Status: Re-writing, however, on hiatus

Wild Ride


A young girl of an exceedingly young age crept further into the veil of the shadows within a small closet with her heart rapidly racing. The room was still and silent, all except for the short breaths that ripped the silence into shreds until it hemmed itself shut once more. However, the seal of silence was to be broken once more within that room, for men of different ranks entered the room not long afterward. Each man wore several layers of body armor and held different weapons according to their ranks and sizes. The girl stared on in fear and amazement as she watched her entire life fall before her eyes.

The view of these men sent fear through each nerve in her body and instantly sent a signal up to her brain that gave her the impression of the danger to come. The walls around her seemed to cave in around her figure as she attempted to labor her breathing into calm silence; however, the dull gray walls seemed to trick her with their taunts and cruelties. With every breath the young girl let out, she felt as though the closet walls would betray her and whisper sweet sounds to the men who were invading her home steadily. As if by chance, a small blue hanger bumped into the back of the closet as the child shifted slightly. It took every ounce of strength for her not to gasp in shock at the clatter the hanger made and prayed that not a soul heard the sound. Her life depended on the matter but it seemed like the cards were not in her favor and she just missed her full house. In the distance she heard her mother cry and the closet handle rattle with the ongoing force of a man.

The child buried her head deep between the crevice her arms created and cried as she listened to her mothers pleads from the other room. Each cry for her daughter's existence made more and more tears fall from the child's eyes. If there was a chance for her to allow her mothers exitance to continue then by all means she'd take it in a heartbeat, but the odds continued to look down upon her. The child's headache she'd gained a couple nights ago drastically increased as the door began to slide open. It seemed to take ages before she came face to face with a large man with dark hair that blended into the shadows of the night.

The child wailed but as soon as she released a sound of agony, the man grabbed her and slung her over his shoulders. The entire time, the girl could only weep for her mother. She wanted her mother to live her life and not be taken to where the men wanted her. The man instantly got fed up with the child and violently shook her, which only made her headache and pain for her mother worse. In return, the girl continued to cry and stare as her mother was tugged by the hair into another room to watch out of the window. The man carrying the child exited the old, raggedy house and allowed the child to wallow in pity as she stared at her mother's crying face. Seeing her mother's pained face didn't give her much hope for her life, from the looks of things, this child wasn't going to see her mother again.

If only she knew what these people wanted with a child like her. Only seven-years-old and yet she's special enough to be taken away from the warmth and kindness of her home and her mother. From the current outlook, it seems as though things won't be as pleasant for mother as well. From the corner of the child's eyes, she could see her mother being pulled by nearly every strand of her hair towards the fingerprint-smudged window that overlook the current scene. Tears were falling from her mother's eyes as the man tugged harder on her hair to put more strain on her neck.

The child couldn't bare to watch but she had no choice. The man shoved her into the vehicle that the bad men arrived in and slammed the door without warning. The child buried herself as far into the seat as she could muster but her head too was forced out into the open where a shiny, onyx helmet was slammed onto her head. The girl cried out at the contact and the increase of pressure in her front temple lobes. The headache was rapidly increasing and the child screamed, gripping the helmet to try and rip it out her head but soon everything ceased. The ringing that had started in her ears from the pain muted and the pain dulled to an even throb.

The girl was sobbing still behind the helmet's visor, yet she looked on out of the window towards the spot where her mother had been forced to. She could no longer see her mother and yet many men were leaving through her front door. Nothing pointed to her mother still being alive except for the fact that she couldn't see heads or tails of her. The child huddled in a ball in the back of the car and the man that had shoved the helmet on her whacked her. The girl cried out in pain and the searing headache returned. It felt like nothing she'd ever felt before and she'd almost wished that they'd just take her life instead of prolonging the pain. However, only moments past before the child lost consciousness, the man beside her cursing as he too stared out the window in the massive blur of colors and shades that was now the highway.

Kallen Evans was not an ordinary child, at least not to these people. She was much more to them, so special that they were forced to rip her from her home and tear her from her life. Kallen was led to an unknown place and she was too young at the time to understand why so much hatred radiated off the numerous doors she passed. Yet, she was angry as well, and all her seven-year-old mind could understand was that just maybe they were taken from their families as well. From that point on, Kallen Evans was no longer a child with a life. Instead, she lived the life as a clone, a number in a world full of letters.
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So, I've decided to take a different approach to this and not have everything so action packed that you're afraid to miss something. Also, not so action packed that you forget the plot. I hope you enjoy the re-made version of this since I feel like Kallen in my child, a in twisted way. Writing this brought along certain emotions for me and certain bits were hard to write. It might not seem that way to some, but believe me when I say it was.

I would love any comments or messages. Subscribers, anything considering the fact that I'm going to be gone for a week. So, when I come back I would love to have something for you guys. I'm not going to be gone until next Wednesday at the latest. During that time, I'm going to try my best to get to writing but a little cheering along the side-lines always helps.