She Disobeyed the Mafia Leader, Her Punishment Is... Him?

She Disobeyed the Mafia Leader and Her Punishment

"I know the plan," I growled while I opened the car door. I jumped out of the black 2009 H2 Hummer, and walked up the back stairs, to the side of the casino. Quickly, I swept the key from above the door frame, and unlocked the door.

The dark, narrow hall lead to a three-way. Straight was the kitchen, to the right lead to the casino, and the left was the back room.

I adjusted my black dress before slipping through the left door. Music was thumping, lightly shaking the room along with it. My eyes skimmed the room for the subject.

When I spotted him, he was sitting at one of the corner tables; along with two of his own men.

"Spotted subject," I whispered to myself, and adjusted my body in his direction fro the camera hidden on my shirt.

The bar wasn't to full, but I didn't drink. I've always been against it, drinking only makes you either, slow, stupid, or wanting to fight. Though, I will admit some drinks make you sharper, but they also make you crave to fight.

A group of woman were seated next to me.
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Hey! I will add more later, this is my first story on here; as I joined last night! But I don't have the time to do more now, message me, please! Tell me how it is,I don't mind you being cruel! It just helps me get better :D