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Episode 24: The 'Santa' Incident

[Written By: *+*nerd_cool*+*]

<Ray: 9 Gerard: 9 Mikey: 6 Frank: 5>

<It is the week of Christmas and the boys are all sitting in the Way family's living room floor. Mikey and Frank listen wide-eyed as Gerard tells stories of Santa, while Ray (knowing the stories are all lies) glares at Gerard dissaprovingly. Donna comes in and turns on the camera, then leaves it on the table facing the boys>

Gerard<in a creepy voice>: And so he comes soen the chimney to steal all the innocent little kids' souls...

Mikey<confused>: I thought he came just to give the kids presents.

Ray: That's because you're right Mikey. <crosses arms>

Gerard<glares at Ray>: Stay out of this, Toro. You don't know anything! <Ray scoffs and glares back. Gerard turns back to Frank and Mikey> And he has the power to posess people.

Frank<wide-eyed>: What's that?

Gerard<rolls eyes>: That means he can take over people's bodies and use them for his evil deeds, duh! Now, shut the hell up so I can finish.

<Frank opens mouth then shuts it again and looks down at the floor>

Mikey: Hey! You can't tell Frankie to shut the hell up! <pats Frank's back> It's not very ni-

Gerard<annoyed>: Shut the hell up Mikey!

Mikey<taken aback>: Okay, Gerard.

Ray<has had enough of Gerard's lies>: Don't belive any of this shit! Gerard is a fucking liar! <points to Gerard angrily>

Gerard<angry now>" I said stay the fuck out of this, Toro! This is none of your fucking business!

<Ray and Gerard continue to scream and argue as Frank and Mikey watch in amusement. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Frank and Mikey look at the door curiously. Gerard and Ray stop fighting to look too>

Donna<fake surprise>: I wonder who that could possibly be! <she picks up the camera and focuses it on the door> Come in!

<the door suddenly bursts open and in walks 'santa'>

'Santa': Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Chr-

Mikey:<screams like a little girl> Santa's come to steal our bowls!!

Gerard<frustrated>: Souls, you fucktard! SOULS!

<Frank and Mikey start histerically crying>

Donna: Do something, Donald!

'Santa': No, it's okay! It's me Mikey, daddy! <pulls off fake beard to reveal himself>

Mikey<eyes full of fear>: Santa posessed daddy! <faints>

<Frank continues to cry and scream while Gerard rolls on the floor laughing manically. 'Santa walks toward Frank and Mikey. Frank screams and runs. Keeping his eyes on 'Santa', Frank doesn't see the wall and hits it falling back onto the floor>

Donna & Donald: Mikey! Frank!

*camera clicks off*

<the end>