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Episode 10: The Theme Park Incident

The Theme Park Incident

<Mikey is ten, Gerard is thirteen. Donald has the camera. The family is in the kids zone of the park, and Gerard is bored out of his mind>

Gerard: *in a very whiny tone* "Mooooooooom, can we PLEASE go over to the roller coasters? Last year you said I could next year, which is this year now so I get to go!"

Donna: "In a little while honey..."

Mikey: *wide-eyed* " NO! Mom! They're scary! I wanna stay here with the spinning cups!"

Gerard: "You're such a baby Mikey!"

Mikey: "Am not!"

Gerard: "Are too!"

Mikey: "AM NOT!"

Gerard: "Oh yeah? Then how come you won't leave the kiddy zone? Look around Mikey, only babies come here."

Mikey: "That's not true! *looks around for someone his age* See! There's a boy my age over there!"

Gerard: "Mikey, that kid is a dweeb."

Donna: "Gerard!"

Gerard: "Well it's true! He looks dorkier than Mikey does, and that's saying something!"

Donald: "Boys, quit bickering. We'll stay here for a little while longer, then we can go over to the roller coasters."

Mikey: "No!!! Mom, I don't wanna go on a roller coaster! I don't have to go right?" *gives puppy eyes*

Donna: "Well...."

Gerard: *sly look on his face* "Hey Mikey, I heard that the Cheerios Honey Bee is gonna be in the kiddy zone today... "

Mikey: *screams* "AHHH! nevermind! I'll go on a roller coaster!"

*Donna sighs*

*camera clicks off, turns back on to show Gerard and Mikey sitting in a roller coaster. Mikey is trembling with fear*

Donald: "I'm so proud boys, your first roller coaster ride!"

Mikey: *looks up at the man locking the safety bar in place* "Are you guys SURE I'm not too young for this ride?"

Man Locking the Bar: "Yeah kid, you're tall enough."

Mikey: "Curse this wretched height of mine!"

Donna: "Aw honey don't worry, you'll be fine. Trust me you'll never wanna get off once it's done."

Gerard: "Would you rather be hugging the Honey Bee right now Mikey? "

Mikey: *sits up straight* " No!"

*ride starts to climb up the slope*

Donald: "Here they go!"

Mikey: *screams* "Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!! "

*Gerard laughs manically*

*roller coaster goes around, with glimpses of Mikey screaming and crying as the cars pass the camera. Finally it stops, and Mikey and Gerard are getting off the ride*

Gerard: " THAT WAS AWESOME! I wanna go again!"

Mikey: *clutching his stomach with tears streaming down his face* "I feel bad Mommy..."

Donna: "Aw baby come on we'll sit down for a bit in the food court okay?"

Mikey: *sniffles* "Okay..."

Gerard: "AH DAMNIT! "

*they go to sit in the food court, all of a sudden the Cheerios Honey Bee comes up behind Mikey with his arms outstretched*

Honey Bee: "Hey there little buddy! You not feeling good? Aw come gimme a hug..."

Mikey: *petrified momentarily*

Honey Bee: "Aw don't be scared, it's me! The Cheerios Honey Bee!" *reaches to hug Mikey*

*Mikey screams like bloody murder*

Donald: "Donna, we better go home..."
*camera clicks off*