She Disobeyed the Mafia Leader, Her Punishment Is... Him?

Motivation (Ch. 2)

The room was farley dark, forcing me to squint when I glanced at the subject. He wore a pressed, black tux, and dark blue tie. His hair and eye color wear anonymous in the dark lighting. But, according to his files, he had black slightly curly hair, that was mostly gelled back, and dark brown eyes. He had some muscle, but wasn't buff; like his guards.

The two men next to him, most likely his guards, stood on either side of him. Both wearing a black tux, white vest, and black tie. The one to the left blended in the room, since he was black, with a bald head. And on the right the guard was white, with a shaved head. They both had their arms crossed, and constantly searched the room; analyzing every persons movement.

And nobody knew who was in their presence. Even if they did, they were most likely to not care; like I said: drinking makes you slow, as well as care-free.

"Yep, that's him." My boss, Peter Owens, spoke into my earpiece. Peter could see them from the hidden camera I had on my shirt, aimed toward the subjects table. From a distance the camera wasn't noticeable, but if, for some reason, someone touched my shirt, they would easily find the camera.

One of the guards, the black one, put his hand to his ear, spoke aloud, then turned to the other guard, which nodded stiffly, before leaving out a back door.

I decided now was the best time to make my appearance. The black stool screeched under me, when I scooted back and grabbed my handbag, then took a step in the subjects direction. With my first step taken, the guard that was left turned to me instantly, almost like he sensed my movements.

After attempting to smile my brightest and friendliest, he still didn't soften. The subject held a shot glass in his hand, and had a few empty ones on the table. His head lightly moved with the musics beat.

When I finally reached I went to tap his shoulder, but the guard rudely made a wall in-between us. He towered over me, with a glare.

"Now, now Al, don't be rude to the lovely lady," the subject slurred. His guard slid to the side a little, making sure to keep a distance between whom he was to protect. "Introduce yourself," he suggested, and patted his guards shoulder.

A deep, inpatient breath came roughly out of his mouth. "Al Blintze."

"Julie Bennett," I used a fake name and reached out to shake his hand, which he looked at in disgust. I turned to the subject, the reason I was here in the first place. "Nice to meet you, I couldn't help but notice you from across the room."

He smirked. "Why is that?"

"I'm not sure if it was your good looks, or how impressed I was with all the shots you've had." I smiled shyly.

"That's right, butter him up." Landon whispered into my earpiece.

"I don't think I caught your name."

"Jamal Simmons," he introduced, and reached for my hand. When his hand grabbed mine, an electric current went through my veins. I almost jerked my hand back, thinking he knew who I really was, and was trying to catch me. But I realized he didn't do it on purpose, and that he too noticed it, when he froze in shock.

He quickly recovered; right before the guard went to stepped forward to separate us again. He must have noticed Ja- I mean the subjects body language change. Even though it only happened for half-a-second.

The subject cleared his throat, and shood the guard, before lightly kissing my hand. Yet again, a shock vibrated through my skin, and he hesitated when pulling away.

"Um, do you want to go somewhere else...alone?" I suddenly asked Jamal, almost completely confident that he would agree. He's just seems like that type of guy.

The guard eyed me, almost as if he new my true motivation.

"Uh, yeah," He smiled, until Al put a hand on his shoulder and leaned in, whispering something to the subject.

While the guard was still whispering to the subject, Jamal rolled his eyes. "Yes, I understand where you're coming from, Al." Jamal answered.

While Al pulled back, the subject took this as an advantage to nod to the back door. I winked and spoke, "I'll be going then," with a sigh.

"Nice meeting you, Julie."

"You too, Mr. Simmons. Al," I nodded before rushing to the back door.

Before I got out of earshot I heard Jamal saying, "I'm going to the bathroom, and I don't need assistance. I'm a grown man," with a light chuckle.

"Subject coming, subject coming!" I said through my teeth, to the camera.

"We'll be one minute," Peter informed me.
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Okay! Don't laugh, but I finally figured out how to add a chapter! (with help) That is why it took me so long to add! I'm sorry, but I hope I still have readers out there!