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Episode 39: The Plane Incident

[Written By: Stephy777]

( Gerard is 9 and Mikey is 6 , Donna sets the camera on the table were Mikey and Gerard are eating their cookies)

Gerard: So I hear your going to Maine with dad.

Mikey: Yesh. (He says with a mouth full of cookie)

Gerard: I hope you are driving there. ( He says taking a bite.)

Mikey: No, we are going on an airoplane. why do you want to know Gee?

Gerard: Well...(he takes another bite of cookie and a sip of milk) it's just.... oh nothing.

Mikey: Gee, what were you going to say? ( He says sitting straight)

Gerard: Just the turbulence.

Mikey: What's turfulence Gee? (He finishes his cookie)

Gerard: Not turfulence, turbulence! ( He leans in closer) It's what happens when....the plane is going to crash. (He smiles)

Mikey: Crash? ( He says with wide eyes)

Gerard: Yep, as long as it doesn't get bumpy, you won't die. (Still Smiling)

Mikey: DIE! (Starts to cry)

Donna: Mikey what's wrong. (camera clicks off)

Later on the plane:

Donald: So....Do you like the plane ride? (holding the camera)

Mikey: No!

Flight Attendant: Please Buckle up, We are going to have some turbulence.

Mikey: Ahhhhh Noooooooooooooooooooooo! (Starts to cry and run around the plane)

Donald: MIKEY GET BACK HERE! (Runs after him)

(Donald gets him in his seat and buckles him)

Mikey: I don't want to die! (Starts to cry)