Summer Love


By the end of the day, I was beyond annoyed with Taylor and hardly spent any time with Matt because Taylor kept hogging me. Right now I was sitting next to Taylor on the sand while everyone else was playing football.

"When are you leaving?" I asked Taylor.

"On Tuesday,"

Thank goodness, that was only three days away.


"Yeah, I don't want to leave," he sighed.

I do.

Silence fell upon us as we watched the football game continue in front of us. I chuckled as I saw Matt get mad that Brian's team had scored. He saw me looking at him and waved with a smile on his face. I waved back and wrapped my arms around my legs and rested my chin on my knees.

"So, you and Matt are dating?" Taylor asked.

"Yup," I grinned.

He nodded. "I don't trust him,"


"It looks like he'll hurt you or something,"

"He won't Taylor," I answered in an annoyed tone.

"How do you know that?"

"How do you know that?" I answered back.

"He's not right for you," he threw his hands up in the air.

"Then who is?!" I shouted, obviously pissed off at him. I, however, didn't notice that this had caught everyone's attention.



Instead of answering he grabbed my face and forced his lips onto mine. I was too shocked to do anything, but came to my senses when I felt him trying to push his tongue into my mouth. I closed my mouth and tried shoving him off.

I heard shouting and I felt Taylor being pulled off of me. I saw Matt lunging towards Taylor and they were both on the ground. Punches were being thrown and I flew off the ground.

"Matt, stop it!" I shouted and tried pulling him off of Taylor. They continued rolling on the ground and now Taylor was on top. I wrapped my arms around his torso and tried yanking him off but his muscular arm flew back and struck me hard in the face. I shrieked in pain when I felt blood start to pour out of my nose.

The boys stopped fighting when they heard me scream. Taylor's eyes got wide and he ran over to me.

"Oh my god, J.D, I'm so sorry," he apologized.

"Get away from her you asshole!" Matt yelled and went to fight Taylor again.

"Guys stop!" Jimmy interviened and pulled them apart as the girls examined my bleeding nose. "Taylor, get out of here now before I let Matt get to you again," he threatened.

"Fine, I'm outta here," he spat and stalked off.

I fought back tears as my nose throbbed in pain and blood continued to pour down my arms and onto the sand.

"Baby, are you okay?" Matt's gentle voice met my ears.

I shook my head and he gently pulled my hands away from my nose. Everyone hissed when they saw my nose.

"How bad is it?" I asked.

"That things as big as a balloon!" Max pointed.

"It is?!" I squeaked and ran towards my bag to get my small mirror that I used to put on make up. I opened it up and I screamed when I saw my nose. It was swollen and a sick purple color. "I look like an elephant," I sobbed to the girls.

"No you don't sweetie," Sarah cooed.

"Yes I do," I whined and started crying.

"Calm down, honey," Rachel said and pulled tissue out of her bag. She held my face and gently wiped the blood off my face. She brushed against my nose and I yelped. "Sorry,"

I looked at Matt and he looked stressed out and started pacing.

"I should've killed that guy," he muttered to Zack.

"Calm down, Matt, everything's alright now," Brian placed a hang on his shoulder.

"No it's not! Do you see J.D's face! That asshole hit my girlfriend," he pointed to me.

"Matt, just calm down and take J.D and Max home so she can get some rest," Jimmy advised. Matt sighed but nodded anyway.

He packed up my stuff for me and handed it to Max. Max followed behind Matt and he grabbed my hand.

"Thanks guys," he said to the girls.

He grabbed my hand and led me over to my car. "Can you drive home?" he asked.

"I'll drive," Max said before I could answer.

"Please be careful," Matt warned and handed him my keys.

"I will,"

"Alright, I'll follow you guys home," he said and got into his car.

Max and I climbed into my car and he pulled out the parking spot. He carefully drove home and soon we were parked in the driveway. I climed out and Max brought the stuff inside with Matt following behind us.

"J.D? Max?" mom's voice rang out.

She shrieked when she saw me holding my nose.

"Oh my god, what happened?" she frantically asked and inspected my nose.

"J.D, why don't you go take a shower while I talk to your mom?" Matt ran his fingers through my hair.

I nodded and he pecked me on the cheek before letting me go. I went upstairs to my room and picked out some pajamas to pull on. I grabbed my stuff and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and examined my nose. More blood leaked out, but the majority of it had stopped flowing. It was swollen and a purplish blue color. I started up the shower and took off my clothes. I sighed when the hot water hit my body.

30 minutes later I came out of the bathroom with clean hair and skin. I threw my dirty clothes in the hamper and went downstairs after putting on some lotion. I walked into the kitchen where mom was sitting at the kitchen table with Matt and Max.

"Honey, how are you feeling?" mom asked.

"Like an elephant stepped on my nose," I groaned and looked out the window at the sunset.

"Thanks so much for looking out for J.D, guys" mom thanked Max and Matt.

"No problem, mom. I'll be waiting for Taylor to come home so I can deal with him," Max winked.

"No you will not, your father will deal with him when he gets home," she warned.

"Fine," he sighed.

"Okay, go take a shower and get that salt water and sand off of you," she said.

He walked out the kitchen and she turned to Matt. "Would you like to stay the night Matt?" she placed a hand on his.

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to be a burden,"

"Nonsense dear, after what you did today, you're always welcome in our home,"

"Thank you, Mrs. Mitchell,"

"Not a problem. You can borrow some of Max's clothes and you can sleep in J.D's room,"

Both Matt and I looked at her in surprise. She chuckled at our expressions. "I trust you guys enough to know that you won't do anything,"

She winked at me and walked out of the kitchen.

"Your mom's so cool," he said.

"Yeah, she is when she wants to be," I shrugged.

"I always am!" mom shouted from the family room.

Matt and I laughed at her and we heard Max get out of the bathroom. "I'm going to go take a shower," he kissed me and walked upstairs.

It was 8 p.m. and Taylor hadn't shown up yet, which wasn't a bad thing. Dad had came home and was caught up on everything that happened. He wouldn't stop thanking Matt and insisted that he would thank him properly for, "taking care of his little girl".

All of us were sitting in the family room eating pizza that mom ordered and watching T.V. We were talking and laughing until we heard the front door open and close. Taylor crept into the room and it got silent. Dad, Max and Matt had glares on their faces and I saw Taylor visibly gulp.

From the tension alone, I could tell that shit was about to hit the fan.
♠ ♠ ♠
J.D's outfit

Sorry that it's taken me a while to update my stories, but I've been busy with school. Also, it was very hard for me to find motivation to write after I found out about the death of Jimmy. Even though he passed away, I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted his fans to stop being creative and showing their affection for him or the band. This chapter is dedicated to him.

R.I.P James Owen Sullivan