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Episode 32: The Halloween Incident (hee hee, it’s

[Written By: GerardistheWay]

<Mikey is 7, Frank is 6, Gerard is 11>

(Our story starts inside the Way house, on halloween. Donna is arguing with Gerard as Mikey and Frank sit on the steps outside, waiting.)

Gerard: No, I will NOT take Mikey and his little friend trick-or-treating.

Donna: Gerard! He's your brother! And it's Frank's birthday. He has a name you know.

Gerard: I don't care. I'm not going.

Donna: Don't you want free candy?

Gerard: (crosses arms) No.

Donna: I know you do. <Gerard shakes his head> Go, or I take your CDs away for a month.

Gerard: MOM! That's not fair! (pouts)

Donna: Go get a costume together, and fast. Mikey and Frank are waiting outside. <Gerard rolls his eyes and runs upstairs.>

*half an hour later*

(Gerard comes down the stairs. Donna looks at him with a confused expression on her face>

Donna: What exactly ARE you?

Gerard: Dunno. It's all I could find. If you'd given me more time, I would be something more interesting.

Donna: Oh, it's INTERESTING alright... <Gerard is wearing a light blue flowered shirt, a cowboy hat, and a skirt>

Gerard: I raided Mikey's closet. Don't ask. <Donna looks at the skirt and decides it's best not to ask. Gerard takes a plastic jack-o-lantern bucket and goes outside>

Mikey: YAY! Gerard is here! <pokes Frank, who has fallen asleep>

Frank: Huh? Wha? OH! Geward is ready! Yay! Can we go now? Huh, huh, can we? <Gerard walks down the stairs as if the two boys weren't there. Confused, they follow.>

Mikey: Um.. What are you, Gerard? <Gerard ignores him and turns onto the sidewalk, walking towards the first lit house he sees>

<Gerard rings the doorbell as the boys catch up. Gerard finally looks at Mikey, and is shocked>

Gerard: Mikey, what the fuck? What are you?

Mikey: I'm a scary bunny. Rawr.

Gerard: Bunnies AREN'T scary.

Mikey: Yes, they are! Look, I have claws! <scratches Gerard's arm with dull, rounded, plastic claws.>

<Just as Gerard is about to hit Mikey, a woman opens the door.>

Frank and Mikey: Trick-Or-Treat! <The lady drops a small bag of skittles into his both boys' jack-o-lantern buckets. Frank quickly grabs it, and opens it.>

Gerard: <rolls eyes> Mhm. Ditto. <She frowns, but drops a small caramel into Gerard's candy bucket.> Hmph.

<The boys turn and head for the sidewalk. Gerard looks over to Frank for the first time and stops walking, staring at Frank.>

Frank: What? Why are looking at me?

<Gerard walks off without answering, still completely stunned by Frank's outfit.>

Mikey: Don't worry Frank. I like your costume. <Frank has on a dress, a feather boa, and purple eyeshadow that looks like he applied himself.>