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Episode 36: The Parent/Teacher Interview Incident

<Gerard is 11, and Mikey is 8>

(Donna is sitting down across from the teacher’s desk. Gerard and Mikey are sitting in two lone desks, quietly awaiting their mother.)

Gee’s Teacher (GT): Mrs. Way…Gerard is a very bright student.

Donna: He is? (surprised; Gerard proudly smiles)

GT: Yes, he’s really shown his potential thus far in the year, particularly in the art and English components of the curriculum. His work is far beyond anything I would expect from a child of his age. (pulls out a flder)

Donna: Well, I’ll be god-damned…(pulls out an art project) Fuck…did my Gee do this? (eyes wide)

GT: (sighing) Yes…this was the part of this I was dreading…Gerard is a lovely boy, always pays attention…but I think he needs help.

Donna: Help like… (Gerard has slouched in his seat, frowning)

GT: He’s not a very social boy, Mrs. Way. All the students are…well, scared of him, to put it bluntly.

Gerard: That’s cuz they’re all fucking morons! (voice breaking)

Donna: Gerard! Please! (Gerard rubs his nose; Donna turns back to the teacher) You were saying?

GT: He seems to have a very dark and bleak outlook on life in general…There’s only one boy who even BOTHERS trying to talk to him.

Gerard: Dumb frizzy-headed git…(moping)

Donna: Raymond? Oh he’s a sweetheart…What do you propose we do?

GT: I’ve already contacted the school counselor, and she is very adamant about having a session with Gerard.

Gerard: NO! I’m not disturbed! I promise! (Mikey scoffs) Shut up Dweeb!

Mikey: (looking at the piece of art in his mother’s hand) Gee, you drew a bloody hand holding a bleeding and pulsing heart. Dude, you can’t get more disturbed than that…unless you put the Honey Bee next to it. (shuddering)

Gerard: Mommy!!! (runs up and tears the sheet in two) Paint it black and take it back. I love you!!! (puppy dog eyes)

Donna: I love you too baby…but I think it’s a good idea if you went to-

Gerard: Do or die, you’ll NEVER make me! Cuz the world will NEVER take my heart! I hate you! Give a cheer for all the broken! I’m not a hero, just a boy! I hate you! I don’t care! I hate my life!!!!

(dramatically collapses to the floor)

Donna: Well, thank you. (shakes teacher’s hand) We have to get going to Mikey’s room now…

Gerard: My life is a scorched chasm of lost dreams! (wailing)

Donna: (laughing weakly) We’ll just be leaving…(pulling Gerard out of the room) Mikey, NOW!

Mikey: Okay….bye teacher lady person! (waves)

<In the next room, same set-up>

Mikey’s Teacher (MT): Donna, Mikey is the sweetest little boy I’ve EVER taught. (Mikey beams) He’s hardworking, attentive, kind to all the students, he’s an ABSOLUTE pleasure.

Donna: That’s wonderful to hear…and scheduled trips to the shrink? (bitter sideways glance at Gerard)

MT: No…(looks over at Gerard, who is running a plastic ruler across his wrist) Donna, I remember Gerard being in my class three years ago…is he…okay?

Donna: He’s fine.

Gerard: I’M NOT OKAY!!!!!! (putting more pressure on the ruler)

Donna: He’s FINE. Let’s talk more about Mikey! (running her fingers through her hair)

MT: Well, there is one concern that I have with Mikey…

Donna: Of COURSE you have a concern with Mikey…he’s MY son….(on the verge of hysteric tears)

MT: It’s alright…it’s just a bullying problem….

Donna: JUST A BULLYING PROBLEM?! (Mikey yelps)

MT: He just needs to stand up for himself more.

Gerard: He needs to grow a backbone…ouch! (winced as he rubs the skin raw)

Donna: Stop that! (Gerard scowls, dropping the ruler)

MT: He just takes it…He really needs to learn not to let his older brother fight his wars for him… (Donna cracks her neck, looking around at Gerard, whose face falls)

Gerard: You heard nothing…(laughs feebly) Let’s go now, Mom.

Donna: Thanks…Mikey? (looks over at him)

Mikey: Mommy…I’m sorry I’m such a bad son! (starts to cry)

Gerard: Donna…NOW! Dad said he was talking me and Mikey into the city to see a marching band later today! We’ve gotta go!

Mikey: I don’t like parades…they make my ears bleed.

Gerard: Sometimes I get the feeling, you are a stupid baby!

Donna: Okay, we’ll carry on…come on boys…NOW! (They exit the school, and pile into the car.) Gerard, your misery and hate will kill us all…

Gerard: Well, I won’t go down by myself, Donna…but I’ll go down with my…friends…(winks at Mikey)

Mikey: Mommy….

<*the end*>