at her intensely. Tania hummed together with the song while Shane shifted the gear and backed towards the road.

I'm lost in your eyes
you make me crazier, crazier, crazier
I watched from a distance as you
made life your own
every sky was your own kind of blue
and I wanted to know
how that would feel
and you made it so real
you showed me something that i couldn't see
you opened my eyes and you made me believe
you lift my feet off the ground
you spin me around
you make me crazier, crazier
feels like I'm falling and I
I'm lost in your eyes
you make me crazier, crazier, crazier
baby you showed me what living is for
I don't wanna hide anymore
you lift my feet off the ground
you spin me around
you make me crazier, crazier
feels like I'm falling and I
I'm lost in your eyes
you make me crazier, crazier, crazier

The song ended and silence ensued in the car. Tania realised that they were already in the school compound. She glanced over at Shane and saw that he was looking out of the window. He looked peaceful somehow. Suddenly, he jerked his head towards her and she jumped at his sudden movement. Without another word, he opened his side of the door and got out. Tania shuffled clumsily and opened her side. As soon as she had closed the door, she started walking away when Shane grabbed her hand again. She cocked an eyebrow at him.

“I give you a ride and you walk away after that?” He asked, giving her a funny look.
“Err… Well… Thanks?” She tried.

He just shook his head and walked in front of her. She stood there stumped when he looked behind and motioned her to follow him. Her eyes widened in surprise but, she ran towards him anyway.

“Uhh… Shane Owen…? I-I-I don’t t-think it’s a good idea… E-everyone’s looking,” She stuttered.
“So?” He demanded more than asked, in agitation.
“Oh… I thought maybe… you wouldn’t want to be seen walking around with me? Rumours might start.”
He stopped and jerked around towards her. “You’re being stereotypical here. You don’t know the first thing about me, and you assumed that I would mind walking around with someone like you?”
“O-oh… I’m S-sorry?” Tania replied confused.

“What on earth is going on here?” Her mind screamed.

“Never mind…” Shane sighed and walked off towards his group of friends.

She walked towards the school’s entrance in a daze. No, people like her do not get stereotypical… People like him do… So, what the hell?
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh.. The lines... The lines. o.o