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Episode 11: The Scouting Incident

Episode 11: The Scouting Incident

(Gerard is 10, Mikey is 7, Ray is 10, and Frankie is 6)
<Opens; see the boys lined up in their patrol. Donna has the camera, Linda Iero and Ray’s mother are standing next to her.>

Donna: Here we have the boys at their very first scout meeting. Hey Mikey! Hey Gerard!

Mikey: Hi Mommy!!! (waves energetically)

Gerard: Mom! You’re totally embarrassing me! Stop Filming! (looks at camera and frowns)

Frankie: Hi Donna!! It’s me, Fwankie! Hi mommy! Hi Ray’s mommy! Hi camera!!! (jumps up and down, his tie flipping up into his face)

Gerard: Frank, stop! You’re being a complete dumbass! (hits Frank on the back of the head)

Linda: Gerard! Don’t hit my Frankie.

Gerard: <grumbles> Sorry Ms. Iero…(pulls hat over eyes)

Scout Leader: Okay boys, can anyone tell me what we need to bring on our hike next week?

Mikey: Oh! Whistles! Everyone needs a whistle, or we could get losted!

Gerard: Let’s not give him a whistle.

Frankie: How RUDE! (pouts, shaking a finger in Gerard’s face)

Ray: Be careful, Frank. He might bite it off. (Gerard glares up at Ray, squinting)

Gerard: No one asked you, Curly Sue. (Ray coughs, tugging on the edge of his badge scarf)

Scout Leader: Erm, yes. That is 100% correct, Michael. We will be giving you boys out whistles along with other important items in your kit bags next week.

Gerard: We get knives, right? (hopefully)

Mikey: Oh no! (slaps hand to forehead, causing his glasses to make a clicking sound)…please don’t give him a knife…pwease!?

Frankie: What do you need a knife for anyways Geward? (chewing on tie)

Gerard: It’s Gerard, you idiot! And there are plenty of things I can use a knife for. (glances over at Mikey with and evil glare)

Mikey: Eeeek! Mommy, he wants to kill me!!!

Frankie: Aah! Geward’s a murderer!! Hide!!! (runs behind Ray, peeking out from his knees)

Ray: Frank, don’t be ridic-…actually, I wouldn’t put it past him… (Gerard narrows his eyes, his lips curling)

Gerard: Knives are useful…you can use them to give people with overly massive curly hair, haircuts.

Mikey: I like Raymond’s hair…(trails off as Gerard turns his evil smirk on him)

Ray: Thanks Mikey…I really appreciate that…Frank, stop chewing on my pant leg. (Frank looks up at Ray, the material of Ray’s pants clenched between his teeth)

Frankie: Okay Ray…just becwause you asked me… (let’s go of pants, stand up next to Mikey)

Gerard: Why do you listen to Toro, but don’t have an ounce of respect for me?

Frankie: Becwause he, unlike you Geward, is a nice guy. (Gerard scoffs)

Ray: Thanks Frank, you’re a good kid.

Frankie: Thank you very much Ray. I am a good boy…or…(smirks, shifty eyes) I’m a very good pirwate puppy! (drops to all fours) Ruff!

Linda: <whispers> Frank! Behave!

Gerard: Now you see how horrible your son is when he’s around normal people!

Donna: Gerard!

Mikey: Frank’s always a good company, Gee. (smiles at Frankie, who is crawling around on the ground, barking at the other boy’s shoes.)

Gerard: Pretty confident talk coming from the cover boy of ‘Geeks Illustrated’.

Frankie: Argh! You can’t talk to me friend Mikey like dat! (growls, lunges at Gerard; knocking him backwards to the ground)

Gerard: Get off me, you little freak!

Mikey: He’s not a freak, Gerard! You’re a freak!
Gerard: (slapping away Frank’s hands) Mikey, shut up!

Frank: Grrr…owy! Mommy! Ray’s mommy! Donna! Camera!!!! He bit me!!! He bit me with his scwary vampwire teeth!!!

Gerard: I f.ucking well did, and I’ll do it again if you don’t get off!!!

Frank: *hisses* NEVER you meanie! Mikey, hewlp me pwease!!!

Mikey: Okay Frankie! (jumps on top of Gerard as well)

Scout Leader: What have I gotten myself into? (shakes head)

Gerard: Toro, a little help?!

Ray: As I recall, someone was threatening to chop off my hair with a swiss army knife earlier.

Gerard: Oh let me count the ways in which I loathe you…ow! Frank, next time you put your hand there, I bit it off! Mom!!!!

Linda: Frank, get off Gerard now!

Donna: Mikey, leave your brother alone!

Frankie: Kiss my puppy butt Geward! You’re icky!!!

Gerard: MOM!!!!!!!!!

(* camera clicks off*)

<the end>