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Episode 4: The Play Incident

Episode 4: The Play Incident

<Gerard is 10, Mikey is 7, Frank is 6.>

<Gerard has camera on table in living room>

Gerard: <standing facing the camera with a cape and fake fangs>

Good eeevening…Muhahahaha! I am Count Chocula!

<sound of Mikey going “eep!” in the background>

Gerard: And velcome to our production of “The Vampire and the Ghost”

<Gerard moves back>

Gerard: Once upon a time there was a vicious vampire that killed a lot of people. He lived in his vampire mom’s basement in New Jersey.

<Mikey starts walking into the room with a sheet over his head>

Gerard (angrily whispering): No Mikey, not yet!

Mikey (muffled): Sorry… <walks back into other room>

Gerard: <clears his throat> One night the vampire Count Chocula ate a wimpy person with dorky glasses…named Mikey.

Mikey: <yelling from other room> Hey!

Gerard: Well, it’s true. When Count Chocula got back to his basement, he was very tired and full from all the blood he drank. He was about to go to his coffin and go to sleep when…

<waits for a minute>

Gerard (whispering): Now, Mikey!

<Mikey stumbles into room with sheet over his head>

Mikey: Wooo! I’m a ghost! You killed me today!

Gerard: <with surprised expression> Ahh! He’s come back to haunt me! I’ll never get any sleep now!

<looks around with a sly smile>


Mikey (confused): What?

<Frank pops out from under a cardboard box with a toy lightsaber and construction paper wings taped to the side of his head>

Frank: RAHHR!
<pounces on Mikey>

Mikey: <getting bashed with plastic lightsaber> Ow! Frank! Ow!

<Gerard steps in front of the camera so you can’t see Frank tackling Mikey anymore>

Gerard: The End…Muhahahahahaha!

*camera clicks off*