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Episode 29: The Daycare Incident

<Gerard is 3, and Ray is 3>

(Gerard is being led by the arm into the daycare centre by his grandmother)

Gerard: But Gwandma…I don’t WANNA go! (trying to break free of her grasp)

Elena: Gerard honey, your mommy and daddy are at the hospital with baby Mikey. And your grandpa and I are going out for the day.

Gerard: Why can’t I see da baby?! (pouting)

Elena: Michael’s…well…Gee, he’s going to need some time before he can see anybody new, let alone come home from the hospital.

Gerard: But I cwould stwill go sees him at the hopscotchital with mommy…

Elena: He’s very fragile honey…

Gerard: Yous is all getting a new bwaby…so yous is leaving me here…yous all don’t love me no mores…

Elena: Don’t you DARE say that Gerard! I will ALWAYS love you…We go back three years sweetie, and I love you so much…you’ll always be my baby. (kissing his forehead)

Gerard: Uh huh…(sighing)…let’s jwust go ins now…(opening the door)

Woman: Why HELLO! You must be little Gerard Way! Gerard, that’s such a nice name…and look at YOUR face! (pinches Gerard’s cheeks) He’s simply ADORABLE! I’m Cheryl, by the way! WAY! Like YOUR last name! (shakes Elena’s hand, while Gerard rolls his eyes at the woman)

Elena: Nice to meet you…well Gee, I’ll see you at four. Okay, babe? (rustling Gerard’s messy black hair)

Gerard: Bye Gwandma! (angrily stomps into the play area)

Cheryl: Okay Gerard…I want you to come play over here with a very special young man…(brings him to a large block tower, constructed with pre-planned precision, the architecture far out-passing any other toddler’s) Raymond, I’ve brought you a friend…(a small boy with very curly brown hair pops his head up from inside the castle)

Ray: Okway. Hi! I’m Raymond Toro, but my fwiends cwall me Ray. (smiling) Come on in! (gestures to a small opening at the bottom)

Gerard: I’m Ger- Mr. Way…A…it’s…hi Raymond. This is an…impwessive cwastle.

Ray: Thanks! I’ve been pwanning the stwuctural designs since last tuesdway.

Gerard: Twell me, Raymond…will yous not jwust be knocking it down?

Ray: Well, yah…when pwaytime is ovber.

Gerard: So…what’s the pwoint? (smiling, moves the corner-block, watching as the castle falls to the ground)

Ray: (shrugging) Oh wells, it was fwun to bwuild anyways…(smiling)

Gerard: You’re weird Toro…(stands up and walks over to a table where a girl is drawing. He sits down beside her and picks up a black marker, drawing.)

Cheryl: Gerard! Oh…what a lovely….bat. (Gerard beams at her) What’s it’s name?

Gerard: HIS name….is…SATAN! (evil laughter)

Cheryl: Okay! Gerard, I think it’s time you had a visit in the “quiet room” (takes Gerard’s arm and pulls him into a secluded area, closing the door behind him)

<15 Mins later>

Cheryl: Gerard are you ready to—Aahh!! (opens door, Gerard is standing in the corner of the room, his shoulders hunched over, he is scratching incessantly at the wall)

Gerard: (turning his head) Must I leave the “Qwuiet Room” now?

Cheryl: Oh my lord! (clasping a hand around Gerard’s wrist)

<on the phone>

Cheryl: I understand that you just brought the baby home Mr. Way, but you NEED to come get your son!

Donald: We’re just getting him settled, and the at-home nurse is putting up the equipment. I’m sorry, but--- (loud screaming from the background) I can’t leave my wife at the moment.

Cheryl: Sir, I CANNOT keep your son! He’s being…disruptive—(Gerard grabs the phone from her)

Gerard: DADDY! Alls I did was draw a VERY pretty picature of a bat, and I made my OWN fwun in da “Qwuiet Room”!

Donald: Okay Gee…Mikey needs us now, so BEHAVE!

Gerard: I HATE dat baby, and I’ve NEVER even seen him! (slams phone down on receiver)

Cheryl: Where are you going…Gerard? (calls after his retreating form)

Gerard: Back to da “Qwuiet Room”… (Cheryl sighs, going to help Ray with his castle) COME SATAN! (Gerard picks up the drawing and carries it into the room, closing the door behind him)

<*the end*>