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Episode 32: The “Wedding” Incident

<Gerard is 12, Mikey is 9, and Frank is 8>

(Donna, Linda, and Donald have gone to a wedding, leaving Gerard to baby-sit Frank and Mikey)

Frank: (looking in Mikey’s closet) Come out, come out wherever you are…

Mikey: (flipping through a comic book, laying on his bed) Who you looking for, Frank?

Frank: (kneeling down to look under the bed) Not who…what.

Mikey: Okay…then WHAT are you looking for?

Frank: The groom… (sneezing as he emerges from the covers)

Mikey: Oh, that’s in the cupboard with the dustpan. (closing the comic book)

Frank: No, not BROOM….Groom.

Mikey: Oh.

Frank: Mikey, what’s a groom? (standing up)

Mikey: I dunno…(fixing his glasses) let’s go ask Gee…

Frank: OKAY! (energetically, Mikey raises an eyebrow) *cough* I mean, if that’s what YOU wanna do…

Mikey: Alright…(slips out of the room and walks down the hallway)

Frank: We’re gonna go see Gee! We’re gonna go see Gee! We’re gonna- (stops skipping, looks over at a puzzled Mikey) We’re gonna…go…see…Gerard…*cough*

Mikey: You’re weird… (opens door to Gerard’s room) Gee?

Gerard: MIKEY! I’m…uh….(jumps up from the desk) It’s NOT what it looks like!

Mikey: Is that a raccoon?! (tearful voice)

Gerard: It…was…now it’s a hat! (wide smile)

Frank: Did YOU catch him Gee? (pouting)

Gerard: No Frank, you can pick up a freshly slaughtered raccoon at the local grocery store now. (sarcastic)

Frank: Oh, that’s okay then. (smiling)

Mikey: Gee, me and Frank wanted to know what a groom was.

Gerard: Um… a groom is someone who marries a girl. (slapping Frank’s hand as he pokes the bloody raccoon hat)

Frank: What’s ‘marries’ mean?

Gerard: When two people really like each other, they exchange vows and kiss…then they live together.

Frank: Would you marry me? Gerard!? (hugging Gerard)

Gerard: Not in this life, not in the next. (pushing him down)

Frank: Okay…then marry me and Mikey! (hugs Mikey)

Gerard: Uh…okay, what the hell… (pulls a sheet off his bed and drapes it over Mikey’s head)

Mikey: Why do I have to be the girl?!

Frank: Because you’re prettier than me Mikey! (squeezes his hand)

Gerard: Alright then….Franklin Anthony Iero, do you take this…(looks at Mikey) thing…to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold…in sickness and in health…for richer and for poorer…for as long as you both shall live?

Frank: (staring blankly ahead) Sure. When does the kissing part come?!

Gerard: Hold on to your pants Frankie…Mikes, same thing, switch the names.

Mikey: I guess so…

Gerard: Fine. Frank, you can now kiss the Mikey.

Frank: YAY!!!! (jumps on top of Mikey, kissing him)

Mikey: Ack! Gerard! Help me! (Gerard steps out of his room, disgusted.)

Gerard: Send my resignation to the bride and the groom…..(walks away)

Frank: Now I live with you…and Gerard!

Mikey: So you only married me to get closer to my brother! (hurt tone, tears begin trickling from his eyes)

Frank: No….(shifty eyes, before pouncing in Mikey once more, kissing him)

Mikey: Aaaahhhh!!!!!

<*the end*>