Keep on Pretending


Harper raised her arms high above her body and allowed a yawn to escape her lips. She was still sleepy, but she knew she needed to get a start on the day. She got up, quickly dressed, and began making the bed. Bam was already up, and off doing something. Once the bedroom was clean, she walked down the stairs and began picking up cups that had been tossed around the night before.

"Babe!" Bam scolded, walking into the kitchen to see her taking the trash out, "I told you today is a day of relaxation!"

She laughed, "Not until this afternoon. I need to clean up a little bit or it's going to stink for tomorrow."

"Nope!" He said laughing, "Kel's coming over to prepare the house and food for tomorrow."

"She can't do that by herself!"

"She wants to!"

"Bam! That's a lot to do."

"She can handle it. Stop stressing, babe!" He said.

She was about to say something, but a knocking on the door cut her off. She knew who it was, and her mouth curved into a high grin as she took off full speed towards the door. Bam couldn't help but to laugh as she pulled the door open and jumped into the arms of her younger brother.

"Can't breathe!" Colby said, laughing.

She pulled away from her brother, and then hugged his boyfriend Kyle, "It's nice to see you again." He said.

She smiled and then welcomed them into the home. She offered to fix them something to eat, but they had told her they had already ate. Colby being here, signified that the wedding was very close.

"I thought you had a spa day." Colby said.

She ran her fingers through her hair, "Not for a little bit. We're not going to go until this afternoon."

"and you won't be back until the start of the wedding, right?" Kyle asked.

She took in a deep breath, and looked over towards Bam, "I guess. . ." She pouted.

The next hour or so was spent catching up with her brother. He had explained what had happened to him over the past month or so.

"I actually have big news myself." Colby said, looking deep into Kyle's eyes.

Harper looked at him and wondered what he was going to say.

"We're getting married next year." Colby said.

Harper was shocked, but happy. She smiled, "I'm happy for you!" She squealed out.

Her brother smiled, "We'll probably be getting married in Connecticut though. Florida doesn't allow same sex marriages."

She frowned, "Will it still be recognized?" She asked.

Kyle shrugged his shoulder's, "We're not entirely sure, we need to find out some more information about it first. But it's just a piece of paper honestly, I think the ceremony is what ties people together."

She smiled and nodded her head. If marrying Kyle was what made her brother happy, then that made her happy as well.

Soon Ape and Gab arrived, and Harper had to departure from her brother and fiance. She didn't want to leave them, but she knew that she would see them again tomorrow.

"The sooner you leave, the sooner you return and become Mrs. Bam Margera." Bam said, placing a kiss on her lips.

She sighed against the kiss, "I just don't wanna leave you."

He chuckled, "You never will after tomorrow."

She smiled, "I love you."

He pressed his lips against hers, "And I love you."

The ride to the Philly hotel/spa didn't take as long as she expected. Gab and Ape had done a wonderful job at keeping her mind off missing Bam. She laughed along to their jokes, and enjoyed their company.

"I can't wait to get full body massages." Gab said, pulling Harper through a room.

They received full body massages, facials, manicures, and pedicures before they were escorted to their room.

"Tomorrow morning you'll receive a wake up call around nine a.m. We'll give you scalp treatments, and then begin on your hair and make-up for the wedding. Have a lovely night." The woman said, before leaving the girls alone in the room.

Harper sunk back in the bed and smiled, "I can't wait for tomorrow."