Give Our Rights Away, Arise And Seize The Day

You forgot your shoes!

“So, does this mean we’re together,” Ryan smirked while cuddling with Tori.

“Just shut up,” she kissed him again before playing around with his hair. “I still have to clean this shithole you call a house.”

“Yeah, I kn-holy fuck,” he jumped out of bed and began to get dressed. “I’m so late for recording!!” He ran around his room while Tori just watched. “I…uh….I’ll be home later. Sometime. I don’t know!”

“Wait,” she yelled after him, not moving from the bed “You forgot your shoes!”

The door slammed before he had anytime to respond. She laughed lightly before getting dressed and grabbing the phone. “Hello?

“I knew you would be at my house,” she began to clean up Ryan’s room.

I like to spend the day here,” Gerard said. “Your couch is sooooo comfy!

“Go figure. What are you up to?”

Just writing lyrics and stuff for the band. I figured no one would bother me at your house, well except for you.

“Sounds like fun. Sorry I have to miss.”

Well have you done anything exciting yet today.

She was quiet for a second, thinking about if she should tell him about her and Ryan. “Just been cleaning,” she decided to say, starting to make the bed.

Awesome,” he said excitedly. “I got to go, call me when you’re leaving or something.

“Whatever you say,” she hung up and continued cleaning.


“Okay, so today you will behave correct,” Brendon asked Maddie while she got changed from breakfast to their afternoon activities.

“I shouldn’t have to been told how to act,” she commented.

“They like you,” he tried reassuring. “They just have a funny way of showing it.”

“Bull shit.”

“Just stop bashing them and get used to them. You wanted to do this,” he blamed her.

“I never said I didn’t,” she turned from the mirror to look at him. “I don’t appreciate having to change my attitude cause your parents have a stick up their asses!”

He didn’t say anything, just looked at her. She sighed and went back to finishing her make-up. He came up behind her after a moment of silence and hugged her from behind. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be changing your attitude.”

“Don’t start apologizing, now you’re going to make me feel bad.”

“Well I don’t know what the hell you want me to do!”

“Just relax for now,” she finished up.

“Whatever,” he grabbed her hand and lead her outside to the car. “We might just be on time this once.”

She sighed and looked out the window while he drove away from the house. Her phone buzzed a few minutes later.

I’m going to do it! :)

She looked over to see if Brendon was reading. He was too busy tapping to the song on the radio playing softly.

Are you definitely sure about it?

Positive. I’m going out to get the goods now.

She smiled a little. Okay. Tell me how it goes.

“We’re here,” Brendon spoke, pulling into the dock. His parents were waiting on their boat to go for a ride. The main reason was so that Maddie and his mom could “talk”. They stepped out of the car and he lead her over.

“Ahoy,” his dad yelled over at them, waving.

“Hey,’ Brendon waved back.

“We didn’t think you would make it,” his mom laughed lightly before handing them drinks. “We’re just going for a sail around the bay. You don’t get sea sick, do you Maddie?”

“No, not really,” she shrugged.

“Excellent, come sit next to me,” she patted a seat on the boat. A few minutes into the bay, she began to speak again. “So, do you love my son?”

“I do,” she smiled proudly.

“Great,” she smiled back. “Any plans for marriage?”

Maddie began coughing, obviously off-guard by the question. She raised an eyebrow at her as she finished coughing. “Um…well nothing came up just yet that related to that topic.”

“My son is the most important thing to me,” she began, looking at the water. “I only look out for his best intentions. You should know that he has dated plenty of girls in his past, all of which didn’t meet my standards.”

“You’re standards?”

“Yes, my standards. I want what I think is best for him. If that means that he is in love with a girl that has no intentions of marrying him, then what’s the point of being in the relationship?”

“Are you saying you want us to break-up?”

“Well, no. But if it isn’t going anywhere…,” she sipped her drink.

“I want to be with your son and you aren’t going to tell him who he can’t and can date! He is a grown man,” she stood up.

“Sit down, dear. You don’t want to cause another scene do you?”

“Another, oh no,” she waved her hand and walked over to Brendon. “Tell your dad to turn this boat around.”

“Are you being serious?! You can’t get along with her for two seconds?!”

“If you don’t then I will,” she threatened.

“Good luck,” he laughed at her before her fist met his stomach. He doubled over in horrible pain.

“Mr. Urie,” Maddie called. “I don’t think Brendon is feeling well.”

He looked over. “Oh good Lord, Brendon, not in the boat!” Mrs. Urie ran over to his side.

“Was it the eggs this morning, honey?”

He looked at Maddie who was glaring at him. “Yeah, the eggs,” he lied. “Can we just go back home?”


Gerard was ready. He was determined. Nothing was going to stop him down. All of these months of planning and texting Maddie secretly without Tori knowing. It was the perfect night also. He sat on the front stoop, a little to anxious considering the fact it was 1 a.m. He sat there waiting for over an hour without realizing it. His phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out to read the message.

Not coming home tonight. Staying over Ryan’s.

He stared at the message before getting up and going inside. On his path to the kitchen, he blew out all the candles he had lit. He throw away the flowers he was holding, grabbed his keys, and left the house for the night.
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I'm writing like there's no tomorrow right now.
no more updates tonight though.
night! :).