Miss Goth '09

Miss Goth '09-Part Nine

“Whoa, Lacey.”
I twirled for Aiden, “Eat your heart out.”
I was starting to become more confident now that everyone was saying they liked my look.
“You look awful.”
“There was nothing wrong with you before.”
“I know that, I’m doing this to win homecoming.”
“But this is just fake. If people didn’t want to vote for you before what’s so different now? A shiny exterior?”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” I climbed into his truck.
He pulled off, “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”
“Yeah right,”
“No, I’m serious. I should have kept my comments to myself.”
“You mean lie?”
“Yeah, “he laughed, “Like I normally do.”
I stuck my tongue out at him, “You suck.”
He parked and we walked into Hot Topic. Kyra and James messed in my hair and tried to ‘Goth me up’.
I worked happily beside my friends until 6. I grabbed my bag and stood outside for Aiden while he finished putting the boxes up.
“Hey Barbie!”
I looked as Mark jogged up to me, “Hey glad I caught you.”
“Really? More stalking?”
He pushed his hair from his face, “No, I’ve been wanting to ask you something-“
“Lacey let’s go.” Aiden stopped and glared at Mark, “Hey.”
“Lacey, I really need to talk to you. Can I drive you home?”
Aiden grabbed my arm, “She’s cool.”
I shrugged him off, “Sure Mark. That be great.”
“I don’t like this guy,” Aiden whispered in my ear
“Big surprise.”
I walked back with Mark to his car, “Thanks for the ride.”
“No biggie.”
I buckled in, “So what did you want to ask me?”
“I know this may seem dumb, but I need help in some subjects. You know since I transferred a bit late.”
“So you want me to tutor you?”
“If you don’t mind.”
“No, no I’m honored you think I’m smart enough.”
“Well I didn’t wanna ask some total stranger.”
‘So how much are you paying me?”
He laughed, “You get right on it, huh?”
“Damn right.”
“$40 per subject and $60 for extra.”
“It’s a deal.”
He pulled into my driveway, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I walked into my house and was surprised by Kylie standing in the kitchen.
“Omg Lacey I love your mom.”
I looked at her confused, “Kylie, what are you doing here?”
“I can’t hang out with my new friend’s family?”
“No, I just wasn’t expecting you.”
I set my things down, “Lacey get your sisters please.”
“Dinner!” I screamed upstairs. We all sat down at the table my mom passed out plates. Pork chops smothered in gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, and green beans.
“Yum my fav thanks mom!” I dug in. After not eating lunch (I ran out so fast I forgot to grab something) I was starving.
“Oh, I’m sorry Mrs. Skye,” Kylie pushed her plate away, “I don’t eat meat.”
We all stared at her. Were strict carnivores over here.
“Oh well we might have some left over salad.”
“Thanks,” Kylie smiled brightly, “I just can’t stand the thought of eating a poor little piggy.”
My dad cleared his throat, “Well its good people stick up for what they believe in.”
Dinner was unusually quiet except for Kylie’s consent chatter.
“I’ll help you clean up, mom.” I offered.
“Come on Lacey, show me your room.” Kylie grabbed my arm and led me upstairs.
She opened my room door (I had decorated my door with pics of me and my friends) “Wow how gothic.”
She looked around my room, dug in my closet, and looked on my computer.
“Okay Kylie why are you over here?”
She flopped on my bed, “So have you kissed him yet?”
“It’s so totally obvi that you like Mark.”
“Short for obvious.”
“Anyway you like Mark, right?”
“Well…” I did kind of like him. He was funny and nice. Plus he was amazingly hot.
“I knew it!” Kylie squealed jumping up, “You like him!”
“Okay, okay I might like him.”
“Well have you made any moves?”
“Flirting, hello! “
“No, “I blushed, “I’m not really good at flirting.”
“Ummm no duh,” Kylie rolled her eyes and sat up, “That’s why I’m going to help you.”
Kylie helped me work on my ‘sexy walk’ picked out a ‘sexy outfit’ (another word for sluty) and showed me some of her best flirting tricks.
“Now don’t forget to smile and show off the girls.” Kylie said as she grabbed her bag to leave, “And wear one of those push ups Tameka bought you. I’ve seen bigger boobs on 12 year old boys.”
I blushed at the mention of my small chest. Okay so I’m an extremely late bloomer sue me. She waved goodbye and shut the door. I looked at the outfit she picked for me, a short dark demin skirt with black and white ruffles and the Hello Kitty logo at the bottom, a short black tank top that showed my stomach and a lot of my barely there cleavage, black high heeled wedges and a lot of really cute accessories. Like a bunch of long beads, silver hooped earrings, and a cute Betty Boop necklace. Maybe I could get used to all this super fiscal crap.
I changed into my push bra and matching pantie set and climbed into bed. I turned my i-pod on and softly sang myself to sleep.
I walked into the school swinging my shirt shaped purse and trying to work my hips like Kylie taught me.
“Hey baby!” I heard calls from all directions. I smiled, waved, and tossed my hair.
I shook the curly strands of my hair out of my face. The rest was held back with a black and white polka dot bow.
“Lacey?” Aiden looked at me in amazement looking my body up and down.
I smiled,” Hey Aiden, like what you see?”
“No, I mean..”
I winked at him and strutted on my way. I felt so empowered. I had the guys under my thumb and I loved the feeling.
I walked into class with my head held high. Heather jaw dropped as I walked past her. Ha, now what bitch?
I sat in my seat and crossed my legs, “Hey.”
“Wow, Lacey.”
Mark’s eyes searched my body, “You’re not very articulate.”
I laughed and batted my eyes like I was trying to fly away.
“Well, I guess being around you makes me stupid.”
“More so than usual?”
He laughed, “Very funny.”
“Lacey, really you look amazing.”
“Thanks,” I tossed my hair and sat up straighter.
“You wanna hang out later on today?”
“I thought were supposed to be studying?”
“Can’t that wait?” He gave a puppy dog pout.
“Sorry, I’m going to make you smarter even if I have to chain you down.”
“Please do.”
I smiled and turned to face the front. Hook. Line. Sinker.