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Episode 8: The New Camera Incident

<Mikey is 5, Gerard is 9. It’s mid-August, just before sunset>

Donald: <holding the camera very unsteadily> Donna, I think it’s on, I dunno…

Donna: The red light’s on, it must be. Boys, you wanna come help Daddy test the new camera?

Gerard’s Voice: No.

Mikey’s Voice: YEAHH!!!!!!!! <comes running into the picture>

Donald: Hey Mikey! How you doin’ buddy?

Mikey: <hopping up and down in one spot, hugging a large inflatable plastic rabbit> Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit!

<Donald chuckles from behind the camera>

Mikey: I’m going to read you the news! <stands still, fiddles with rabbit’s plastic paw> Well, um, stactics say that you should never go fishing in a truck…and…and…<whispers> what do I say?

Donna: Well the news it what’s going on, sweetie.

Mikey: Oh! Well, Gee made me a picture, and Mommy made hot dogs last night, and they found a dead guy in the park!

Donna: Mikey! Who told you that?

Mikey: Gee did. He said there was a dead guy that was killed for a…a…moffya?

Gerard: <from other room> Mafia!

Donald: Mikey! Don’t listen to your brother! He’s just trying to scare you.

Gerard: No, I’m not. It was on the real news two nights ago. You watched it with me.

Donna: Shh! Of course there was no dead body.

Gerard: What!? You want him to not know, then he’ll go to the park and get killed too!

Donald: <firmly> Gerard, there was no dead body in the park.

Gerard: Then why don’t we go to the park, then? Right now?

Mikey: Yah! Daddy, I want to go to the park!

Donna: I don’t think we should boys…

Donald: <whispering> Donna, it would have had to be cleared out by now. I f we don’t go then Mikey will believe Gerard.

Donna: Fine…

Mikey: Yeah! I get to see the dead guy!

<camera clicks off. Clicks on again to show them at the park>

Donna: See boys, no dead body. Let’s go home now.

Mikey: <Looking disappointed that he didn’t see a corpse> I wanna play.

Donald: <still behind camera> I don’t think that’s a good idea, it’s getting dark out.

Mikey: <wide-eyed> Please?

Donald: Alright. <Donna gives him an evil look. More frantically> But only five minutes, and stay close.

Mikey: Yeah! <drags Gerard off to the sandbox>

<Mikey and Gerard are playing in the sandbox. Suddenly, Mikey stops digging and pulls something from the sand.>

Gerard: Cool!

Donna: <walks over to sandbox> What did ya find Mikey? A bug?

Mikey: <holds up a gun> No, this! Isn’t it cool?!

Donna: <shrieks>

Donald: <yelling> Mikey! PUT THAT DOWN!

<Donald drops camera and it clicks off>