Summer Love


The world spun around me as I fell back on the soft sand, completely intoxicated. The gang had made me drink four Budweiser's and I was trashed at the moment. They referred to me as a 'lightweight', whatever that is. Matt's face hovered above mine with an amused expression and I giggled for no reason.

"Why's there two of you?" I slurred and tried slapping his face, but instead I was swinging my hand in the air.

"You've had enough," he chuckled.

"No!" I hollered and sat up. "I want more," I whined and stood up too fast. I became dizzy and started tumbling backwards until Matt caught me.

"Let's get you home," he sighed and stood me up staright, throwing my arm over his shoulder. "I'm taking her home now, she's past drunk"

"No I'm not! I feel alive!" I whooted, the girl's following right behind.

I broke free of Matt's hold and started stripping off my clothes. As Matt tried catching me I kept running away, giggling mind you, and still taking off my clothes. The cool breeze hit my body when I finally got off all my clothes and I started running towards the water. Matt was running behind me and I dove in the water.

I guess swimming while you're drunk is a bad idea because I couldn't seem to pull myself back up. Before I could start loosing my head, I felt Matt's strong hands yank me up. I coughed out some salt water as Matt held me up bridal style and walked back up the beach.

"Nice ass J.D," Zacky smirked.

"Thank you," I giggled.

"Sarah, can you dress her please?" Matt sighed.

"Sure Ducky," she softly said and grabbed my clothes before following Matt.

He rested me down on the sand and turned his back to us as Sarah pulled back on my clothes. My gaze kept going in and out of focus as I struggled to lok up at Matt.

"Poor thing, she's completely trashed," Sarah cooed as she wiped my wet hair away from my face.

"Yeah, I'm never letting her drink again," Matt said.

He picked me up again and I tried running off again, but he was faster this time. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He said his goodbye's to his group of friends and led Max and I back to his car.

"You have a squishy butt," I giggled as I started poking Matt on his butt cheek.

I heard him chuckle and Max snickered from somewhere in the dark.

"She's going to have a killer headache in the morning," Max commented.

"Take care of her," Matt ordered him.

"Will do,"

I was starting to doze off when Matt placed me in the back of his car so I could go to sleep. I silently thanked him as I turned on my side and drifted off to sleep as he drove towards my house.

I had become somewhat conscience as I heard two people speaking in hushed whispers. Someone was carrying me up a lfight of stairs and a second later I heard a door open. I was placed on a nice soft bed and instantly started falling back asleep.

"Good night," a familiar voice whispered and a kiss was placed on my forehead.

I rolled over and the sound of the door closing was the last thing I heard before falling asleep again.


I woke up the next morning to a splitting headache, a dry throat, and heavy limbs. Groaning, I rolled over and draped an arm across my face to shield out the sun. Someone chuckled from the doorway and I moved my arm and open an eye to see Max standing in the doorway.

"What are you laughing at?" I huffed and put my arm back.

"You," he simply answered.

"Go away,"

"Okay, I guess you don't want these two painkillers,"

"Give me those," I sighed and now opened both my eyes.

Max laughed at my dilemma on the way over and I glared at him. I swallowed the two small pills with a gulp of water and gave him back the cup.

"Why aren't you suffering like I am?"

"Because I have a higher alcohol tolerance level," he shrugged.

"I hate you," I said and rolled over.

Max laughed once more and walked towards the door. "One more thing," he said.


"I think Matt likes you even more now," I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Because you stripped last night and took off running stark naked towards the water. Matt had to jump in before you drowned yourself," he snickered and shut the door.

I groaned and threw my face into my fluffy pillows before going back to sleep.

A few hours later I rolled over feeling refreshed and a thousand times better than this morning. The clock read 3 in the afternoon and I flung my covers off me. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I came back out in a towel and went back in my room.

I pulled on a dress and walked downstairs where Max was lounging around on the chair watching T.V. I grabbed the keys to my car that just got shipped in a few days ago and started walking outside when Max called me back.

"What?" I asked and pulled my bag higher onto my shoulder.

"Where you going?"

"To look for a job,"


I rolled my eyes at the pointless questions and walked out to my car. I saw the guys across the street and quickly put my head down before they saw me looking at them. I remembered what Max told me this morning and I felt my cheeks burn red.

The little twit had to be lying. I wouldn't just strip naked for the world to see, would I? No, of course not. He was just saying that to put things in my head.

I shook my head and climbed in my car. I backed out the driveway and quickly drove away before the guys could get a chance to look up at me and wave.

I ended up seeing a 'Help Wanted' sign on the window of a diner about 15 minutes away from home. I parked my car across the street and hurried over before I could get run over. The small bell above the door rang as I walked in the somewhat empty place. A cute guy at the counter flashed me a smile as I walked up to the counter.

"Hello, how may I help you?" he asked.

"I saw that you guys needed a new employee and I was just wondering if I could have an application?"

"You don't need one," an older gentlemen said as he walked over.

"Why not?" I asked and watched him wipe down the counter with a wet rag.

"Because you're the first person whose been in here looking for a job since that sign's been up,"

"How long has it been up?"

"A month,"

"Oh," I bit my lip and watched the cute guy walk off to handle a table.

"Yup, so you can start work on Monday," the old man grinned at me.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it," I smiled and shook his head.

"Not a problem. I'm sure you and my son, Ben, over there will get along quite well," he pointed his thumb over at the cute guy.

My cheeks tinged a light pink and I mumbled a quick 'thank you' before walking out of the diner. Ben waved to me from inside and I waved back and hurried back to my car.

When I pulled into my driveway I took note of Brian's open garage and cursed. I tried to hurry inside, but I guess I was too slow because I heard my name being called.

"Damn," I muttered and turned around.

Brian waved me over and I sighed before reluctantly walking across the street where the guys and girls were, along with Max. Jimmy rushed over from behind a drum kit and scooped me up.

"Hey J.D!" he said and twirled me around.

He set me back down and I quickly fixed my dress, hoping no one saw my underwear.

"Jesus Jimmy, I'm sure she doesn't want the whole neighborhood catching a glimpse of her underwear," Raychel said from a small couch that was pushed against the garage wall.

"Well last night the whole of Huntington Beach saw her in her birthday suit. I'm sure a pair of panties would make no difference," Max snickered.

Zacky and Brian snickered as I glared at Max.

"You sure are an ass," Lynn turned tobrother the spawn of Satan.

"Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one who see's it," I cheered.

I looked around and saw that Matt was no where to be seen. I tried not to show disappointment, but the girl's caught it.

"He's in the house using the bathroom," Nayja said.

"Okay," I said and took a seat next to Max. I elbowed him in the ribcage and he chuckled.

He wrapped a bony arm around me and placed a sloppy wet kiss on my forehead. I struggled to get out of his grip but he kept me there and ruffled my red hair around. I heard laughter and I punched him in the stomach. He grunted and I managed to yank my head from under his arm. My blue eyes glared at him, but they softened when I saw Matt sitting on a stool across from me.

I nervously smiled and flattened out my hair as best I could. He offered me a sweet smile and I shyly looked away towards the girls who each had their hand over their mouths.

"So, how are you feeling?" Matt asked.

"Much better compared to this morning,"

"Yeah, that's how the first time always is," he chuckled.

A ringing noise interrupted our conversation and everyone checked their pockets to see if it was their cell phone.

"It's mine," I said and showed them my ringing cell phone. The screen flashed Taylor and my face lit up."Excuse me, it's my friend Taylor," I told them and opened my phone.

On the way out, I swore that I saw Matt's face fall at the name 'Taylor', but I brushed it off and walked outside to talk.
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J.D's outfit