Miss Goth '09

Miss Goth '09- Part Two

“Bye Piper, Kyra, James, and Aiden. Cya! Piper I’ll call you.”
I turned the corner and ran right into Abercrombie dude, a.k.a Mark.
“Sorry.” We both said at the same time.
“Hey, I was waiting for you.”
“You were?” I raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure your not mistaking me for Kyra?”
He smiled, “No, I’m sure.”
He extended his hand,” I’m Mark.”
I looked at it as if it was a foreign object, “Seriously?”
“What do you mean?”
“Its 2009 nobody shakes hands.”
“Well I do.”
I extended my hand as well,” I’m Lacey.”
“Nice to meet you.”
I burst out laughing,” I’m sorry, it’s just-“I started laughing again.
“I guess this is a bit silly.”
“Yea, well I gotta go I have to catch the bus.”
“Wait,” he grabbed my arm,” Let me give you a ride.”
“No offense dude, but your preppy and scary. So I’m gonna have to take a rain check.”
“Don’t you ride with weirdo’s on the bus?”
I made a face. He got me. “Fine, but anything weird and I’m walking.”
He tossed his head back and laughed and I followed him.
“Wow nice ride.”
It was a 2008 sliver Jaguar.
“Hop in Barbie doll.”
Ugh, he’s luckily he’s hot and he’s car is cool cause that Barbie thing was not gonna fly. Bratz have a much better style.
I opened the door and slid into the soft dark seats,” Wow.”
He started up the car and we listened to the low hum, “Lacey, are you going to give me directions or not?”
“Oh sorry.” I gave him directions and sat back and enjoyed the ride.
“So you’re not into the whole preppy look are you?”
I gave him a look, “Gee, what gave you that idea? My makeup or my outfit.” (Personally I thought my black skinny legs and ripped tee were fine).
He blushed embarrassed, “No, I mean you seem kinda repulsed by ‘preppy people’.”
“It’s not repulsion we just have our differences.”
“So you a Carly are friends then?”
I pretended to gag,” As if!”
“That sounded pretty preppy.”
I had to laugh, “Too many Clueless reruns.”
“Well what’s wrong with-“He glanced at me, “I guess that’s a loaded question.”
“Yea.” He pulled up in my driveway.
“Thanks for the ride.”
“See you around, Lacey.”
I waved as he peeled out of the driveway and walked into the house. I smelled spaghetti in the kitchen so I followed my nose.
“Hey mom.”
“Hey honey.”
Okay I might I well tell you about my family. My mom met my dad at a Halloween costume party. My mom was dressed as Elvira and my dad was dressed as a vampire. They realized they had a lot in common, like their love for old monster movies. They hooked up, fell in love and had me. Then when I was about 6 they had my twin sisters, Muse and Rave. My mom’s an interior decorator and my dad teaches at the community college as a drama professor. My sisters, whom are 11 and in the 6th grade are totally awesome, their just like me. Their totally into the Gothic thing. We even look alike. When we used to go out with our mom people would think we were all sisters. My dad’s kinda big. He has that whole old time vampire thing going on, slick black hair, really classical handsome. So that’s basically me family. I absolutely love them. I’m really lucky to have them.
“Did you have a good day at work?”
“Yea, same old same.”
I took out a bowl and started making the salad, “Where are Muse and Rave?”
“In the living room watching TV.”
“Has dad gotten home yet?”
“Nope, he called and said he had a couple of papers to grade so he’ll be home soon.”
“Hello my beautiful girls,” my dad came in set his case on the table and gave my mom a kiss.
I turned a bit grossed out. It’s so weird to watch them make-out and stuff. Old people pda, yuck.
“Lacey, get your sisters.”
I left, glad to get away. Muse was sprawled on the couch our black pug, Shadow, in her arms. Rave was curled up with our black cat, Nightmare.
“Yo, time to eat.”
As surprising as it is to some people, (I guess our gothic exterior) we eat dinner together every night. After dinner I decided to call Piper and tell her about the strange car ride.
“Hey Piper, it’s me.”
“Sup, what’s happening?”
I told her about the majorly weird car ride.
“Well, he’s either a hot stalker or a hot weirdo.”
“Fingers crossed.”
“Plus, haven’t your parents ever taught you stranger danger? He could have been a hot axe murder.”
“Yeah, Piper I should be thankful I’m alive.”
“Ha, ha. One day your gonna wish you listened to me.”
“Yea, yea. Piper I gotta go I’ll see you Monday.”
“Alright, bye.”
Even though it was early I changed into my pajamas of black bottoms and a red cotton tank. I turned my I-pod on bopped around my room to Decode by Paramore. Oddly enough that put me right to sleep.
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