MCR Home Videos

Episode 6: The Makeup Incident

(Gerard is thirteen, Mikey is ten)

Mikey is using the camera for a school project.

Mikey: * moving action figures around * “And the pilgrims KILLED the Indians!” * Suddenly spins around *

(Gerard walks past with black eyeliner and purple eyeshadow)

Mikey: “Gee, what happened to your face?”

Gerard: “It’s eyeliner, and eyeshadow.”

Mikey: “ You look dead.”

Gerard: “That’s the point.”

Mikey: “You look like a girl.”

Gerard: * very angrily * “No I don’t!”

Mikey: “Okay, sorry, you don’t look like a girl…”

(awkward moment of silence)

Mikey: “Gerard?”

Gerard: “Yeah?”

Mikey: “ Can you put some on me?”

Gerard: “Uhh… okay?”

Mikey: “Yay!”

Gerard: “Okay, let’s go up to our room.”

Mikey: (picks up the camera and whispers into it while going up the stairs behind Gerard) “And now, Gee is gonna make me look like a dead person…”

(Mikey sets the camera down on the dresser, facing the desk)

Gerard: “Okay, uhhh… sit on the chair, and try not to move.”

Mikey: “Okay! "

(Gerard takes the black eyeliner and starts to put it on mikey)

Gerard: * frustrated * “Stop twitching!”

Mikey: “I can’t help it!”

Gerard: * starts again, and almost pokes mikey in the eye * “Stop it!”

Mikey: “Deal with it!”

Gerard: *very angrily * "You want me to do this or not?!"

Mikey: * quietly * "sorry… "

(Gerard finishes the eyeliner and takes out the purple eyeshadow)

Mikey: "Yay! Purple! "

(Gerard puts on a normal amount)

Gerard: * monotone voice * "There, now you look dead too, happy?"

Mikey: "It needs more purple..."

Gerard: "Well you’re not using MY makeup, this cost me ten bucks."

Mikey: * sadly * "okay… "

(Gerard walks out of room, Mikey looks around suspiciously, grabs Gerard's eyeshadow)

Mikey: * quietly * "More purple… " *puts on a grotesquely excessive amount of purple *

Mikey is walking back downstairs, with the camera (still on)

Donna: * making a sandwich at the table, looks over at Mikey. Screams. * “OH MY GOD! Mikey?! What happened to you?! Did you get beat up?!!!" * A little bit more angrily * “Did your brother do it?! "

Mikey: "No! Mom-"

Donna: "Gerard Arthur way get down here! "

Mikey: "Wait! Mom, no, it’s just m-"

Gerard: * walks in, looks at mikey, is pissed off * "My makeup! How much did you use? All of it? You are so dead! "

Donna: "Gerard! You put makeup on mikey?!"

Gerard: * still pissed * "Not THAT much!"

Mikey: "I needed more purple... "

Gerard: "You need to buy me new eyeshadow!"

Donna: "When did you get makeup? "

Gerard: "Bought it …" * looks at mikey * "With my own money! So you’re paying me back! "

Mikey: "Okay … So mom, you think it looks good? "

(awkward silence)

Donna: "Uhh…. Go take it off… "

Mikey: "oh… "

* camera clicks off *