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Episode 9: The Birthday Incident

Episode 9: The Birthday Incident

<Mikey is 6 (almost 7), Gerard is just turning 10, Ray is 9 (almost 10)>

<Opens in Way’s backyard, picnic table set up with balloons and cake. Donald is filming, Gerard is glowering from his seat at the head of the table; wearing a bright pink party hat. Mikey is happily smiling beside him, licking his lips as he looks at the cake>

Donna: Happy Birthday Gerard! Blow out your candles, honey. <Gerard stares around at the kids, not recognizing any of them as friends, or even as worthy human beings>

Gerard: Why? < Donna peers around at the table. Half the kids aren’t paying attention. Looking closer, she sees that the only two boys that are really, genuinely giving Gerard any recognition are Mikey and a boy with curly red hair>

Donald: To make a birthday wish, of course. <Gerard’s lips curl into an evil smirk>
Gerard: Okay! <laughs manically before blowing out the ten candles>

Mikey: Yay! Cake! <claps his hands as Donna cuts a slab of the cake off, puts it on a plate and hands it to Mikey>

<Everyone eats their cake, and then go off to play a game. One girl approaches Gerard, Donald sets the camera down on the table without shutting it off>

Girl: My mom said I had to get you a present, so I bought you this. <Shows a revolting pink doll, Gerard stares at her> Can I have it? <Gerard nods> Thanks, Gerald. <runs off to her friends, giggling about what a freak Gerard is>

Mikey: Happy Birthday Gee! I love you! <Hugs Gerard, nuzzling his head against him>

Gerard: <disgusted> Get off me! <pushes Mikey off, who runs off to bother his mother. The curly-haired boy takes Mikey’s seat.>

Ray: Hey! I’m Raymond Toro, but my friends just call me Ray.

Gerard: Hello, Raymond…<grumpily>

Ray: I came to give you this. <hands Gerard a present> And just to wish you a happy birthday. <silence> So….ya. I live just up the street, and you should come over and play someday.

Gerard: Why do you say you live UP the street, how do you know it’s not DOWN the street?

Ray: Uh…I don’t? <Confused>

Gerard: Exactly! So, I can’t very well visit you if I don’t know which way to go, UP or DOWN! <angrily stands up, storms to the house, slamming the door. Ray looks a tad upset, and Mikey sits down next to him.>

Mikey: Hi! I’m Mikey! Can I interview you? <picks up camera, happily –his parents don’t usually let him hold it>

Ray: Uh…sure?

Mikey: Okay! Welcome to “Mikey’s Amazing Show” about people who have things to say. Today we’re here with…some dude!

Ray: Raymond Toro…or just Ray…

Mikey: Right! Raymond! So, tell us, what exacically, are your hobbies?

Ray: I, erm, am learning to play the guitar…

Mikey: Uh huh…what kind of guitar to you play, Raymond?

Ray: The, uh, lead one…

Mikey: Okay, you’re boring! Now onto the nature section of my show. <points camera down at grass> This is our grass. It’s sposed to be green, but we haven’t got too much rain, so it’s brown.

Donald: Mikey, what are you doing with the camera!?

Mikey: <quickly> Nothing! <drops it to the ground, Donald groans and picks it up>

Donald: Where is your brother?

Mikey: Uh…<camera clicks off>

<the end>