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Episode 23: The Warped Tour Incident

<Gerard is 18, Mikey is 15, and Frank is 14>

(Gerard has been forced to take Frank and Mikey to Warped- even though he wanted to go on his own.)

Frank: Everyone is so…so…(stares up at everyone in trembling awe)

Gerard: Punk? (looking at the list of performing bands)

Frank: No…tall. (grabs onto Mikey’s arm, as a girl with an orange Mohawk bumps into him)

Gerard: You’re just short Frank…ah! We need to be at the main stage left in half an hour. (shaking his hair out of his face in the summer heat)

Mikey: We’ll just be watching from…afar…right? (nervously playing with his glasses)

Gerard: No! We’ll be at the very front of the fucking mosh pit! (smiling widely)

Frank: I’ll be KILLED!!! (whimpering)

Gerard: Not with me, you won’t…(prods Mikey)

Mikey: Ow! What? (rubbing his shoulder)

Gerard: That girl has been staring at you for the past five minutes. (smiles, nodding towards a girl in an Iron Maiden tee, faded jeans, and black Converse. She has short, dark hair, and heavy eye makeup.)

Mikey: No she hasn’t. (makes to move towards the stage)

Frank: She’s hot, Mikey… (smiles in her direction)

Mikey: Er…if you want to get to the front of the crowd, we’d better go now, Gee…

Gerard: I thought you were too-

Girl: Hey…I was just wondering where you got that sweet Anthrax top…(grinning, touching Mikey’s chest)

Mikey: (very nervously) Uh…local merch shop…

Girl: That’s awesome…where’s local? (pressing her leg against Mikey’s)

Mikey: (moaning)…Uh…Belleville…..

Girl: Wow…I’m from Kearny…not too far away. (grabs Mikey’s face, and forcibly kisses him)

Frank: Oh my sweet Gee! I want an Anthrax top! (scoffing, staring at Mikey’s face)

Gerard: (stifling a laugh with a rough cough) Hey, Christine…

Christine: (pulling away slightly) Do I KNOW you? (glancing at Gerard with a look of distaste)

Gerard: Gerard Way…Grade eleven math…(bashfully)

Christine: (still wrapped around Mikey) Uh, sorry. Not ringing any bells…

Gerard: Okay…you came to my tenth birthday…and took back the present.

Christine: Ew! You’re THE FREAKY GOTH guy! (kisses Mikey again)

Gerard: Yah, that’s me…and THAT (gestures to Mikey) is my brother.

Christine: EW! (pushes away) YOU’RE related to HIM?!?!

Mikey: …if I say no, will you stay? (Christine scoffs, stalking away)

Frank: Way to go Gee! (slapping his shoulder)

Gerard: Meh…(walks into crowd, pushing aside people)

Mikey: Gee! Wait! (runs after him)

Frank: DON’T FORGET ME! I CAN’T GET LOSTED! I’M IR-REPLACEABLE! (crawls through someone’s legs)

<10 mins later>

Tech: Folks, there’s a problem with the band…(groans and calls from the crowd) BUT while you wait…we have a special guest for you…to tide you over… (Glen Danzig walks out onto the stage)

Gerard: Oh my god, it’s HIM!!!!! (screams)

Glen: Okay! While we wait for my buddies in No Doubt to come…I want you to…MOVE APART! (crowd splits, forming a circle) Now…what I want you to do next is very simple…(smacks hands together)

Mikey: Ack! My glasses! (shoved around roughly, glasses fall off onto the ground)

Frank: Eek! Gerard! I can’t BREATHE! HELP ME!!!! (is pulled away from the Way brothers)

Gerard: Shit…FRANK! (tries to scramble for Frank’s arm, but he sinks down into the mosh, screaming)

Mikey: I CAN’T SEE!!!! AH!!! Hey! Get your hand OUT of there! GERARD!!!!!

Gerard: Mikey! Grab my hand! (pulls Mikey out of the pit, brushing off his shirt)

Mikey: (coughing) Where’s Frankie! (Gerard shakes his head, a worried expression on his face)

<an hour later, the crowd has cleared out>

Gerard: Oh my god…there he is. (runs to Frank’s side. He is covered in bruises, dirt, and blood. His shirt is ripped, and he is missing a shoe) FRANKIE, can you hear me?

Frank: (stirs, moaning lowly) Oh…Gerard? This time…my spleen…is DEFINETLY broken…(tries to sit up)

Mikey: You’re okay! (helping Frank up)

Frank: I got your glasses…(passes Mikey his cracked spectacles, caked in mud)

Gerard: So…you two coming next year? (other two glare at him)

Frank: I’m NEVER coming to Warped….AGAIN! I ALMOST DIED! (brushes off his shirt, attempts to walk off, but wobbles under his own weight, falling to the ground.)

Gerard: Here Frankie…(picks him up in his arms, carrying him out of the amphitheatre. Mikey has his arm linked with Gerard’s, as he can’t see where he is going.)

<*the end*>