Ready When You Are

Simple Enough.

"Welcome to the world of tomorrow!" The white-haired woman exclaimed as I was shoved in the door. I waved shyly and took a seat behind a boy with a mullet.

"Come up here, will you darling?" Mrs. Keppel motioned me up to the front. Sighing a shaky breath I walked up. She looked me and stopped at my abnormally bright hair.

"Introduce yourself, Dear."

Ugh, why can't you be one of those normal teachers who just tells me to sit down and take notes?

"Uh, h-hi. I'm Krystle Filler and I'm new." She smiled, her wrinkles giving way to deep dimples.

"Nice to you meet you, Krystle. You may take your seat." Relieved I sighed and returned to a note on my desk. I looked up at the teacher as I opened the note quietly.

I've heard a lot about you. We should hook up sometime, maybe I could help you with that shyness of yours. - Mr. Secret-ism

Uh oh.

-- Paisley's POV --

I was walking through the halls with Asia next to me on our way to Science when I saw some muscle head picking on a scrawny,sexy blond boy.

"Look here, Goldstein, you leave Ashley alone or you'll be worse off than getting a black eye."

"Hey, leave him alone asshole." The 'ass' came out more like 'arse' due to my accent. He turned his attention to me. Asia was mouthing stuff at me but I was too angry to care.

"Oh? And what are you, some new Brit girl, gonna' do about it?" He snorted. He had no idea what was in store for him.

"What am I going to do? This." I punched him right in nose, retracting my bloody knuckles he fell forward, getting his blood all over my skinny jeans. I pushed him off and turned my attention to the scrawny blond.

"Here, let me help you." I held out my not-bloody hand and he took it. I pulled him up and he brushed himself off.

"Thanks, the name's Nick."

"Paisley. So uh, he probably won't mess you with anymore. Ha ha, you alrigh'?" He nodded. We both turned our heads to sound of high heels and a nasally voice. The jock and the principal were marching down the hallway. She was staring daggers at me and he was smirking, covered in his own blood. She looked at both of us.

"Office. Now."

We were sat side by side in her office in extremely comfy chairs, this was now this is a punishment I could get used to.

"Now Ms. Filler, I understand it's your first day here but violence is unacceptable."

"Yeah I know, but bloody nose over there was picking on Nick." I pleaded my case. She looked over to Nick and asked him about it.

"Is this true?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Then why haven't you told anyone about it, Mr. Goldstein?"


"Because it's high school; he could've told Jesus and he wouldn't care." I interrupted.

She shot me a look, I gulped. Am I terrified by this lady? Well, I guess I have a good enough reason to be, she looks like a pterodactyl.

"That's-that's not true. We put a stop to bullying at this school!"

I arched my eyebrow and pointed out her window to the scene of two girls, most likely seniors, picking on a freshman.

"Then what's that?"

She turned bright red and shoved Nick and I out of her office. I turned to him and smiled. He looked completely dumbfounded. As he should be, I'm not your everyday girl. I turned on my heel and walked back to class. I opened the door to Mr. Bilby's room and everyone gasped at my blood covered jeans. It was extremely bad because they were white.

"Don't worry - it's not mine." I said and smirked, taking my seat at Asia's lab bench.

Lunch time rolled around and I found Krystle, walking toward Asia and I, note in her hands.

"What's that?" I asked when she stopped in front of us, eyes still on the note. Her head snapped up and then back to the note.

"Oh, this? It's um, I really don't know. Read it." She forced the note up to my face, the words getting blurry due to me being farsighted. I took the note from her and held it at a readable distance.

"Oh my god! My little sister has her first secret admirer!" She pouted.

"We're twins, retard!"

"I'm older by three seconds, mum said so." I poked her nose and she sneezed. We were talking and laughing when Nick and two other boys came up to our table.

"Guys, this is Paisley. A.K.A. Hilliard High's new bad ass." A smile played on his lips. I arched my eyebrow and grinned.

"Spreading rumors about me, Nicholas?" I teased him, he sat down and the other two followed suit.

"So," I popped my gum. "who're the two good looking son-of-a-gun's you brought along?"

"That's Luke and that's Nick." They waved and I nodded.

"Just another reason for me to call you Nicholas, avoid confusing you two up. Or even better, Nicholarse." I smiled playfully at him. He was blushing and awkward. What can I say, I know my way around boys.

After school let out I was walking through the parking lot with Krystle discussing her note when Nick swung around and stopped in front of us.

"Hey, you want to come hangout at the studio?" He raised his eyebrow. I had this boy in the bag.

"Hmmm, sure. Why not? We'll follow you there, okay?" He nodded and pulled into the parking lot entrance. We got into the car.

"So who do you think the note's from?" I asked, following Nick into the street and making a right turn.

We narrowed the choices down to boys in her science class and she said Luke.

"What?!" My eyes were opened as far as my eye makeup would allow.

"Well, yeah. I mean, he sits in front of me and no one else could've gotten it there so fast."

"The fuck?"

"I don't know! But he said he could help me with my shyness..."

"That means he wants to fuck you. Or date you, he doesn't seem like the kinda' boy who has it in him fuck a girl." Her jaw dropped and then she blushed.

"What? What I mean is he just seems like a nice guy, like he can be trusted okay?" I didn't have to hear her response as we pulled into the drive way behind Nick.

"So, where are we?" I asked him, taking out my phone and looking a new text.

"Paper Tiger Studios." That explains so much, Nicholas. I rolled my eyes. We followed him inside and down some complicated stairs. There were six boys waiting and they were all staring at us.

"Hey." I flashed them a brilliant smile. Krystle did the same.

"Dude! Twins?" Another blond boy said, eyes opened wide. Actually, almost everyone in the room was blond. Nicholas, the guy in the red hat, Luke, the guy at the computer, and another guy with a rubber band on his face.

"Shut up Marshal. Okay, that's Marshal, Sean, and Bobby." They waved.

"I'm Paisley. I saved Nick's ass earlier. I'm sure you've heard of me by now." I beamed and they all laughed.

"I'm Krystle. And horrible at introductions and, hey can I have a slice of pizza?" A.D.D. much?

"Sure." Luke grabbed a plate and put a slice of cheese on it and handed it to her.

We'd been in Bobby's studio goofing off for four hours. I checked my phone and the blue digital letters read 6:23.

"Oh shit. Um, we gotta go." I said, grabbing up my stuff and helping Krystle grab hers. We were on our way out the door when Nicholas came running up to us, leaves crunching under his weight.

"Hey! Can I get your numbers?" He called after us. We both turned around at the same time. It's a twin thing I'm sure.

"Sure," I pulled out a pen and wrote my number on his hand. I handed it to Krystle and she did the same on the other hand. We got back in the car and drove the way we came. But before pulling off Nicholas waved to us. I attempted to return it but ended up breaking a nail on the window.
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