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Episode 37: The Peter Pan Incident

<Gerard is 12, Mikey is 9, and Frank is 8.>

(Gerard’s middle school is putting on a performance of Peter Pan. Elena has taken Mikey and Frank to see it, and Donald is also sitting beside them. Donna is at work.)

Elena: When the play starts, you have to be quiet boys… (Frank bats his eyes innocently)

Mikey: We will, Grandma…Daddy, what part does Gee have again? (bouncing up and down on his chair)

Donald: Uh…to tell you the truth…I have no idea. Elena? (cleans his glasses off on the fabric of his shirt)

Elena: Gerard wanted it to be a surprise for you guys, Don… (Frank snuggles up to her, nuzzling his nose in her arm)

Frank: Can’t you tell us, pwease? (puppy dog eyes)

Elena: Oh Frankie…(tousling his hair) You are absolutely adorable…but I’m not telling you. (Frank frowns, the lights go out.)

Mikey: Yay! It’s Starting!!! (claps his hand to his mouth as Elena raises her eyebrow) Sorry Grandma…

(Gerard walks on stage, wearing tight green pants)

Frank: (girlish scream) He’s Peter Pan!

Mikey: Isn’t that part usually played by a girl? (biting his lip)

Frank: (eyes lighting up) He looks beautiful… (Mikey stares at him)

Mikey: What…the…Frank? (Elena giggles knowingly. Donald’s watching the stage as Gerard steps up to the microphone)

Frank: I meant to say pretty. I mean sexy…I mean…I mean…SHIT! (slaps the side of his own head)

Elena: That’s okay Frankie… (kisses the top of his head) Now watch the play…and Mikey, stop fidgeting.

Mikey: Fine. (crosses his arms, pulling his feet up onto the chair)

Gerard: (singing) I don’t wanna grow up….(echo: I don’t wanna grow up) Not a penny will I pinch…I will never grow a mustache…or a fraction of an inch…

Frank: Holy flying monkeys! He can sing! (mouth drops)

Kid in row ahead: Holy shit, he’s a fag. (laughs with kid beside him)

Mikey: You, dude! (the kid turns around) That’s my brother up there.

Kid: So are you like his fag brother, you four eyed dweeb?

Donald: Shut the fuck up you little punk! (everyone looks around at him)

Elena: Don, don’t make a scene…please… (pulling on his sleeve)

Kid: What are you gonna do about it, old man? (Mikey stares at his dad, the music has stopped)

Donald: You don’t fuck with my kids, you fucktard! (Elena shrinks in her seat)

Frank: Yah dude! You can’t make fun of my Gee! (standing up on his chair)

Kid: And who are you? His little boyfriend?! (sniggering, Frank blushes and his lip quivers)

Gerard: (yelling from the stage, into the mic) I am NOT a fucking fag! And even if I was… (looking at Frank’s tearful face) It wouldn’t matter, because everyone is equal…and a person’s sexuality does not determine WHO they are.

Kid: Fucking Pansy!

Gerard: Motherfucking fucktard! (wrestling with the drama teacher, who is trying to pull him off the stage)

Donald: Fucking punk…(kid turns around and flips Donald off)

(after the play., in the car)

Elena: I CAN’T believe you Gerard! (shaking her head)

Gerard: They let me go back on…(mumbling)

Frank: Thanks Gerard…for…sticking up for me. (smiling nervously)

Gerard: No problem Frank…that guy was an a- (looks over at his grandmother) a dumb dumb. (smiling sheepishly)

Elena: And YOU! Don, are just as bad as Gerard…like father, like son… (Gerard and Donald both scoff)

Donald: Elena, please… (turning up the Way’s street)

Elena: And you wonder where he gets it…(rolling her eyes)

Mikey: Aren’t you glad I take after Mommy, Grandma? (proudly)

Elena: Mikey, I could tell you things about your mother that would make you jump out of your kiddie sized Converse. (laughing)

Gerard: So…you mean…Mom’s not a saint? (slowly)

Donald: (laughs) Oh no…she’s not. (Gerard sticks his tongue out in disgust)

Frank: (sweating, eyes darting back and forth) IloveyouGee! (rapidly fast)

Gerard: WHAT?!(Frank blushes as Gerard opens the car door and runs into the house)

Frank: Oh great…he hates me… (whispers, as Mikey and Donald follow Gee into the house)

Elena: You’re a cute kid, Frank…and most people don’t realize how kind and pure hearted you are…(smiles)

Frank: Gerard doesn’t…(sniffling, tears falling down his cheeks)

Elena: Give him time… (ruffles his hair, goes into the house. Frank smiles to himself, and follows Elena into the house)

<*the end*>