Ready When You Are

Screw The Standard

On Sunday I was rudely awakened by Nick and Paisley jumping on my bed. They were giggling and squealing.

"Hey, get the fuck off me!" I screamed and kicked at their ankles. I hit Nick and he fell backwards and pulled my covers with him. Paisley was still jumping on me so I got up and jumped with her. We stopped jumping, contained our giggles and Nick raised his hand.

"Yes Nicholas?" I said picking up a hoodie and tossing it into the clothes bin.

"We're playing Loganpolooza four!" My smile tore my face in half; Luke had been promoting this show for weeks trying to get on the bill and now they were on it.

"Oh my God that's great Hun!" Paisley squealed and jumped on him, tackling him to the ground. He shifted under her weight so he wasn't so squished.

"Yeah," his words were choked due to the sudden weight addition playing with his hair. "it'll be great." He sat up and kissed Paisley on the forehead. The three of us walked down stairs and I saw my mum cooking breakfast. We walked passed her in a line, each of us kissing her on the cheek. I slid into a seat at the breakfast bar and watched Nick drink from our orange juice carton. Note to self: do NOT drink orange juice until we go shopping again.

My mum slid plates in front of us and picked up her own.

"Krystle, Luke called and said My Ticket Home got on the bill. And that you would know that means." I took a bite of my eggs and nodded.

"Yeah, Nick jumped on me then told me." I glared in his direction, he just looked at me with his mouth full of bacon and eggs.


It was the day before Loganpolooza and I was told in a note that I just had to come help set up equipment. I parked my car, locked the doors twice and just stared at the Newport Music Hall. It was gorgeous outside, the inside had to be spectacular, and it was. It had gracious high ceilings, balconies, a high stage, great lighting and just so much atmosphere. I was busy admiring things when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and lips touch the back of my neck.

"Hi Luke." I breathed and leaned into him. He squeezed me and let me go. I turned around and kissed his nose.

"Okay so what are we setting up?" I asked, watching Preston from Arise walk across the stage with a box full of extensions cords.

"Well, we aren't setting up anything. You're here to watch sound check. Paisley is back stage with Silver. Yeah..." He trailed off. He kissed my cheek before running off toward Preston shouting about microphone stands. I walked up the stairs on the side of the stage and took a right. I opened the door to the lounge and saw my sister and Silver chatting. Silver looked up at me and waved, Paisley stuck her tongue out at me. Five year old. I took a seat next to my sister and reached for a red bull.

The three of us were in the middle of a conversation about what sneaker brands would have good high heels when Nick S. opened the door.

"Guys, come out here! Sound check!" He turned and ran back to the stage. We all got up and followed him. My Ticket Home, Arise, and The Night Life were all sound checking together. Nicholas breathed into the mic and said, "Ready?" The others nodded and the song started with Nick S. playing keyboard. I immediately recognized the song as T-Pain's "Buy You A Drank". I smiled as they began singing it, it sounded funny but amazing. They quickly transitioned into "Heregoesnothing" by NeverShoutNever. I saw the smile on Paisley face implode; this was her favorite song and now Nick was singing it for her. Then something I'd never expect happened. The other instruments cut out and Luke stepped up to the microphone. I heard the beat to the song "Hello Seattle" and almost started crying. This was Luke and I's song, he sang it so perfectly too. They had the karaoke track playing over the PA system, the other musicians left quietly and Luke kept singing. After the song ended he shaped his hands into a perfect heart before walking off stage.

Afterward we all went to dinner at Hard Rock Cafe. By "we" I mean My Ticket Home, Arise and us. We were squished into two booths. I saw the staff walking towards our table with a cake and everyone got quiet. Today wasn't anyone's birthday that I knew of. They started singing and set the cake down.

"Happy birthday to you dear Will, happy birthday to you!" Will blew out the candles and the staff left.

"Dude, it's your birthday?" I looked at him and just laughed. He pulled out his phone and started texting. My cellphone vibrated and I read the text.

No, I do this every time we come here.
I just want free ice cream cake.

I laughed after reading the text and took a piece of Will's "birthday" cake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next will be saucy.
I swear

-Paisley, STILL with no iPhone.