It's a Long Road

Perfect Stranger

I couldn't take it anymore! I hated my life and couldn't stand my constantly fighting parents. I packed my things, punched out the screen and lept through the window. The moment my feet came in contact with the lawn, I was off. I ran without looking back. "From now on I only look to the future, I no longer have a past" I thought to myself.

I didn't stop until I reached a large field, a field full of memories that I was more than willing to leave behind me. I walked to the steep, rocky edge of the creek and removed my flip-flops and pullover sweatshirt. I placed them under a rock. A little thing to through off any search parties that will most likely look for me. I went to another bank a little further away and pulled off my pants, only to reveal black skinny jeans. I did the same thing with my shirt.
I was now wearing my brother's black and exotic blue volcom shirt, brand new black skinny jeans, a studded belt(also blue) and bare feet. You see I knew that police would send dogs to track me, so this was my small attempt to lead them off, confuse them. That would buy me some much needed time.

I was only missing one important thing, a sweatshirt. Today fate was on my side, I looked up to see a teenage boy, around my age, wearing a black hoodie. 'Here goes nothing' I thought, as I quickly made my way towards him. As I neared him, I noticed he was very good looking. He had chin length, straight black hair, and pale skin. When I reached him, he smiled, showing off his flawless white teeth. "Hello" he greeted me. I laughed nervously and then spoke "Um... this is gonna sound odd but I'm kind of desperate right now and in a hurry." He gave me a questioning look that urged me to continue. "Um well I need your jacket..." I said awkwardly(sp?) He looked me up and down, as if he were studying. I think he got tthe idea when he saw my bag and bare feet. He smiled again.

'Please' I thought. He began "Well I'm going to need a favor from you then-" I interupted him" Anything" He smirked and blushed. 'Why is he blushing? Oh my! What have I gotten myself into?' I screamed in my head. He continued "Um well, I need you to kiss me..." he said the last part in a slight whisper, but I heard him crystal clear. 'Oh no, I've never kissed anyone before, but I really need his sweatshirt ugh maybe fate isn't on my side today." I thought frantically.

His cheeks turned an even brighter red as he looked at me waiting for a reply. "Uh-um well you see, I-I've never kissed anyone before" I shyly admitted. He looked a little more confident as he urged me. "Don't worry it's not hard" he said. He looked down " You don't have to, you can just have the jacket.." He started taking off his jacker, but I stopped him. I stepped closer to him and our eyes locked. I was captivated by his smooth chocolate eyes. Everything was in slow motion as our lips drew nearer and nearer to eachother, never breaking our gaze. When our lips finally came together, it felt so right, they moved in a perfect syncronized motion. I felt his tongue begging for permission, that I granted him. Our eyes closed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and his around my waist. We finally broke apart for air, still holding eachother. He was the first to speak"Wow...are you sure, you've never kissed anyone before?" he questioned. I nodded. I soon realized that I was in a hurry and plled apart. "I'm sorry, but I'm sort of in a hurry" I said. "Oh yah sorry" he said "Heres the jacket" he pulled off his hoodie and helped me put it on. I smiled. He frowned and then took off his converse. "Here looks like you're gonna need these too" "thank you so much!" I replied hugging him and put on the shoes.

"Can I ever see you again?" he asked. I frowned and shook my head no. "Can I know your name?" "Sorry but that wouldn't be wise" I replied. "Can I have something to remeber you by?" he asked shyly. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a smooth yellow stone, with a black wolf engraved into it. The stone stood for family, friends, and loyalty 'Today I leave that all behind' I though as I handed him the stone.

We hugged one last time and then I began to run again. When I reached the edge of the field, I turned around to get one last look at him. I don't ever want to forget my perfect stranger. " I never got his name' I thought. I ran all throught the night until I reached hills in the middle of a pass. Don't worry this was not my final destination.
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I promise to have the next chapter up next week, I have it written out, but I left it at my mom's. I would really love to hear what people think. Comments=a happy wirter :)

Oh and her name will be revealed later on in the story.