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Episode 22: The Haircut Incident

<Gerard is 13, Mikey is 10, and Frank is 9>

(Frank has set up a “Beauty Salon” is the Way’s bathroom. Mikey is sitting on the closed toilet seat, Frank painting his hails.)

Frank: You look FABULOUS darling! (finishes by painting Mikey’s thumb nail)

Mikey: Thanks Frankie…I guess…(sighs as Gerard walks by. Doubling back, he steps into the bathroom)

Gerard: Is that MY black nail polish?! (angrily scoops the bottle from Frank)

Frank: I’m Franklin Iero, the beautifulcationalist!!! Whatever materials I require for my prime cliental, I obtain.

Gerard: From MY room!? (exasperatedly)

Mikey: Actually, Frank found it on the counter… (Gerard glares at him)

Gerard: Frank, leave my stuff ALONE! You’re worse than my little brother! Why do you spend so much time here anyways?!

Frank: (looking downcast) I…I…erm…

Mikey: His mom and dad are always fighting…and sometimes his dad-

Frank: I just LOVE spending time with you and Mikey! (wide smile)

Gerard: Bull…but whatever… (turns to leave the room)

Frank: Wait! Gee…

Gerard: Yeah, Frankie… (looks around)

Frank: Will you play “Beauty Salon” with me? (pouting lip, wide and bright eyes)

Gerard: No. (looks in the mirror and fixes a smudge in his eyeliner)

Frank: PWEASE!? (snuggles close to Gerard)

Gerard: Ack! Fine…but only if you GET OFF ME!

Frank: Yay! Check into the “Salon Bella Meurte”! (gesturing for Gerard to take Mikey’s place on the toilet)

Gerard: Uh, why on earth would you call your salon the “Beautiful Death”?

Mikey: (looking down at his black nails) That makes me nervous…

Frank: Oh shhh! It’s cuz Franklin Iero makes you BEAUTIFUL…and people will just want to snuggle you to DEATH!!

Gerard: Okay…(sitting down)

Frank: You need a haircut Mister Gerard Arthur…(Gerard stares at him, eyes narrowed)

Gerard: What’s wrong with my hair…Mister Franklin Anthony?

Frank: It’s long, shaggy, black, and in your face.

Gerard: And what’s wrong with THAT?!

Frank: Nothing. I’m only pretending Gerard…Just need to prettify you…although you are pretty enough…(brushes Gerard’s bangs out of his eyes)

Gerard: Huh? (confused)

Mikey: (smirking) Frankie thinks you’re hot.

Frank: I DO NOT MICHAEL JAMES WAY!!!!! (slaps Mikey)

Gerard: Just give me my haircut so I can go meet up with Toro at the movies…

Frank: (singing) Lala! Gerard’s gonna be pretty!!! (makes mock snips with the scissors) La la! La LA!!!

Mikey: Uh, Frankie….(gasps, pointing at Frank’s hand)

Gerard: What? (yawning slightly)

Frank: (looking down at a large chunk of Gerard’s hair in his left hand) Uh huh…

Gerard: Uh oh? Why uh oh? Frank wha- (horrified, feels his head) Oh my sweet Morrissey… what have you done to me!? (runs to the mirror)

Frank: I’m really sorry, Gerard…

Gerard: *whimper*

Mikey: Maybe I should get mom…

Gerard: No! Leave. Now. Give. Scissors. (stammers, holding a shaking hand out for the scissors. Frank hands them over, while he and Mikey run from the room)

<an hour later>

Frank: I hope he hasn’t killed himself over this…(holding a bowl of skittles Mikey has just passed him)

Mikey: I think he was just gonna…(trails off)…fix…it…(stares at the doorway, Frank turns around; dropping the skittles)

(Gerard strides over to the fridge. His hair is long in the front, with sweeping bangs. The back is short, layered, and spiked up. He has applied extra eyeliner to make his hazel eyes appear even darker.)

Mikey: Erm…Gerard…that’s…

Gerard: Shut up! It’ll grow back…

Frank: Well, it won’t grow back the same, since you left all that at the front…

Gerard: I had to layer it, because of the angle you massacred it at…and I still wanted some in my face…(takes a swig of a pop he has taken from the bottom shelf)

Frank: I’m REALLY sorry Gee…(pouting, on the verge of tears)

Gerard: (a compassionate look on his face) Nah…don’t be…(bends down and puts a hand on Frank’s shoulder) Hey, maybe the style will catch on…

Mikey: I DOUBT it.

Gerard: Shut Up Mikey! (slaps Mikey’s shoulder)