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Episode 20: The Baby Switching Incident

<Mikey is 9 months, Gerard is 3, Ray is 3>

(Donna and Mrs. Toro are sitting on a bench talking. Mikey is in his stroller, placed next to the swings. Gerard and Ray are slowly moving back and forth on them.)

Gerard: It’s just abful Toro…theys is ALWAYS pwaying with da baby. My mommy and dwaddy hate me now…

Ray: Nah, Gee…theys just excited bout Mikey.

Gerard: (glares at the giggling baby) He’s just pwain dumb…

Ray: Yah…too bad you cwan’t twade him in…

Gerard: (jumps up from swing) Dat’s it! Toro, you’re da mastermind! Da man with the pwan!

Ray: (following Gerard to the side of the stroller) I was only kwidding…Geward…what is you doin’?

Gerard: You see dat baby ober dare? (points at a baby in a pale pink top sitting on a blanket with it’s mother-who is very engrossed in a novel)

Ray: Yeah…(runs fingers through his curly locks)

Gerard: I’m switching it with Mikey… (tugs Mikey out from the buggy)

Ray: Gee! My mom and your mom will see dat!

Gerard: Not if yous is diswacting thems. (pulls Mikey over to the blanket, Ray sighs, trudging over to the bench)

Ray: I’m a wittle teapot, short and stwout… (continues on, with actions as his mom and Donna laugh at his cuteness)

(Gerard stealthily exchanges the babies’ clothing, finishing by pulling a bonnet over Mikey’s thin sandy blonde hair)

Gerard: Bye bye old icky baby! (drags new “Mikey” over to the carriage, pushing it in)

Donna: Ready to head home sweetheart?

Gerard: Uh huh mommy! (smiles widely, hugging Donna)

Donna: That’s nice Gerard…but I was talking to little baby Mikeykins! (waves goodbye to Ray and his mom, heads home)

Gerard: *sniffle* Nobody wuvs me…(hangs head as he walks after his mom)

<later that day>

Donald: Hey Gerard, wanna come with me to get supper?

Gerard: What are wes peoples having?

Donald: McDonalds.

Gerard: No deal, dude… (goes back to X-Men action figures)

Donald: Do you want anything Donna, honey?

Donna: Um…you choose for me, darling… (maneuvers baby in her arms so she can kiss Donald goodbye)

Gerard: Ew!!!!! (gags)

Donald: Hey mister, wait until you grow up and are kissing girls.

Gerard: *shudder* No way man… (Donald laughs, leaving out the front door)

Donna: I’m going to change your brother.

Gerard: Fine….

(*few minutes later*)

Donna: (from upstairs) OH MY GOD! WHERE’S HIS---- GERARD ARTHUR WAY!!!!!!!

Gerard: Uh oh….(runs to hide behind the couch)

<two hours later>

Donald: You are SO lucky we found him, Gerard…(pushing Gerard through the front door)

Donna: (kissing Mikey’s forehead) You, young man…are grounded for…for…until you’re twenty nine!

Gerard: Okay.

Donald: Is that ALL you have to say for yourself!?

Gerard: I only did it cuz you wuv Mikey MORE than you ever loved me! I thought that if we gots a new baby…you’d love me again…like you used to…

Donna: Gerard, honey…

Gerard: NO! I don’t wanna hear it! I know you hate me! I hate you too! I ‘SPECIALLY hate Mikey. I’m gonna go up to my room, and DON’T bother following me Donna! (begins bawling, running up the stairs)

Donna: (placing Mikey in his playpen) Oh my…Donald…he’s not supposed to hate me until he’s a teenager…

Donald: Some kids start…early? (sheepishly smiles)

Mikey: (smiling widely) Gack! Woosh! Gee!!!!! (pointing at a family photo of Gerard, Donna, and Donald)

Donna: (looking up) Did he just-?

Donald: No…that wouldn’t be his first word…

Mikey: GEE!!!! (excitedly jumps up and down, falling onto his butt, pointing to the stairs, where Gerard is standing, smiling at Mikey.)

Donna: Aw, Gerard-

Gerard: You guises dwidn’t see ANYTHING! (runs back upstairs, slams door)

Donald + Donna: *sigh*

<*the end*>