Status: Re-writing, however, on hiatus

Wild Ride


Distinct sounds of choked sobs filtered through the thick walls that separated those held captive from the rest of the world. Those that had been captured were separated into two different categories: those that have yet to give up and those that wish for death to reach their troubled souls. Every day dragged on with the continued cries of those that have given up completely, their hearts torn to pieces as the pain of the shredding increased with each minute's pass.

This building that held so much sorrow and misfortune was every person's worst nightmare, the workers even held regrets when they entered the district. The hardships and heartaches of those that are held against their will leak into the locked souls of those that turn face to face with it. Kallen was only one amongst the group of Syphrises that were kept below ground in cluster of advanced cells that would remind any bystander of nothing short of a prison.


"This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine," Kallen giggled and listened intently as the sounds rebounded off of the walls that surrounded her. A chill in the air followed the echo and Kallen leaned into the open air. Her body was immobile, the helmet she wore keeping her still frame and mind restrained, thus giving her the freedom to lean forward with no fear of crashing to the floor. Kallen tilted her head back and shrieked, the room filling with laughter once more. If she had been able to move there'd be no doubt in her mind that she'd be kicking out of pleasure. Kallen's maniacal laughter ceased when the opposing silence was broken. She screamed out of frustration and glared in a random direction, her vision impaired since the room was completely covered in a seal of darkness all except a thin strip of light that made itself present at the same time that the silence was disrupted.

"Who dares enter the room of number two-hundred and thirteen?" Kallen yelled with a hidden grin of satisfaction, life leaping to her eyes with a subtle hint of madness. Only a grave silence returned the favor and proceeded to deafen her. She screamed out and begged for the pleasure of the kill, the being that disturbed her hell only increased her annoyance.

Bits and pieces of laughter filled the room once more as Kallen stared at what she thought was the ceiling and lulled her head in the direction of the sliver of light. "You really don't want to be in here," Kallen cackled and attempted to lift her arm to bring the being closer; however, the attempt resulted in an expected failure. "Oh, get over here. It's not as though I can do anything, you dolt."

A chortle of laughter met her ears, a cause for celebration as Kallen mirrored the being's actions and gave her own laughter a spin. The harsh rays of man-made lights glared at her from every direction in only a matter of seconds. Lack of being in the light has made her sensitive and each ray that licks her body gave her more pain than the cooperation ever could, whether it be true or unrealistic light. Kallen hissed towards a random spot throughout the room-the location of the being unknown to her.

"Two Thirteen, what a pleasure to see you again. There have been words of," the voice that held an absolute certain male tone stopped for a moment. Kallen spit in the general direction of the voice and resisted the urge to kick towards that direction. It would have let to disaster and it wouldn't have worked anyway due to lack of movement. The male cleared his voice and stopped in place, all sounds taking a stand still for just a moments time before he continued on speaking. "There have been words of recognition making their way across the buildings. They all say that you're advancing yourself much more than you should. You obviously know that this can't continue, am I right?"

Kallen once again struggled to keep her movements to a minimal as she took in the man's voice. He was cocky and she could easily spot that from his tone, a sense of hatred leaking its way into his words with a secrecy that she's yet to come across. She exhaled with her head hanging low, "So, what are your intentions then, Alexander?"

Alexander stomped the ground in anger, continuing to keep his distance. "Don't you dare say my name, creature. You have absolutely no right!" Kallen was certain that if given the opportunity, Alexander would have killed her on the spot. Alexander was the prime chief of the cooperation and reigned above everyone within the building. At the time of Kallen's kidnapping years prior, Alexander was only considered to be of higher rank than most soldiers. However, as the years past and his capture percentage fuller increased so did his rank. It wasn't long after that he started calling the shots. Kallen only knew the main picture from listening into complaining guard's conversations. One would be surprised at the amount of hatred that came from the building other than that of which came from the imprisoned Syphrises.

"Whatever you say, Cap'n commander. If I have no right, then what are you going to do to stop me?" Kallen grinned behind her helmet, the wickedness radiating off of her was filling the room at a rapidly increasing pace. Within the deepest pits of her mind, thoughts of escaping were brewing and with each minute that ticked away, the idea became clearer.

Alexander turned on his heals and left the room, sealing it to its previous state. Kallen only stared, a grin sliding onto her face as she began to laugh out-loud once again. The lights remained on when he left and as soon as that was brought to Kallen's attention, the laughter ended and she was on edge. He would return, but not alone. She should have known his coming was fishy from the moment he entered the room. Alexander never roamed the building alone unless there was dire need, or so she's heard. So, she could only expect the worse and knowing their worse, it would be easy enough to get them to leave her be.

Kallen began singing once again as she waited, this time a different song-a more Christmas-y tune. "Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. . .hey. . ." Kallen murmured off as the entrance to her cell was once again opened. A group or soldiers marched in, clad in multiple layers of armor-mirroring the image from several years ago. 3 guards stood watch by the entrance and Alexander remained hidden behind the doorway. Kallen snickered as she welcomed the group of murders.

With her luck, these men would finish the job and kill her as they should have years ago. Some unknown force stopped them at the time but now it was their turn to do away with her and she just couldn't allow that. "So, what now, guys? Here to kill me? Go right ahead, bastards! At least that way I have a chance of seeing my only family again!" Kallen screamed at the men, refraining from any movements. What the men from the cooperation didn't know was that she overcame the helmet's limits and she was fully able to move her limbs but now wasn't the time.

Alexander advanced and Kallen watched as he gave orders to one of the men silently. The man nodded, the action faintly visible, and neared Kallen with caution. Alexander stomped on the ground and the man scurried along and passed the 3 meter radius that kept her from killing the man on the spot. Her powers contained that limitation, that range that kept her from escaping all these years.

The man reached towards her helmet with a shaking hand and flinched when Kallen moved her head to stare down at the man. She leaned her neck forward and whispered her own words of wisdom into his ears, "You picked the wrong day to come to work, buddy. Let's have some fun." The man's eyes bulged and he edged backward, scurrying away from her as fast as he could but was too late. The fate that Kallen decided for him was to come today and he would no longer see his family-just as they did to her. In fact, everyone will meet that same fate as she did.
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I apologize in the lateness of this, I was going through some rough patches lately. Long story short, I have an update for you.

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