Status: Updating once a week.

Our Secret Relationship

Chapter 7

You have been with Orlando for 2 months. You told the guys about who you really are and now the only one who didn’t know about was your boss, Sebastian.
It was Sunday and you had invited the guys and your two friends for lunch. Your sister with her boyfriend was there too. . .
“Em- Olivia, when is your job’s party?”
“U- oh thanks for reminding me, I was about to forget it, so next week it’s Sebastian’s birthday and all the people from the company have organized a surprise party for him and you are all invited” you finished your sentence with a smile of happiness on your face. . .
“D- okay we’ll be there”
“U- great” You smile widened.
You took a sip of your drink but you spitted it off when you saw your parents coming in the living room.
“U- mum?” you stood up and walked to them
“U- what are you doing here?”
“Mum- we are not alone” your mum smiled to you and you saw Daniel coming in too.
Daniel was a boy from your high school class. He had studied politics and now he was working for your father. Your friends were always saying that he has a secret crush on you but even if he did, you didn’t like him. He was okay but just not right for your boyfriend.
“Dad- do you remember Daniel?”
“U- yes of course I do”
“Daniel- hi Olivia, it’s very nice to see you again” he came and hugged you.
“U- yea, you too, can you please let go?” he let go and he smiled to you. . .
“U- so you didn’t tell me, why are you here?”
Your mum clung her hand around yours and walked you out of the living-dining room.
“U- why did you come?”
“M- Daniel is working for your dad now”
“U- yes I know that”
“M- and Daniel has a huge crush on you”
“U- I know that too”
“M- great, then do what you have to do and stop asking why are you here?”
“U- I still can’t understand”
“M- you will, you will very soon”
You walked back in the room and saw the guys and the girls standing up from the table. . .
“E- Olivia, we will go so you can have some private time with your parents”
“U- okay” you turned to your parents. “U- go sit down in the living room and I will be right back, I will just walk the guys outside”
You said goodbye to everyone and Orli was the last one. . .
“U- I am sorry; I didn’t know they were coming”
“O- it’s fine, but be careful with that Daniel boy, Emma told me that he had a secret crush on you in high school”
“U- oh god I am gonna kill her. Well, he did and I think he still does, but you don’t have to worry about anything, you are the one I like, I am with you don’t forget that, and I promise you that they will learn about it one day, just not now”
“O- you don’t have to, I actually like it that we keep it secret from everyone” he came close to you and kissed you. . .
“U- I will try to come tonight, be at home” you kissed him
“O- I’ll be there waiting” he winked at you and he turned to leave with the guys. . .

“U- so for how long are you staying?” you asked as you set down on the table some coffee. .
“Dad- we are leaving tomorrow morning but Daniel will stay for about a month”
“U- oh that’s quite a lot, where are you staying?”
“Daniel- at a hotel near the beach”
“U- okay, what about you mum and dad? Where will you stay for tonight?”
“Mum- here honey, if you don’t mind”
“U- of course I don’t mind, but I won’t be here tonight, I promised to umm. . . Gaby to go and stay with her tonight”
“Mum- that’s okay honey”
“U- so I’ll see you tomorrow Daniel, mum and dad I don’t know if I will have time to see you again but let’s say goodbye now” you stood up to say goodbye to your parents. . .
“Dad- are you leaving now?”
“U- yes, if that’s okay with you”
“Mum- no it’s okay, you can leave”
You said goodbye to your parents and said bye to Daniel. After you took your purse and coat you left and drove to Orlando. . .it was already 19:00(7:00). . .
“O- hey you came early”
“U- why? Do you have to go somewhere? Or were you waiting for someone else?”
He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your neck. . .
“O- I love it when you get jealous”
“U- I am not jealous, I am just asking” you walked away from him and then you turned to look at him and you put your hands on your sides. He walked to you and wrapped his arms around you once more. . .
“O- do you want me to show you if I was waiting for someone else?” you giggled as he kissed you on your neck again and licked you there. . .
“U- oh can you?”
“O- anything for you, my lady” he pushed his body against you and you laid down on the couch. He landed on you and his handed ran down to your thigh, rubbing it and slowly moving up to your hip, up to your breast and he finished up when he put it again on your thigh , pulling it up. You wrapped your legs around him and your put them on his ass, pushing him harder against you. . .you broke the kiss. . .
“U- you were waiting for me”
“O- yes, I was waiting for you” you smiled and kissed him again. .
“U- okay can you get off me now?”
“O- no” he kissed you . . .
“U- don’t you want me to cook something for dinner and then go upstairs to umm watch a movie” you winked. . .
“O- yes that sounds better” he kissed you and got off you. . .
You cooked a margarita pizza and you ate it all, together of course. After you finished cleaning the kitchen, you went upstairs to Orlando’s room and you changed into black short and a white tank. You called Gaby when Orlando was in the bathroom. . .
“G- Gaby here”
“U- hey Gaby”
“G- hey what’s up?”
“U- I am at Orlando’s and I have told my parents that I will stay at your house tonight, if they call find an excuse and then call me so I can call them back”
“G- okay girl don’t worry, have fun, gotta go now”
“U- bye”
Orlando walked in the room. . .
“O- who was that?”
“U- I called Gaby to tell her what to do in case my parents call her”
“O- so which movie do you want to watch?”
You got off the bed and walked behind him. You wrapped your hands around him and pulled him with you as you walked towards to the bed and pushed him on it. . .
“U- umm, let me think” you kissed him and with slow moves, you took off his shirt. He ran his hands down to your ass and cupped it. You gave a little moan of pleasure when his hands ran down to your naked, smooth thighs. . .
“O- do we really have to watch a movie?”
“U- who told you that we are watching one?” he grabbed you and kissed forcefully. He got on top of you and he pushed his area against yours. He knew that you liked that a lot. . .
“U- oh you are killing me”
“O- and this is only the beginning”
“U- I want you so badly” you whispered in his ear. . .
Orlando took off your shorts, your tank and you took off everything that was left on him. His hardiness against your underwear was making both of you very exhilarated. When he couldn’t take it anymore he undressed you and wasted no time to enter you and give you a moan full of pleasure. You thrust back and you both moaned. You wanted to tell something to Orlando the past 2 week but you could never find the right time. You thought that now was the right time. You broke the making out, and Orlando kissed you on your neck and you reached his ear and whispered to him . . .
“U- I love you”
Orlando stopped kissing you and stopped thrusting. But you both climaxed right there and you couldn’t say anything. You just gave a loud moan of pleasure. . .
“U- why did you stop like that?” you looked at him after he laid down next to you. . .
“O- why did you just say?”
“U- why did you stop like that?”
“O- no I mean before that” you didn’t say anything. . .
“U- I said that umm.. . I love you” you looked away. . .
“O- really?”
“U- I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it”
“O- you know, I was trying to tell you that I love you the past three weeks”
You turned and looked at him surprised. . .
“U- why didn’t you say anything?” you rubbed his cheek. . .
“O- I was afraid of your reaction”
“U- why? Isn’t it so obvious that I am crazy for you?” you smiled to him and turned around so you could see him better. You rubbed his cheek and placed a sweet kiss on his thin lips. .
“O- say it”
“U- I am crazy and madly in love with you, Orlando Bloom” you said loudly . . . he gave you one of the most passionate kisses in the whole world. . .
“O- I love you like no one else Olivia Peterson and I don’t want to leave you ever” you kissed him and after you talked with him for a little while you fell asleep. . .. . .