Show 'em what you're made of


Ugh. This is one of those times where I wish that I didn't live in the Upper East Side. The people here make me sick, especially that couple making out in the corner - Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf. Then again, it shouldn't be so surprising. Those two are probably the most materialistic people in all of Manhattan. Blair's tolerable at times, but she can also be an annoying little bitch. Chuck, well, he's just a manwhore who never even liked a girl until he hooked up with Blair the night before her seventeenth birthday - the same night she broke up with my cousin Nate.

Stupid Nate. It's his fault I'm here anyway. His father, my uncle, got sent to rehab for a cocaine problem so my father had to step in to do some damage control.

Hah, I always thought my uncle was messed up and now I know why.

I love my family and everything, but this is not who I want to be.

My family doesn't understand me. They don't realize that I don't want to be a social climber. I want to be a musician. Why else would I watch Hannah Montana and JONAS whenever they show on TV? They're the only appealing shows to me because they're about musicians. Yeah, they're not centered around the best musicians in the world, but they're still centered around music which is all I really care about anyway.

Of course, my parents refuse to let me follow my dreams. They want me to give up and do something more practical. They don't think I have what it takes, but I know I do.

Nate is the only person in my family that seems to actually support me. It's just too bad my parents won't listen to him, which is understandable considering the fact he's a total pothead.'s nice knowing that there's someone in this goddamn town that actually wants me to follow my dreams.

Somebody surprised me by placing their hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and asked, "Who are you?"

They replied, "Pete Wentz."

I widened my eyes in shock. I squealed, "OMG!"

Pete chuckled, "I guess you're a fan."

I nodded, "Duh! I have most of your studio albums - except for Evening Out With Your Girlfriend."

He snorted, "That's just a bunch of crappy demos anyway. You're not missing out on much."

I replied, "Oh! Anyway, what brings you here to the Upper East Side?"

He answered, "Looking for somebody willing to perform at Angels & Kings next weekend."

Nate's cheerful voice came out of nowhere, surprising us both, "Melissa sings!"

Pete raised his eyebrow, "Really? Let's hear something."

I replied, "Well, I don't have any music with me so I guess I'll do it without instruments right now."

I took a deep breath before I sang, "I'm not just a girl, another bimbo with diamonds and pearls. Hear me when I say, I'm gonna break through and show you my way. I'll show you where I stand, you're gonna see me for all that I am. It's time to see, my destiny."

He clapped, "That was great, you're hired!"

After that, we exchanged numbers so he'd be able to contact me and then he left.

I turned to my cousin and hugged him, "Thanks so much!"

Nate laughed, "No problem, Liss," he paused for a moment before continuing, "What was that song about anyway? I've never heard it before"

I sighed, "Everything about the Upper East Side. I hate it here, Nate. I hate having to wear clothes that barely allow me to breathe. I don't like having to be on time for everything, even when I don't want to be there at all. Haven't any of these people ever heard of being fashionably late?"

He nodded, "Well, look on the bright side. If the gig goes well, then you'll be out of here in no time. No more dressing up like a movie star for no reason, no more airtight clothes, and no more uptight parents. You'll make it, Liss, I know you will."

I smiled, "Yeah, and it's all thanks to you."

++++ One Week Later at Angels & Kings ++++

I yelled at Nate, "I don't think I can do this."

He smacked the back of my head and said, "Yes, you can. You've been waiting for this opportunity your entire life. Now's your chance to show everyone what you're made of. You didn't sneak out just to give up. You may never get this chance again. Now go out there and wow the crowd with your amazing talents."

I gulped, "I hope you're right."

++++ Three Years Later ++++

I laughed at my cousin, "You know, I never thanked you."

He raised his eyebrow, "For what?"

I grinned, "For making me perform that night. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am now."

He chuckled, "Oh, how could I forget? You totally freaked out when that Hollywood Records executive spoke to you."

I rolled my eyes, "Not the point, Nathaniel."

He asked, "Then what is?"

I smiled, "The point is, if you hadn't pushed me to perform. I would have never been able to show my parents that I could make it in the music business."

He laughed.

I asked him, "What's so funny?"

He smiled, "The song on the radio."

Grown up
She just turned 16
Stuck in the moment
Dead at the scene
And it's on tonight
This is the life that you wanted, right?
So turn off all the lights
Dressed up just like a movie star
At all the parties they'll know who you are
Wouldn't it be great, to be fashionably late?
So why don't you wait, till you're sedated

Don't it feel like something's not right in his kiss tonight?

Yeah what I'm saying is do you, do you want to lose it all?
Cause this is more than just a dance hall drug
You can't wait to fall in love
All I'm saying is do you, do you want to learn to fly?
Then you should pack it up and say goodbye
Cause when the push comes to the shove
It's just a dance hall drug

Step in and you can lock the door
The candles are lit and the clothes on the floor
You could take a chance on finding romance
Now you're holding hands
But he's got other plans
Tick-tock, the clock is turning red
The room won't stop spinning and thoughts in your head
And it's too late
You feel like you're making a big mistake
You should've waited

Don't it feel like something's not right in his kiss tonight?

Yeah what I'm saying is do you, do you want to lose it all?
Cause this is more than just a dance hall drug
You can't wait to fall in love
All I'm saying is do you, do you want to learn to fly?
Then you should pack it up and say goodbye
Cause when the push comes to the shove
It's just a dance hall drug

Just wait love
Show 'em what you're made of

Don't it feel like something's not right in his kiss tonight?

Do you, do you want to lose it all?
Cause this is more than just a dance hall drug
You can't wait to fall in love
All I'm saying is do you, do you want to learn to fly?
Then you should pack it up and say goodbye
Cause when the push comes to the shove
It's just a dance hall drug
Do you, do you want to lose it all?
Cause this is more than just a dance hall drug
You can't wait to fall in love
All I'm saying is do you, do you want to learn to fly?
Then you should pack it up and say goodbye
Cause when the push comes to the shove
It's just a dance hall drug
♠ ♠ ♠
"Dance Hall Drug" belongs to Boys Like Girls. The song Melissa sings belongs to Kate Alexa.