She Disobeyed the Mafia Leader, Her Punishment Is... Him?

Trash (Ch. 4)

Muffled words began to be understandable.

"Lee, Lee!" I suddenly realized Lance had his hands on my shoulders, and was shaking me. I blink furiously, not only to clear my vision, but also so he would see I heard him now.

Without thinking, I gasped for air. Why had I stopped breathing in the first place?

"Oh, Lee! I'm so sorry we didn't get to you sooner, that's a long alley! You must be disgusted. I feel like I can taste his tongue in my mouth for you," May's face showed she was being truthful...and holding back a gag.

Why wasn't I doing the same?

I blinked again.

My gaze went to Lance, his light brown hair barley went over his brown eyes; flipping and curling. His eyes scanned my face, who knows what it looked like.

"We need to go," he said slowly. I gulped, but nodded stiffly, and followed behind him and May.

Was I...falling for the subject? The person I was meant to kill? How could I even fall for him, he only spoke but three words.

'No, I have to kill him. It's what's right, what I'm supposed to do.' I thought.

'But, the kiss.' I argued with myself.

'Was a trick! He's probably had practice with many others....just complete the mission.'

My thoughts drifted away when I spotted the familiar black Hummer H2, and jumped in the back.

"You okay?" Lance asked from next to me.

I turned to look at him. "Where is he?"

"Who?" How can he not know who I'm talking about. Only a few minutes have passed since he was in our presence!

"Jam-the subject, where is the subject?" I said through my teeth.

"There's some info we needed out of him..." he trailed off.

They took him to get tortured? I can't believe this. Sure, they've tortured others before, but....I made out with him!

'That's the best excuse you can come up with?' I snickered at myself.

'Oh, shut up.'

May turned from the passenger seat, leaned forward, and whispered, "I can't believe you disobeyed, Peter, Lee!"

"What are you talking about? I did the mission, what else does he want out of me?" I snapped. Why I am I taking this out on May? I looked to the floor, ashamed of myself, right before Lance flicked me in the ear. "I'm sorry, May, just not in the best of moods." He didn't have to flick me for me to apologize.

"PMS," Lance whispered next to me, with a smirk, after rolling his eyes.

"No," I dragged out my word. I glanced at the rear view mirror, only to meet the oh-so-familiar gaze of Peter. I knew I felt someone staring at me. Peter always watching me isn't something unusual, and I have been told, by possibly unreliable resources, that he likes me....okay, he is obsessed.

And the facts my resources, May and Lance, had gathered did fit in with their conclusion. He always stared at me, they say he has been happier since I joined them -which I think the reason being is because once Lance and May got together he wouldn't let May go on the missions anymore, so with me they could continue to get the many subjects easier, though the harder way can be very entertaining-, Lance said he's mentioned me...more than once, and many other reasons I don't want to be thinking about now.

I smiled briefly, before looking back at May's cute, heart shaped face. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, well that's because you were to busy sucking face with that dick." Peter said; it sounded like it was supposed to be a whisper, but it came out a little to loudly.

I'm guessing the others heard him too, since May quickly changed the subject. But not before throwing me a look, saying we'll-talk-later. I attempted to smile, and nodded to show her how grateful I was that she switched topics and that I agreed to her terms.


We arrived at a near hotel, and I quickly jumped out, with 'the couple', meaning Lance and May, following behind me. Peter went to park the car, so we headed to check in. May, surprisingly, unlatched Lance's arm from around her waist, and skipped ahead, next to me. She grabbed my arm, and turned around.

"We'll be back," She informed Lance, and pulled me away as he nodded.

She pulled me outside, and we walked along a path, until we were on the side of the building, and she pulled me down to sit next to her on a bench.

"Proof enough that he likes you?" Her childish face grinned, as she bounced with excitement.

"May..." I whined.

"Fine, but, what's bugging you? You just zoned out after that jerk-face," I winced; she said the rest slowly and lowly, from noticing my reaction. "attacked you," she breathed.

"Um..." How do I tell her I fell for him? She knows the feeling, maybe she will understand. But our situations are so different, she can like-or love-, Lance, but Jamal is a different story. He's in a different clan.

"He's in a different tribe! How is that even possible?" She already knew what I was thinking, she's just too good.

"I didn't get to choose."

"What do you mean, 'you didn't get to choose'? You choose who you like, Lee!"

"But this just came naturally, I didn't even realize it. I kissed him back instinctively!" My voice slowly rose as my words began to build up. "I'll be back."

Before she could object I grabbed my hand bag, and start back up the path. But quickly turned around when I got the chills. I returned to May.

"Can I borrow your jacket? I'll be back soon," I begged.

"Don't you get it smelling like trash." She warned before slipping her jacket off for me. Of course she knew where I planned on going. I chuckled. "What?"

"Lance is going to freak out when you go back without a jacket," we laughed together.

"Ah, who cares. I'll live, right?" I couldn't help but smile, and pull little-old-May into my arms.

"Gosh, I love you, May, you know that?" She laughed.

"Yeah, Lee, I know." For a minute, everything was quiet...everything was peaceful. "Shi-cocka!"

"What?" I pulled back.

"The camera!" She flicked the tiny camera that hung on my dress. "If Peter still had the screen on in the car, he heard everything!"

"Well," I said after a minute. "I'll be off."

"Off with it, then!" May laughed. "We'll get that tape later, and hope he didn't already hear in on us!"

We both started towards the front; she off to find Lance, and me to get to the small town roads.

"Your key, Madam." Lance handed me two keys, and May one, as well.

"Room 216," I read aloud.

"I'm in 203," she shrugged. I held up the second key, my eyes widened.

"You put me with Peter!" I said through my teeth. He laughed, and moved out of the way before I could hit him. His hand went around May's waist right before she shivered.

"May, child! Why aren't you wearing your jacket?"

I smirked. "Gotta go!"

"Give me his key, since your leaving. You and Peter have separate beds, by the way." I nodded, very thankful.

The walk was short, most likely because I was busy thinking. Thinking about tonight; what had happened, what will happen.

The metal fence, that I was once penned against, supported my weight. Flashbacks of Jamal pressing his body against mine filled my thoughts.

Why can't I forget about him?
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Hey! I don't have comments :( But I have a few subscribers! :D I glad about that, but you get more chapters out of me when you tell me you like the story! Hahha, that sounds...brat-ish --My laptop hit me in the joke!--