Summer Love


I walked out of the bathroom is just a towel and went into my bedroom where Taylor was lounging on my bed. I rolled my eyes and put on a fake smile when he looked up. All day he's been clinging to me when he found out I was going out with Matt tonight. I know he came out to visit me and he was my friend for years now, but he's been kind of irritating me all day.

"Nice outfit, is that what you're going to wear on your date?" he sarcastically said.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "No I'm not," I snapped. "Now can you please leave so I can get dressed?" I held open the door for him.

He reluctantly got up and walked out of my room. I quickly shut the door behind him before he could say anything else to me. I dried off and quickly applied lotion on myself before pulling on a strapless bra and matching underwear. I picked up my straightener that I left plugged in while I went in the shower and ran it through my hair. Like always, my bangs fell into my eye and I brushed it away.

I pulled on my shorts and was about to put on my tube top when my phone rang. I picked it up without looking at the caller I.D.


"Hey," Matt's husky voice flowed through the speaker.

"Hey," I couldn't help but grin.

"Are you still getting beautified over there for me?" he chuckled.

"Excuse you, I'm already beautiful," I teased.

"Can't argue about that," he laughed. "I'm coming to pick you up by the way so you won't have to worry about driving by yourself,"

I felt myself blush and looked in the mirror and saw that my cheeks were red. "Are you on your way here?" I asked.

"Yup, are you ready yet?"

"I still have to put on my shirt and make up," I drifted off towards the end.

"Oh, so your just in your bra?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Why yes, yes I am,"

I heard him groan and I laughed, knowing that he was trying to picture me in his mind right now.

"You can just wear that on the date," he suggested.

"No thanks. I'm going to finish getting dressed, see you in a little bit,"

I hung up on him and finally put on my top. I sat down at the vanity mirror and applied blue eyeshadow to match my top. I heard the doorbell ring downstairs and my stomach became filled with butterflies. A knock came at my door and I told the person to come in. Taylor poked his head in and I grinned before going over to my closet to find some shoes to wear.

"Matt's waiting for you downstairs," he announced.

"Okay, tell him I'll be right down," I said and slipped on my sandals.

"I still can't believe your going out on my first night here," he scoffed.

I sighed in frustration. "Taylor, I told you already. I need to speak with Matt about something important,"

"Why can't you guys just do it over the phone?"

"Because we want to go out okay?" I snapped.

"Fine, have fun on your date," he shot back and left.

I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and grabbed my stuff and went downstairs. Matt grinned when he saw me, making his dimples appear.

"You look nice, but I thought I told you to just wear your bra?" he smirked.

"Oh, shut up," I chuckled and playfully shoved him. From the corner of my eye I saw Taylor roll his eyes from the couch. "You ready to go?"

"Yup," he waved bye to everyone and he led me outside to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in. He climbed in and we drove to the boardwalk. We casually talked on the way there, but I knew the conversation was going to become serious soon. Matt parked beside the boardwalk and he helped me out the car. He grabbed my hand and we walked towards a small pizza shop.

Since the place was kind of empty, we had no trouble finding a both to sit in. A waiter came by and took our order and left us once more.

"You know, Taylor's been PMSing all day," I said.

"How come?" he chuckled.

"Because he didn't want me to come out on this date with you," my eyes widened once I realized that I called this a date.

"Well, tell him that this date was important to me,"

"Will do," I mumbled.

Fifteen minutes later a large pepperoni pizza was placed in front of us with steam rolling off of it. Matt quickly grabbed two slices and put them on his plate while I took one. I watched in amazement as Matt basically inhaled his pizza while I carefully chewed mine.

"What?" he asked through a mouthful of pizza.

"You're going to choke," I simply said and took another bite of my pizza.

"No I'm not," he pouted, which made his cheeks stick out even more since he had his pizza still in his mouth.

I laughed at the sight and he stuck out his tongue, showing his chewed up food. I wrinkled my nose in disgust and we continued to tease each other in the diner. We finished eating and paid for the food then left.

"So, are you finally going to tell me about Ben?" I asked once we stepped outside.

He sighed and wrapped an arm around me and started his story.

"Well, believe it or not, Ben and I used to be best friends,"

I gasped and looked at him with a shocked expression.
"Yup, we were. We were attached at the hip starting from grade school, but all that changed once we got into Junior High," Matt had led us over to a small ice cream shop.

"How come things changed?" I asked while we waited in line.

"Well, you know how us guys start noticing girls at that age right?" he asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Well, we both just happened to notice Valery. By then we were always competing against one another even though we were friends. Well, he really liked Valery and so did I and he went after her first. Soon after that I started talking to Valery also, but just as friends and we started growing closer,"

By then we had ordered our ice creams and walking down the boardwalk.

"Ben and Valery had been dating for about month when she came to me one night and told me that she never liked Ben at all, she only dated him to get closer to me since we were always together. I told her that I couldn't betray my friend like that and she insisted that they were over and that she had broken up with Ben earlier that day. So we started dating the next day and when we went back to school on Monday, Ben found out about us and ultimately we stopped being friends,"

He took a break from talking to eat his chocolate ice cream cone. After eating, he cleared his throat and continued his story.

"Over the years, Ben declared me his enemy or whatever and has been making my life a living hell. He's pulled some pretty good pranks on myself and the guys growing up, but we always got him back. So still to this day, he hates me with a passion for stealing his girl," he finished.

"Wow, you lost your good friend over a girl," I said and finished off my cone.

"Yeah, I know," he wiped his mouth and threw away his napkin.

"Even at a young age, Valery wasn't a real good person," I told him as he led me back to the beach.

"Why do you say that?" he asked as he took off his sneakers and socks .

"Because," I stated and took off my sandals. "She knew you and Ben were best friends and she still used him to get to you," I held my shoes with one hand and the other one was wrapped up inside Matt's larger one.

"I guess you can say that," he shrugged.

He plopped down on the sand and pulled me down by my hips. I sat between his legs and he wrapped his arms around me as I rested my head against his chest. I dug my feet into the sand and sighed in content when I felt Matt press his lips against the back of my neck.

"What's your real name, J.D.?" Matt asked.

"Why?" I chuckled.

"Because if I'm going to ask you out, I want to know your real name when I ask it,"

I felt my face flush and was happy that it was dark out so Matt couldn't see me blush.

"Janice Denise Mitchell,"

"That's a nice name,"

"What's your name?"

"Matthew Charles Sanders,"

"Nice name," I mocked him.

He nudged me and I chuckled. We fell into a comfortable silence, listening to the waves crash and smelling the saltwater.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Janice Denise Mitchell," Matt whispered in my ear.

"Only if you never utter my real name to anyone,"

"It's a deal," he chuckled.

I tilted my head backwards and Matt pressed his full lips to mine.
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J.D's outfit