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Episode 19: The School Assignment Incident

<Gerard is 16, Mikey is 13, and Ray is 16>

(Gerard grumpily slinks into the kitchen for his breakfast, and bangs his head on the table. Mikey looks up from his bowl of no name Fruity O’s>

Mikey: What’s wrong, Gee?

Gerard: School project due tomorrow…(repeatedly bangs head on wooden surface)

Mikey: (looks at his watch) It’s Sunday…you waited all weekend to start?

Gerard: I was busy working at the comic store….Mikey, PLEASE help me!!! (gives puppy face)

Mikey: No…not that face…with the eyes and the lips…and the….Ack! FINE! (Gerard hugs Mikey)

Gerard: Thank-you Mikes!

Mikey: Don’t mention it…so what’s the project?
(Gerard smiles evilly)

<next day in Gerard’s class>

Teacher: Thank you Raymond for that EXCELLENT diagram of the economic system in Belleville. Next…(looks down at assignment presentation list) is Gerard Way…Gerard?

(Gerard prepares a slideshow)

Gerard: This is my project: “Life in Belleville”. (evil smirk) The dork with the glasses is my brother Mikey…oh, and I wrote the music too…It’s titled Our Lady of Sorrows…

<fast paced guitar strumming, accompanied with lyrics; screaming — rough recording ---->

Slide one- Gerard laying spread eagled on the pavement behind the family van, blood trailing from his open mouth.

Slide two- Gerard laying face down in a bathtub, blood seeping into the water from his wrists, marking on the linoleum wall reading “singing songs that make you slit your wrists”

Slide three- Mikey with his arms crossed, laying down in the freezer, markings drawn across his face.

Slide four- Gerard, blood flowing from his abdomen, jammed underneath the garage door.

Slide five- Mikey curled up in the bathtub, bloody water, hugging a teddy bear to his chest.

Slide six- A note scrawled “Mom, please bury me in the best damn dress I own. Thanks. xoxo g”

Slide seven- Mikey with a pitchfork stuck in his throat, his glasses stained with blood.

Slide eight- Gerard leaning against a blood stained bathroom wall, a knife in his hands, blood splattered over his body. A note reading “Another Knife in my hands…no comment” taped to the wall above him.

Slide nine- Mikey zipped up in a body bag.

Slide ten- Gerard with his “intestines” cut out of his stomach, a lawnmower parked on top of him.

Slide eleven: Mikey with empty pill bottles and stray pills laying around him, and medication stuffed into his mouth, a vodka bottle loosely held in his dead hands. A message etched into the walls “The amount of pills I’m taking counteracts the booze I’m drinking…”

Slide twelve- Mikey and Gerard sitting in chairs at a “tea party”, their heads lolled back. Empty poison bottles on the table, little place settings saying “And all the CYANIDE you drank…”

Slide thirteen: Gerard covered in blood, lying in a wheelbarrow.

Slide fourteen: Mikey’s body sitting on the sofa, a revolver in his left hand, his brain guts strewn onto the wall behind him, his glasses shattered on the floor. A suicide note reads “And I think I’ll blow my brains against the ceiling…”

Slide Fifteen: Gerard hanging from his bedroom ceiling, a sign around his neck reading “I think I’d LOVE to die alone…”

<end of slideshow>

Teacher: Oh…well…that was very…uh…Gerard clearly worked very…ah, shit…that was fucking sick!

Gerard: (beaming) Thank you!

Teacher: Meet me in the guidance office after class…

Gerard: Again?! My boss freaks out when I’m-

Teacher: Mr. Way! That is NOT my problem! You are a disturbed little boy who-

Girl #1: I liked it sir, I think Gerard did a really good job….it embodies the downer, depressive side that is high school. (Gerard raises eyebrows as she smiles at him)

Ray: And the music was amazing…the lyrics were so…honest and just…it was really good Gee. (smiles)

Teacher: Well, thank you Christine, Raymond…but two people’s opinions are not-

Girl #2: And his little brother was SO adorable…if you looked past all the gruesome makeup…(the rest of the class nods, and begins to applaud)

Teacher: Alright! That’s enough…. “Life in Belleville”…Gerard Way, you are ABSOLUTLEY twisted!

Gerard: Aw…why thank you, sir…I try… (bows)

Teacher: (screaming loudly) GET OUT OF MY CLASS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gerard: Sweet deal dude! (exits the classroom)

(teacher sits down at desk, taking out a mini size bottle of rum and takes a swig)

<*the end*>