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Episode 15:The ‘Make A Wish’ Incident

[written by: ophelia_rising]

*Not hilarious, but something a kid would pull. Enjoy.*

(Gerard is 9, Mikey is 6, Frank is 5. They are watching a Christmas TV special sponsored by Make A Wish in which kids’ last wishes are granted. Very touching, but the boys are too young to realize that Make A Wish is for sick kids about to die, not two healthy kids and one with asthma, albeit severe. The misunderstanding leads them to call the Foundation and request a wish.)

Lady on the Phone: Make a Wish New Jersey, how may I help you ?

Gerard: Yes, I am a kid. I’m 9, about to turn 10 in four months, and I’d like to make a wish for myself.

Lady: Well, what’s your name?

Gerard: Gerard Way.

Lady: And what would you like to do?

Mikey: I wanna go to Disneyland!

Frank: I wanna be a cowboy! Pow! Pow! Pow!!

Gerard: Shut up, it’s MY wish! You guys will have your turn after me!

Mikey: Why do you always have to go first?

Frank: Yeah!

Gerard: Because I’m the oldest! Now shut up! Are you still there, lady?

Lady: Yes, Gerard. I am.

Gerard: I’d like to…um…um…um…meet Patrick Duffy.

Mikey: That’s a stupid wish!

Gerard: Shut up, ass! I like Patrick Duffy!

Mikey: Yeah, well a trained ape could come up with better things than that!

Lady: Very well, Gerard. What’s wrong with you?

Gerard: What do you mean what's wrong with me? Don’t tell me you hate Dallas, too! Am I the only person on earth who likes that show?

Lady: I think Dallas is a very good show, Gerard. What I mean is what disease do you have? Like cancer? Anything like that?

Gerard: Well, my brother has asthma. Does that count?

Lady: I’m afraid not, Gerard. Gerard, do you know what we do?

Gerard: Yeah, you give kids free stuff. It’s awesome!

Lady: Yes and no. Gerard, we grant the last wishes of sick kids who are going to die. We don’t give just any kid free stuff.

Gerard: You don’t?

Lady: I'm afraid not. You seem like a very nice, smart bunch of kids, though. Maybe one day you all will change a lot of lives, and you're very lucky to be able to live long enough to do so. But we can't grant your wish because you're not sick, okay?

Mikey (in the background): Do we get to meet Patrick Duffy??

Gerard (to Mikey): No, ass! (to the lady on the phone) Okay, ma’am.

Lady: Can I talk to your mom?

Gerard: Okay. DONNA!!! TELEPHONE!!!

(later on, when the kids are in bed, Donna calls Donald at work)

Donna: Donald, you won’t believe what the kids did today…

(The end)