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Episode 2: The Braces Incident

(Mikey is 12, Gerard is 15. Donna has the camera.)

Mikey: (shuffles toward the door and looks to his mother) *sniffle* I don’t WANT to go…

Gerard: (walking past the room) What’s his problem?

Donna: He’s getting his braces today. (Walks into other room to find car keys, setting camera down on the table)

Gerard: (laughing) That’s today? Ha! You suck. I heard when you get braces they put you to sleep with gas, and you get all these freaky dreams from it.

Mikey: (imagines a dream about Trix the rabbit chasing him) Ack! I don’t want any dreams!

Gerard: And because it’s gas, you can’t wake up even if you want to…

Mikey: NOOO!!! I’m not taking that stuff, even if they make me, I won’t breathe it!

Gerard: But you have to, would you rather stay awake and feel them shoving needles into your gums?

Mikey: WHAT?!

Gerard: Well how else do you think they get them to stay in there? They wrap wire around the teeth and shove it through your gums to keep it in place.

(Mikey stares blankly for a second, then his eyes start to water and his bottom lip quivers…)

Gerard: Oh come on, Mikey, you’ll be asleep for it anyways…

(Mikey slumps down and starts bawling)

Donna: (yelling from other room) What’s going on in there? (Walks in with car keys)

Gerard: Oh he’s just being a wimp because he doesn’t wanna get braces.

Donna: (pulling Mikey up from the floor) Come on, you’ll be fine. You won’t even feel it. (Starts dragging Mikey out the door) Gerard, turn the camera off, will you?


(A few hours later, Gerard picks up the camera when he sees the car come in the driveway)

Gerard: Here comes Mikey with his new braces. *snickers*

(Mikey walks in with his mother.)

Mikey: Gerard Arthur Way, I’m gonna kill you!

Gerard: Ooh, full name, what did I do?

Mikey: I walk in, I ask if they’re gonna gas me, they say no, I freak, then after all that worrying, it turns out they cement it on.

Gerard: Meh, they must have changed their methods. And watch how you talk, you’re spraying spit everywhere.

(Mikey gives Gerard a dirty look)

Gerard: Lighten up. How long are they in for?

Mikey: About two months.
Gerard: Wow, first glasses, now braces. You’re such a geek.

(Mikey screams and lunges at Gerard)

Gerard: Aaah!

*camera turns off*