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Episode 44: The Christmas Gift Incident

(Gerard is 12, Ray is 12, Frank is 8, and Mikey is 9)

<Gerard is leaning against the wall at Ray's house, frowning>

Gerard: I don't know what to get Christine for Christmas. (shrugs, blows his hair out of his eyes)

Ray: If she really likes you, Gee, she'll like anything that you get her. (smiles comfortably)

Frank: (bitter) If you don't get her EXACTLY what she wants, she'll hate you forever. (fold arms)

Gerard: I give up... (bangs head on the wall)

Ray: Well, what do you think of when you think of her?

Gerard: I remember looking at her pretty hands, and knowing that I never wanted them to get cold. (smiles warmly)

Ray: Then get her a pair of gloves. (Gerard smiles, and runs off the the store, Frankie and Mikey running after him)

<at the store>

Gerard: How much are these gloves, ma'am? (leans against the glass)

Attendant: Twenty-five dollars. (smiles)

Gerard: TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS FOR A PAIR OF GLOVES!? (slaps his hand into his forehead) How am I supposed to come up with that sort of money? I'm a struggling artist boy, not an enterprise owner in the making!

Frank: You could sell your brother. (smiles widely; Mikey sticks his tongue out and shakes his head) I take it back, he's probably only worth fifteen and a quarter cents.

Gerard: I'll figure something out...(sighs)

<Gerard has set up a stand in front of their house, band autographs for sale)

Kid: All I have is a dime. Will I get change? (holding up a Morrissey autographed CD)

Gerard: Get the hell out. (kid slowly sets the autograph down, and runs away screaming)

<Gerard has replaced the stand with a pile of his comic books>

Kid: Is this all you have? (piling up the X-Men comics he's already looked through)

Gerard: These are my babies, kid. Either buy em, or go the hell away from me. (Kid thinks for a second, and then passes over two twenty dollar bills)

Kid: I'll take them all. (Gerard smirks, taking his money.)

<at the mall>

Gerard: (looking over at Frank) I can't believe that I actually got the money for this. (smiles)

Frank: (rolling his eyes) Yeah, me neither...hey, isn't that Christine?

Christine: Gerard Way! (hugs him tightly)

Gerard: Christine, what are you doing here? (smiling)

Christine: I was shopping with my mother. She just bought me this pair of gloves. (spreads out her fingers in front of Gerard.)

Gerard: You... you... oh.... (faints)

<back at Ray's house>

Ray: So, she already had a pair that her mother bought?

Gerard: (sulking) Yup.

Ray: Did you give her the gloves anyway? (concerned)

Gerard: Why would I give her something that she already had? (shaking his head as Mikey walks by)

Mikey: My fingers are nice and warm Gee, thank you! (cackles evilly as he throws a snow ball at Frank)

Gerard: Good grief. (looks over at Ray) I'm cracking up Toro, I'm starting to sound like Charlie Brown!

Ray: He's kickass, man... (shrugs)

Gerard: Kill me now.... (bangs his head against the wall again)

Frank: Gee.... (smiling widely, with a snow ball in hand)

Gerard: What do you- Ooof! (drops to the ground as Frank hits him in the cheek with the snow) Why you little-

Frank: THAT'S for liking a GIRL more than me. And worrying about HER present more than MINE. (sticks out his tongue)

Gerard: (confused) Frank, what are you talking about?

Ray: I think his mother forgot to give him his quiet pills today. (whispers in Gerard's ear)

Mikey: He loves you Gee! (Frank glares at Mikey) He wants to kiss you and hold you and squeeeeeeze you.... (makes a kissy face, before Frank pounces on him)

Gerard: I'm going home... (thinks for a moment) to read my NON EXSISTENT comic books! (whimpers and hangs his head as he kicks snow out of the way as he walks down the sidewalk)

<*the end*>