MCR Home Videos

Episode 25: The Hockey Incident

<Gerard is 10, Mikey is 7, Ray is 10, and Frank is 6 >

(The Belleville junior hockey team has been funded to travel to Salt Lake City, Utah for a tournament.)

Announcer: Please welcome our visitors from Belleville, New Jersey! (team skates out)

Mikey: Gerard…(almost falling on his skates)

Gerard: (looking through his goalie mask) What Mikey?

Mikey: Why isn’t it called Pepper Lake City? (Gerard scoffs, gliding off to the far net to do his stretches)

Frank: (doing twirls, jumps, and toe spins) LA LA! Ray, look at me!! (Ray skates by, his hair poking out from the helmet)

Ray: Frankie… (blows bangs out of his eyes) Where did you learn---Oof! (runs into the back of a Utah player)

Bert: Dude, back off, okay? (shoving Ray, who slides backwards on the ice)

Frank: Leave him alone, buddy! It was an accident. (sticks his tongue out at Bert)

Bert: Well…there may be some more… “accidents”…When the game starts, cutie…(blows a kiss at Frank, before skating off.)

Frank: Eeep! (skates off behind Mikey)

Bert: (off at home side of rink) Hey guys…check out the goalie…

Jeph: (staring at Gerard, who has taken off his helmet to talk to the coach) What about him?

Bert: He’s really… (Bert shakes his head, prodding the goalie in the shoulder) Branden, watch out for the short guy, he may not look it, but he’s good.

(Branden nods, and the ref blows his whistle, skating out into the centre. Ray and Bert go to take the face-off)

Ray: May the better team win. (smiling at Bert)

Bert: Don’t worry, we will… (quickly wins the face-off, passing the puck to Jeph)

Announcer: Howard passes the puck to Allman, who is intercepted by Iero!

Quinn: Hey twerp! Get back here! (angrily skates after Frank)

Frank: Nu uh Blondie! (energetically speeds in-between players, slapping the puck towards the five-hole. A buzzer sounds, and the crowd goes wild.)

Bert: Damn it! Branden, I TOLD you to watch out for him! (skates towards Frank, and angry expression on his face. Mikey looks over, and gasps.)

Mikey: Frankie! Watch out! (Frank doesn’t hear him. Just as Bert is about to cross-check Frank from behind, Mikey pushes him out of the way)

Announcer: And young Michael Way is plastered into the boards by McCracken. He doesn’t seem to be moving too quickly…

Frank: (kneeling down) Mikey! Can you hear me?! MIKEY!?! (frantically looks up as Gerard skates over) He’s gonna be okay, right Gee? (Tears form in his eyes)

Gerard: I…dunno…(pulls off Mikey’s helmet) Oh my god…he’s bleeding…(starts lightly slapping Mikey’s cheek) Mikey…wake up please…

Frank: Gee….(sobbing)

Gerard: He’s fine! Mikey…buddy, wake up… (voice cracking)

Ray: I’m gonna get the medic. (skates off quickly)

<few moments later>

Announcer: And today’s matches have been moved to arena B, sorry folks. ( Mikey has a neck brace on, and is being wheeled out on a stretcher.)

Coach: It’s okay Gerard…go take off your gear…and I’ll drive you to the hospital. Your mom’s already in the ambulance… (Gerard’s nods, heading off the change room)

<back out in the lobby of the arena, Gerard and Frank are waiting for the coach>

Frank: I’m really sorry Gee… (wiping his eyes)

Gerard: Why is that, Frankie…(his bangs across his red eyes, so no one can tell that he’s been crying)

Frank: Cuz if I hadn’t scored, that kid wouldn’t have wanted to hit me.

Gerard: Nah…it’s Mikey’s fault for jumping in the way… (sniffling)

<Bert, Jeph, Quinn, and Branden walk into the lobby>

Frank: There he is, Gerard! (pointing at Bert)

Gerard: (pinning Bert to the wall) Why the HELL did you have to hit him so hard!?

Bert: Chill man, I thought I was gonna get the midget over here (gestures at Frank)… When friggin’ skeleton-boy jumped in the way, he threw me off.

Gerard: That “Skeleton-Boy” is MY little brother!

Bert: Oh…sorry. Well, if he dies, at least the attractive genes will survive…what’s your name anywyas? (Gerard smiles, punching Bert square in the jaw)

Gerard: Gerard Way, and don’t you forget it, bitch! (Frank and Gerard pull their bags out to the car to visit Mikey.)

<*the end*>