MCR Home Videos

Episode 3: The Bike Incident

<Intro: Gerard is seven, Mikey is five. Donna is holding the video camera and you can see the street in front of the Way’s home. You hear Donald arguing with a whining Mikey, but the dialogue is too indecisive to understand. Gerard goes whizzing by on his red and black bicycle.>

Gerard: Mom! Mommy, look at me! <Rides by again, with no hands on the handlebars>

Donna: Gerard, stop it before you kill yourself. Don’t go down that hill, do you hear me? <Gerard rides by again, sticking his tongue out. The camera turns over to Donald taking the training wheels off Mikey’s bike. Mikey is sulking and has his arms folded across his chest.>

Mikey: I don’t WANT them off! I NEED them!

Donald: Mikey, you’re a big boy now; you need to learn to ride without them. <finishes taking off the wheels>

Donna: You know, maybe we could wait a while Don, he’s only five after- <Donald looks at his wife with a furious expression>

Donald: Donna, I was talking to Iero last night, and HIS son is already whizzing by this house every chance he gets. That boy’s a year younger than Mikey here, and Mikey needs to learn now! <Donald tries to put Mikey on the bike, but Mikey squirms and screams>

Mikey: I DON’T WANNA! MOM! <Donna lets out an exasperated sigh, and begins walking towards the bike, Gerard whizzing by every now and then>

Donna: Don, honey, it’s not a god-damn competition. Mikey can learn in his own time, I mean Gerard didn’t learn until he was six.

Donald: Ya, well. No one ever said Gerard was a smart kid, but Mikey here’s different. Aren’t you Mikey? <Mikey glowers at his father>

Mikey: Daddy, I hate you. <Donald and Donna gasp, Donald bending down and scolding Mikey. Donna feels that this action has won her side of the argument to her husband>

Donna: Your father’s right, Mikey. It’s a lot more fun without them. Just look at your brother. <Mikey frowns at his mother, and then looks at Gerard. Gerard purposely skids his tires and starts circling Mikey and his bike>

Gerard: You stupid baby! You’re just scared! <starts taunting Mikey, continuing to circle him. Mikey’s eyes continue to narrow>

Donna: Gerard! Leave your brother alone! <Gerard stops, glares at his mother, and starts peddling down the hill.>

Donald: Gerard, get back here! Gerard! Hey! Gerard Arthur Way! You get back here, boy! <Donna gasps as Gerard’s retreating form raises his hand and sticks up the middle finger>

Mikey: I am NOT a baby… <climbs onto the bike, wobbles slightly, but continues to move forward>

Donna: Mikey! You’re doing it honey! Donald, are you watching this? <Mikey smiles, heading after Gerard>

Donald: Erm, son? You may not want to go down that way… <Mikey’s face turns pallid as he begins to scream>

Mikey: Dad! Mommy! I don’t know how to stop!!! <Mikey begins to ride down the hill, picking up speed. Donna chases after him, the camera bouncing up and down. Donald is running right beside her>

Donald: Hold on Mikey! <Notices the busy intersection at the bottom of the hill> Oh **censored**! Donna! He’ll be hit!

Donna: My baby! Mikey! <Sees Gerard skid to a halt at the bottom of the hill, look up at Mikey with a petrified expression, and then jump off his bike>

Gerard: Mikey! Stop! You dummy! You’re going to die if you don’t stop! <starts waving arms around, Mikey keeps going>

Mikey: Gee! I can’t! I don’t know how! <continues screaming, Gerard’s eyes flicker from the busy road to his brother’s runaway bicycle>

Gerard: Peddle backwards! Mikey! Peddle backwards! <Mikey begins to peddle backwards, but because of the speed, the bike front seizes up. Mikey goes flying over the handlebars. He pummels right into Gerard, knocking both of them onto the ground. Gerard lay there, staring blankly into his little brother’s eyes, feeling the weight of a small child pressing on his ribs.>

Mikey: Gerard, you…you saved my life! <Gerard quickly pushes Mikey off, disgusted in himself>

Gerard: Ya, well it was a one time thing. Really, don’t mention it…or else…<Donna comes running close to Mikey, and hands the camera to Gerard>

Donna: Oh Mikey! I was so scared! <scoops Mikey up in her arms and kisses his forehead. Gerard groans as he points the camera down at his ripped knee>

Gerard: Mom! LOOK what he did to my jeans! <Donald skids next to his wife and rustles Mikey’s hair. Gerard kicks out his leg so his parents can see>

Donald: We’ll get you new pants, Gerard. Mikey that was an amazing first ride, you were so amazing and brave, that’s my boy! <Mikey’s face breaks into a smile, and he giggles.>

Gerard: But I want THESE jeans! <yells loudly, parents continue to comfort Mikey. Gerard screams and throws the camera to the ground, you see his Vans stomp on the ground before he runs off. Donald bends down and turns off the camera.>

<The end>