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Episode 12: The Baby Stink Breath!! Incident

Episode 12: The Baby Stink Breath!! Incident
(Mikey is 8, Gerard is 11. They are doing some spring cleaning with their parents when they come across some old videos in a cardboard box in their basement)

Mikey: Hey, Gerard, look at these.

(Gerard walks over)

Gerard: Donna and Donald Get Dirty? Whoahoho!!! Let's go see what these are all about!! Help me with these.

(They carry the cardboard box upstairs into the living room and pop in the video with that title.)

Donald's Voice: Oh, Donna, I can't believe you talked me into this!

Donna's Voice: Now, you're not going to tell the guys at work about this, are you?

Donald's Voice: No, ma'am.

(cuts to the T.V., where Donna and Donald are shown carving pumpkins)

Gerard: Man, this sucks! Why is every movie in this box about mom and dad carving pumpkins??

Mikey (reaching into box and pulling out another videotape): Look at this. Gerard Sad? If there were ever proof of G-d's existence, this is it. (pops in videotape)

(cuts to a TV show)

Man: Cassidy, why are you dancing on the toilet?

Cassidy (dancing on top of toilet): Don't you know? It's FLUSH DANCING!!!

Announcer: Perfect Strangers will be right back after these commercials.

(cuts to commercial)

Old Lady (approaching young mother with a carriage in the park): What a gorgeous baby! He's so--OH, MY? WHAT ON EARTH IS THAT SMELL??

(baby Gerard sits up in the carriage and laughs. the old lady passes out)

Gerard: Oh, my G-d. That's ME!!

Mikey: HAHA!!

Singers: He's really cute, but he smells of death! What's his name? It's Baby Stink Breath!!

Announcer: Now we have a solution for stinky baby breath! It's called Reek No More. How does Reek No More work? Well, there are three patches that are put on the baby's cheeks and forehead that alter his DNA but not his RNA!! Now your baby can go out without people avoiding him! Not recommended for babies under two.

Mother and Old Lady: Thanks, Reek No More!

(old lady picks up baby Gerard, who giggles)

(tape shuts off)

Mikey: Oh, it's not Gerard Sad. It's Gerard's Ad.

Gerard: That's funny. I don't remember doing a commercial.

Mikey (giggling): You're Baby Stink Breath! You're Baby Stink Breath!

Gerard: SHUT UP!!

Mikey: No, you shut up, Baby Stink Breath!

Gerard (tackling Mikey): I'll kick your butt!!


(the end)