Status: Completed

Let Me Count the Ways I Fell in Love With You

Gathering Dinner.

After school that day, Tania walked out of the school compound and started the 15-minute walk home. A car whizzed past her, than stopped. She recognised that car and instantly felt monster butterflies flying around in her stomach, threatening to escape. She held her stomach to steady herself as she hurriedly walked past the car. A voice called her out and she knew instantly who it was. However, she did not plan on acknowledging him so, she continued walking.

“Hey! Tania! Hold up!” Shane called.
“Tania! My mother asked me to fetch you from school! She wants you for dinner tonight!”
Suddenly, she stopped and turned towards him. He had to jerk the car to a stop. He saw a frown on her forehead.
“Can you…” She started, “ask me politely?”
“What?” he asked, near to hysterical. This girl drives him nuts.
“Ask me in a more polite tone. Because, you see, you just came up from behind me, shouted my name and demanded that I get into your car ‘cause your mother said so. And she wants me to attend dinner with you. For all I know, it might be trick to get me into your car so that you could drive me to a desert or something and perhaps, I don’t know, kill me there!”

Shane stared at the girl in front of him. He gave her a weird look. His eyes narrowed as she continued staring – glaring – at him. Minutes ticked, and when Shane realised that it was going nowhere, he spoke, softly, “Tania… Can you please get in the car? I am supposed to send you over to my house because my mother wants to have you over for dinner. Your Dad and Tyler are already there. So, will you please get in?”

A smile appeared on her face, then a beam. “It’s an improvement,” She said matter-of-factly.
He sighed in defeat and shifted the car back into the road once Tania was in. It’s going to be a hell of a dinner.


“So, Tania, do you like your new school?” Mrs Owen asked over dinner that evening.
“Yeah… It’s fine… I guess,”
“Oh. Have you made any friends yet?”
Tania shook her head and smiled, “Not yet. I try not to get too attached. I may never know when would be the next time we move.”

Everyone looked at her dad. He only shook his head and smiled guiltily.

“Well… How old are you Tania?” She continued.
“Oh! A year younger than Shane!”

Conversations make Tania Sick.

“Well, what do you want to do when you grow up?”
Tania looked up at Mrs. Owen. That question… Those questions… She smiled secretly to herself. Yes, those questions. Instantly, she answered, “I would like to fly…”

Silence. Tania saw that everyone was looking at her, including Shane who had been quiet.

“Oh… Did you mean you wanted to be an astronaut?” Mrs Owen spoke after a few heartbeats.
Tania shook her head. No… Of course not, they would not understand her so, she tried again, “I have another dream but, I’m not heading towards that dream right now ‘cause flying seemed a much more easier dream to achieve,” Tania smiled at the confused look Mrs Owen gave her.
“What’s that dream?” She heard Shane suddenly speak.
“A Se-c-ret,” She whispered.
“Well… Isn’t that interesting? So, what are the subjects you’re studying at the moment?” Mrs Owen asked again, she smiled unsurely.
“Well… I’m Studying English, American History, Biology, Maths II Advanced an-“
“Maths II Advanced?!” She suddenly exclaimed eagerly. Everyone stared at her.
“Well… Yes?”
“That’s Great!” She looked at Shane and grinned, “You could teach Shane here maths! He’s quite bad in that subject.”
“What?!” Shane shouted.

Tania Jumped.

“No! No way! I can handle that subject by myself! I don’t need anyone to teach me!” He glared at his mother.
“Honey… Look, I really want you to do well. Maybe, perhaps, after you’ve graduated but, at the present, I need you to do well in your studies. Maths is an important element! Please, listen to me for this once!”

After that, dinner was awkward. No one spoke anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, it's shorter in this chapter. So, I'm posting another chapter. =D
Kay. I'm happy. I'm too easy to please. xDD. Right now, I feel very happy.